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One response to “BLOG”

  1. Robert Suppenbach Avatar
    Robert Suppenbach

    You must ask yourself one question, who has been lying to us all along, the internet or the mainstream media, well let’s just look at that covid-19 the killer virus the internet said that the vaccine was the Killer, the internet said hydroxychloroquine and or Ivermectin will help the covid symptoms the media told you it was dog medicine, not to take it it will kill you, by the way they are the safest Two drugs on the market, we were told 911 happen because of Iranians with box cutters come to find out it had something to do with the gold in building number 7, I E this is how we know bush is dead. how far back do you want to go? John F Kennedy was not killed by some long gunman in a building a blocks away, and you may not know, Lee Harvey Oswald was killed by a ex-cop dying of cancer. lame stream media or Internet, sorry but my money is on the internet. because the truth is killing the Deep state, which are nothing more then a bunch of devil worshiping pedophiles.

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