446 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
I have been researching Marshall Law and have found it can only be imposed by the President. This can be superseded by the Judge Advocate General (JAG) but he is the leader of military attorneys who are all members of the BAR Association. The people seem to have no recourse of Law against the corruption of our government. We are forced to live under tyranny even though all law condemns those holding our “Public Offices”. Only Jesus Christ can restore justice to the American people, without his introvention I fear our nation is lost. All of my years of work were for nothing, “Lawfare” is a staked deck by attorneys who are not accountable to the law they claim to practice. The people have suffered greatly under this dictatorship of attorneys who use the illusion of lawful conduct to lable the people “convicted felons”. All of these sovereigns were subjected to treason in our courts and though many lawfully challenged their cases few were able to overcome the conspiracy. Is this Justice?
Since June 4th the United States of America is deemed an “Outlaw” and declare “dead in law”. This was done because President Biden refued to enforce our Constitution and Laws. The United States Senate is deemed an “Outlaw” and declared “dead in law” becuse the “Senate Majority Leader” refused to enforce the Constitution and Laws. The Supreme Court of the United States is deemed an “Outlaw” and declared “dead in law” because they are allowing Article IV Courts (UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS) to coduct judicial process in “Lawfare” without jurisdiction. The refusal to enforce lawful orders of a Court of Record establishes “criminal contempt of court” which establishes those individuals are subject to “Penal liability” that is supposed to be enforced by U.S. Marshals. But these contemnors are attorneys and judges so no accountability is allowed. Law is equally enforced on all or there is no law at all. So the law is written to allow all knowledge of law.
Democrats are scared of revenge by Trump and are fear mongering the Public to believe he will be a dictator. Dems have violated our law by their lawfare where the accused is denied all rights, privileges and immunities. What they really fear is accountability if they lose control of our government. I ask why shouldn’t they be held accountable for crimes they have committed in our Public Offices? The only way to restore justice is to hold all equally accountable who have violated the law. Today false law is used by democrats to persecute republicans and imprison them. This conduct is criminalized by real law as treason for acting without jurisdiction. Dems abuse of power has caused the people to fear government and believe if they speak out against the conduct they will be targeted for persecution. This is tyranny that caused our forefathers to write our “Declaration of Independence”. We must stand united in support of real law and oppose tyranny of the democrats.
The problem with our society is separation of the classes. I believe the peacemaker is Donald Trump. But he does not understand the problems of the poor, he is kept in a bubble controlled by those around him. We who are fighting “lawfare” and know it is wrong cannot reach Trump who has the ability to end it. Trump gets his information from attorneys who stand to lose their power if Trump learns of their manipulation. Attorneys’ job is to make you believe what is being done to you is right, lawful and morally acceptable to society, when in fact it is all lies. We who know the real law, know all attorneys’ actions are corrupt and unconstitutional but they control the powerful men who could stop it. They want us to believe Trump does not care about us and only seeks the power of the Presidency. I believe Trump does care about us because every time the barriers have been breached Trump has acted on support of the cause. We the poor have no ability to reach Trump with the truth and are forced to fight injustice without resources or ability to hold those accountable for their crimes. Trump will come to know the truth of lawfare and when he does he will end it forever. Until then we the poor will suffer on.
Since Trump refuses to make public evidence that will stop “Lawfare” the only option left to the people is “Marshal law”. Defined as “2. A body of firm, strictly enforced rules that are imposed because of a preception by the country’s rulers that civil government has failed, or might fail, to function. Marshal law is usu. imposed when the rulers foresee an invasion, insurrection, economic collapse, or other breakdown of the rulers’ desired social order.” [Black’s Law Dictionary, Eighth Edition, page 996]. But our military does not serve the interests of the people, they believe government is our “Rulers”. In our Constitutional Republic the people are sovereign and rule our government. Since the military serves politicians they should finace the military, since they serve no useful purpose to the people no public money should be granted to them. It is time government learned we do not need them, we can defend ourselves. People want law enforced. In God we trust.
With Trump standing with attorneys and their “Fiction of law” against our rights, privileges and immunities “We the people” are no longer able to be sovereign. God given rights no longer dictate justice in our nation, we must accept our fate to be pawns of the establishment. I had the faith of a mustard seed justice could be restored to the people and did the work to show the real law. Today I see no way for us to win, Trump is allowed, but the average is not. Trump has refused to even listen by refusing registered mail Tracking Number US055740372US. Our Republic is lost in my opinion and I can no longer support any politician. I fear for our children and grandchildren what attorneys will do to them in the future. Today they can take our life, liberty and freedom without an injured party. The next step is to kill us for any challenge to their authority. I will be setting home on November 5th i cannot support any politician. I await the return of Jesus Christ to restore justice to us.
It seems Trump’s Executive Offices have refused Registered Mail RC055740372US that can be tracked by USPS Tracking. This lawful process is a method of commerce for conducting business in our society. Many stand to lose their power when sovereignty is restored to the people. It seems those responsible to conduct Trump’s business are refusing to act honorably in this situation. Of course attorneys stand to lose all those defense fees when the truth of their conduct is known. I believe Trump is an honorable man being kept in the dark by those around him. Time for the light of truth to penitrate the darkness. God has a plan and everything is on schedule.
The “Director of the United States Marshals Service” (Ronald L. DAVIS) was “Ordered” by Tribunal to jail 16 members of government for contempt of court. But he refused. The United States Marshals only enforce the orders of fraudulent UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS. They serve no interests of the American People and should be abolished.
Our right to freedom of speech is being violated by YouTube. Democrats are allow any racist statement, but any response is deemed hate speech and censored by YouTube. It seems YouTube is supporting racists like Lemon, Whoppi and the View to spout hate against white people and I am tired of being guilty of being white. God made each and everyone of us and we are perfect by His design. But there are those in position of power that believe hate is the way to control the people by allowing blacks to hate whites and silencing whites who have a different opinion. YouTube seems to want a race war and by allowing Democrats to engage in hate speech and forcing whites to accept the narrative without challenge are bringing back racial segregation. Only racists need racism, the rest of us can live without it. It seems YouTube needs racism and use that platform to be relevant among racists. Perhaps all white people should boycott YouTube until all can express their view.
https://Americansrepublicparty.org -
Today two documents were delivered to the President who has 10 days to hold a press conference to execute the “Orders” of the Common Law Court of Record. These are “Enforcement USDC” and “Enforcement States”. These are available on the website for all to review.
These deal with the denial of due process of law required by the 5th Amendment of all courts of the United States of America. I am fighting for that which all sovereigns are lawfully entitled to and are being denied by those engaged in organized crime. Biden has 10 days to address these issues or a Bill of Attainder will be filed to remove him from our public office. God’s will be done.
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