435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
My Heavenly Father;
You have shown me your law by leading me to your maxims. “The process of the law is heavy hardship; the execution of the law crowns (or rewards) the work.” Those who claim to serve you claim authority where none is given. “Every jurisdiction has its boundaries.” Your law says, “Let no free man be taken or imprisoned.” Attorneys have abandoned your laws to create a system that violates the rights of the people. “Every right has been derived from consent, established by necessity or confirmed by custom.” Your promise to the people, “We shall sell to no one, deny to no one, or delay to no one equity or justice.” is violated by your judges under their fake law. Your judges have violated their employment contracts that render them void by Your law, “Contracts that have been entered neither illegally nor with fraud must in all respects be observed.” Your law has set the standard of justice, “Let punishment be inflicted on a few, dread on all.” Your law has shown me, “Each and every one of the general principles is its own pledge of trust, and plain truth need not be proved.” Lord I come to you for guidance to lead me to establish justice for all who serve you. This I ask in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. -
My Heavenly Father,
Please allow Trump to see the truth of our courts and the suffering they inflict on the people everyday. He has seen it firsthand and believes he is the only one. Allow him to see justice to the people requires accountability of those who have done wrong. To stop it, permanently. Please send him courage and strength to put a spotlight on the corruption of our Judiciary. These things I ask in the Name of my Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. -
As I see it Trump has one flaw, he is restrained by his attorneys. He has been lawfully served a Revocation of Sovereignty that when made public will restore justice to the people. Our nation has been screaming for accountability but attorneys refuse to prosecute those who have violated our laws. Trump was contracted with to release this document and I am sure he is under threat of attorneys not to release it. I would hate to think they tried to kill him to stop it, but this shows how corrupt our government has become. The need for restoration of justice is long overdue in our nation. But justice will come if not by our law by God’s hand.
If I could give the American People one thing it would be my heart for doing what is right regardless of the consequences. I stood as a sovereign to be persecuted by lawfare served a 10 year sentence without due process of law. I set out to restore justice and our Constitutional Republic and failed to get any support of the people. I dedicated over 30 years of my life to the study of law and was led to God’s law that is much different than that attorneys practice. We are the power of this nation but ignored by the elites. If I had one wish it would be to give you heart to stand against injustice and condemn the conduct of attorneys. But I am only a man, that would take a miracle of God.
What the people fail to see is they need us, without us they can do nothing. They cannot get elected, they cannot get rich and they cannot obtain power without our support. But we hear a few words that we agree with and jump on the bandwagon. We have all the power but none of the desire to do what is right. We live mediocre lives while making the elites powerful enough to abuse our God given rights. We will not take the time to educate ourselves about the true character of those who represent us. We just follow along party lines and get screwed by those we pay to represent us. If we would ever come together in truth we could be great, but we settle for what we have. A crying shame with only ourselves to blame.
God knows I tried to restore sovereignty to the people, but last night Trump called us citizens. We are now all slaves of Democracy only allowed the privileges the elites grant us. We have lost truth, justice and the American dream. Last night my dream of restoring our Constitution Republic died. So I must accept my failure and accept it was not meant to be in God’s will. I must admitt my whole life has been a waste seeking justice in our country where it does not exist. Maybe God will grant me mercy and take me home, until then I will live the failed life of a slave. The problem is God showed me what we could be under God’s Law and brought me to the brink only to be denied. So I must accept my fate to live the sad existance of a “United States citizen” one nation under attorneys with liberty and justice for none, except for elites they allow. What a shame the people will not accept their sovereignty and rule their government as our forefathers intended. In God we trust your will of no
What about justice? The reason justice is so important is because without it truth cannot be established. All our efforts rests in the hands of Trump either he will lead us to justice or it will die in the United States of America. The only way to truely establish justice is to reestablish Article III Constitutional Courts that provide due process of law. The law is clear and irrefutable attorneys are engaged in organized crime under the color of law. I am risking my life to stand alone against this corruption, but if it is my time to go so be it. God’s will over mine. We must come together in principle to secure a lasting nation, right is right and wrong is wrong. God’s Law is the supreme law of the land that defeats all fake law used by attorneys. All I ask is a chance to prove I am right, and show the true greatness of our nation. But if it is not to be, it will just be another failure, another no. Which means God will send me a “new opportunity” to help the people. In God we trust.
What about justice? Requires an examination of the steps that allowed attotneys to gain power over us. Ancient history shows us that Jesus Christ condemned lawyers who ended up crucified by them. We must understand for most of our history the average were kept ignorant of law only those trained in Latin could read law. We had to depend on nobels and clergy to provide law to us. This was designed by Satan to control the masses by allowing those in law to create law to fit their agenda. Our forefathers suffered under this law for generations where all had to worship God at the “Church of England”. After suffering the ravages of the Revolutionary War, our forefathers made the people sovereign over their government by creating a Constitutional Republic. The last act of our forefathers created the 13th Amendment that prohibited attorneys to hold public office. This was the last act of our Continental Congress to protect all generations to come. With the assassination of Lincoln the same year 1865 the 13th Amendment was removed by those seeking power over the people. Shortly after the first BAR Association was established in direct treason to our Constitution. This was achieved by the unlawful creation of the 14th Amendment that made all “Sovereigns” into “United States Citizens” thus creating the foundation of treason that is at a pentacle today. Attorneys are allowed to create fake law to hold sovereigns accountable as citizens. Citizens do not have rights they are slaves. Sovereigns are masters of themselves with all God given rights under God’s law. All attorneys in a public office today are guilty of treason and should face the death penalty. But God told me no vengeance belongs to me. So on March 3, 2023, as Tribunal I abolished all BAR Associations and rescinded all “Titles of Nobility” issued by government in violation of our Constitution. Based upon this act there are no more attorneys in the United States of America. All those in “Public Office” are public servants required to have an “Oath of Office” to support our Constitutional Republic. All those who don’t must be removed and replaced with one who does. There is no longer the question are we a Constitutional Republic or a democracy. Democracy dies today and we Sovereigns must stand united to make sure it never rises again in our nation. God’s law requires truth be established so lies are condemned.
All the attorneys around Trump and in our government are mad as hell at the Secret Service’s failure to kill Trump. The talking heads are all showing their fake outrage and lie to our face they support our Constitution and laws of the United States? If these attorney really support our law they would resign and leave the public office they hold in violation of our 13th Amendment. But attorneys believe they can smooth this over and maintain control of our government. The advisors of Trump, are telling him he has the opportunity to unite the people by stopping accountability and letting by gones be by gones. Satan’s minion are crafty liars and make it all sound so good. But peace without justice is no peace at all. What happened to the man who was shot and raised his fist and yelled fight? Has his confidonts convinced him to forget justice and allow them to remain in power? A leader leads, he does not follow the advice of attorneys. In God we trust law, order and justice will come to us.
Now the mockingbirds of media are pushing not prosecuting Biden for his treason. No attorney should be trusted on any news outlet and those who have lied to us day in and day out, need to be held accountable. All these traitors are enemies of the people and our Constitution and if not held accountable are proof justice does not exist, only the figure head has changed. I believe Trump was saved by God to free our nation of injustice and unite us in truth, but without justice the lies will continue in his administration. What about justice for all those setting in prison without due process of law? All victims of lawfare conducted by attorneys. Are we supposed to just forget about them too? Are we supposed to just forget all the pain and suffering inflicted by attorneys? Are the children who lost their fathers based upon fake law should they be left behind without recourse? There must be a reckoning to restore truth and that can only be achieved by accountability. God’s law not man’s.
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