435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Attorneys are desperate to retain power otherwise they can be held accountable for their treason. Every trial conducted without jurisdiction is treason by the judge. Every prosecution without a complaint is treason by the prosecutor and defense attorney for allowing a trial to be conducted in treason. Trump has paid millions in defense fees to defend against treason, not once has jurisdiction been challenged in any case by his attorneys. This is by design of attorneys as long as a defendant can be kept under threat the lawfare machine makes money. Trump has provided a great service to the American People by showing the system in the light of truth that attorneys have made common practice. This system is not new it goes back to the days of Roman Law where their were slaves and citizens. Citizens were protected and slaves suffered many injustices of the law. Today we are sovereigns in our Constitutional Republic superior to citizens and slaves
God through our forefathers established this -
We must see clearly what is at stake in this election. By controlling our government, our courts, our banks and media, attorneys (Nobels) have created a system of corruption unheard of in our history. This corruption was used in the 2020 election to allow an attorney to steal the public office of President. This was done in states by passing unconstitutional election law that allowed voter fraud, ballot harvesting and stuffing of ballot boxes. This criminal conduct was allowed by the courts, by refusing to hear evidence, that allowed an attorney to retain the power of President. We all know Joe is not capable of this, but those who are handling him are, namely Obama. They were not ready for Trump in 2016 so cheating was not prepared. In 2020 they were ready because they knew they could not beat him, this was done by delaying the results of the election so ballots could be manufactured. Harris is the new puppet of these handlers chosen to maintain lawfare for attorneys. God’s truth.
Kamala Harris is a Democrat promoting mob rule of attorneys who conduct lawfare against sovereigns, by declaring them citizens. Harris like Biden, is an attorney who has built her career by putting pot smokers in prison, withholding evidence in a death penalty case until exposed and as border czar has aided and abetted in the invasion of the United States. Democrats are sheep following in ignorance to the slotter house. Our Constitutional Republic established by Article IV Section 4 creates the people hold sovereign power over government. Democrats hate this power of the people and seek a pure democracy ruled by the elite group commonly known as attorneys. This election will determine whether we are a republic or a democracy. Attorneys only have power under fiction of law, We the people have power under God’s law. There are far more of We the people than there are attorneys. Mob rule mean the largest mob rules, right? God’s will be done. We trust in God over attorneys of mob rule.
Biden is incompetent to be President. Kamala is no better. The Democrats are all lieing to the people that these individuals are running our nation but we all know someone is pulling the strings behind the scenes. We all know Biden did not win the election, the mob of attorneys allowed it to be stolen by refusing to hear evidence of voter fraud. The stage is set for accountability of this treason before a full session of Congress by August 18, 2024. Our nation cannot be made to suffer further under the mob rule of Democracy until January. Trump is the rightful President and should be restored immediately. This is morally right, ethically right and lawfully right under God’s and man’s law. It is time democracy ended in our Constitutional Republic and We the people united in our sovereignty over our government. Ask yourself, If government does not serve us why are we required to pay taxes to support them? The stage is set, let the chips fall where they may, by God’s will. In God we trust
My Heavenly Father:
Please send me patients to be kind to those who lack the vision of how great our Constitutional Republic could be if the lies of the mob of demcrats were seen in the light of truth. You know all my efforts to educate those ignorant of their sovereignty and my desire to help them understand. This has caused my family to suffer financially covering all the costs of this fight alone. I serve you Lord and by doing so evil has shut off the flow of money making us suffer greatly. I trust that you are in control of all things, I ask for your assistance to end this time of limited resources, and allow me to break through the glass ceiling that seperates me from those with the power to make the difference between success and failure. I believe you have prepared me well for this fight, but I cannot do it alone, please send those you have sanctified to restore our nation. Please allow me to be useful in the process. I ask these things in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen -
The media is now lieing about Trump’s convictions. Due process of law requires a sentence be imposed and all appeals exhausted before a conviction is established. But truth does not matter to dems and the media of fake news. These liars want us to believe Harris is competent and will beat Trump. Biden supposedly got 81 million votes, this time that will not be near enough. Dems have now taken down the desk of denny, removing the public record of a “common law court of record” exposing treason by government. But yet we fight on against the lies of dems. Our Constitutional Republic is coming on strong. God requires truth be known, liars don’t have a chance, in this fight.
Common Ground
Whether we are Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, Independent, etc… we all share the common desire to have our government operate properly. Properly means in compliance with our Constitution and laws of our nation. The biggest problem we have is failure of our government to do their legal duty to enforce our laws. Because attorneys control our government, our courts and our media, we are kept divided by what we choose to believe. Both sides spread misinformation, deceive, coerce and manipulate us to accept their point of view. We cannot unite with so many working around the clock to divide us and keep us on their team. The purpose of this membership is money, that with the most people get the most money. This is the game of elites that we average see and understand, but have no skin in the game. So with every election, some of the players change but the game remains the same. They make deals behind closed doors that impact our lives but have no effect on theirs. They are all in it for themselves, sometimes one wins next time the other, but We the people lose everytime. It is time We the people united on common ground to remove the undesirables from our public offices. For far too long our government has operated above the law and declared themselves superior to those who pay their salaries. It is time the bosses united to hold our employees accountable. There is good and bad in everything, we must voice our opinions without fear or reservation, and be willing to change our opinion if the majority disagrees. Sometimes we will make mistakes and learn from them, nobody is perfect except Jesus Christ in God’s eyes. We must strive to better our nation to become worthy of our creed, “One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” Lawfare says justice for some, God says justice for all. All lives matter and each is God’s creation with its gifts and short comings. We must learn to accept eachother as we are and all are as they are meant to be at that time in their life. We can all change and together we can change the world.
Common Knowledge
What I have shown is the philosophy of God’s law and what I believe based upon detailed research. These are all listed on the “Desk of Denny” and to be up to speed on sovereignty and what we believe you should read all of the desk of denny from the beginning to end. This will give you a complete understanding of who we are and what we believe. This provides a short chapter of each subject based upon God’s law of what we believe and why we believe it. But this is not iddle chatter we are reaching for the goal to reestablish justice to all of the Body Politic of We the people. These entries are our arguments against the conduct of our government and to determine who holds sovereign power. This to be determined by August 16, 2024 by a full session of Congress. There will be removal of all members of the House and Senate should they fail to conduct their legal duty, required by Article III of our Constitution. This is the fight, by words not weapons, to establish justice, restore Constitutional Courts and hold corrupt politicians accountable. If you read it all you are on the same page as the rest of us. A sovereign always has the right to speak for or against any act of another sovereign, or to remain silent in support of truth. This is my truth I welcome all to voice their opinion or problem they have with the philosophy. It is my desire to unite the four colors of the world in common knowledge and establish peace among us. Thus completing the prophecy of the 5th world of peace. Please join us with knowledge all you have to do is read to bring yourself up to speed. Always your choice. Share it with others so we all can talk with common knowledge. In God we trust all are equal.
My Heavenly Father:
I have created a public record of treason by the government in which I have given public notice for Congress to hear within 30 days. Your law is clear, “All things are presumed to be done legitimately until the contrary is proved.” You know there has been no opposition to the truth presented, because lies yield to truth. This is extraordinary, but rightous within Your law, “One never resorts to the extraordinary but when the ordinary fails.” Your law gives the people remonstrance and bills of attainder to hold government accountable these ordinary practices have been ignored by those who believe they are above Your law thus allowing the extraordinary to be exercised. Your law is clear, “Every act is to be judged by the intention of the doer.” Congress is the authority of the United States of America to determine punishment for treason. I will act as private prosecutor under Your law that is clear, “The authority of no person ought to have (such) power among us that we should not follow better (opinions) if anyone presents them.” I will not prepare for this in faith I believe You will give me the right words to restore justice to the people. Your will be done, not mine. Thank you Lord for allowing me to fight this fight on behalf of all the people, I ask justice be restored without bloodshed, based upon Your principles that all support as truth. These things I ask in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. -
My Heavenly Father;
The record shows your judges have allowed fraudulent courts to be established to persecute the people. Your law is clear, “What is proved by the record ought not to be denied.” The record lacks jurisdiction for the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS. Your law says, “What appears not does not exist, and nothing appears judicially before judgment.” Your judges are denying judgment that would restore Constitutional Courts to the people
“District Courts of the United States.” Lord I ask You to touch the hearts of the Supreme Court Justices to understand the heartache being imposed by the fraudulent courts acting against Your Law. Attorneys system of persecution has seized free men and women and imprisoned them without due process of law causing injury to them and their families. You have promised to heal our nation if we seek your devine introvention. Your law says, “What is unsuitable or contrary to reason is not allowed in law.” Prosecution without an injured party is prohibitted by due process of law and stated clearly, “What is void in the beginning does not become valid by passage of time.” As a man I have no power to make them act in support of Your law, I only have the ability to humbly ask Your introvention on behalf of those who cannot fight for themselves against the corruption of Your judges. I ask You to restore justice to the people. These things I ask in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
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