435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Republicans have been falsely labeled racists by Democrats who want power to enforce their style of justice. A Republic by definition says the people retain sovereign power and elect representatives who exercise that power. This system is a limited democracy where the Constitution restricts violations of rights share by all sovereigns. Today lawfare has suspended our republican form of government to allow violations of our Constitution, by the democrat system that denies due process of law and protects the crimes of elites. Elites are all “Citizens” inferior to their superiors “Sovereigns” who retain power over the government of our “Republic”. This is the objective of democrats to get the majority to support their unjust system of government. We have been persecuted enough by lawfare and do not need a “Prosecutor in Chief” we need justice restored conducted by due process of law that protects the rights of all sovereigns not some. Sovereigns do not support democracy in God we trust.
Democrats, of the Democrat Socialist Party also known as Communists have coranated their canidate for President. The fact Harris is not a sovereign but rather the daughter of a Marxist father and Indian mother should cause all great concern. Dems claim they are for law and order but they only enforce the laws they want and reject all law that hold them accountable. Dems founded the KKK and have historically denied due process of law by the lynch mobs where people were lynched without trial. These lynchings were conducted for the crime of being black, or failure to comply with the unwritten law they enforce, today we know it as “lawfare”. Because the KKK could not get public support, many of its members became attorneys to act as a member of the “Elite Group” to create their system of justice that again the public does not support. The whole purpose of Democrats is to get and retain power over others they believe they are above the law but all are accountable under God’s law. Let it be.
The mob of Democrats have imported illegal voters to replace the people they have lost by their bad policies. Kamala Harris as “Border Czar” has allowed our nation to be invaded. She now seeks to change the Supreme Court to fit the mob’s way of thinking that attorneys have total power over the people. She has joined the communist Bernie Sanders seeking to end private health care and establish national health care for all including illegals at taxpayers’ expense. The problem is national health care allows health care to be refused by government who refuses to cover the costs. These are all hallow promises if emplemented would establish 100% control of our lives by government and taxes would be raised to cover the cost. As an attorney Kamala is a professional liar who covered up the health for Biden for years. We all seen it but because the media was complicit this fact is being ignored. No we cannot afford four more years of Democracy we must restore our Republic with Trump. God’s will.
Today I want to show you a little of my walk with God. When I was young my first wife took me to Japan where I was given numerous opportunities to challenge myself. I started as an English teacher who was fired because I did not know English Grammar. My students knew more than me about Grammar as a high school dropout. So I did intense study of Grammar and taught myself to use the English language correctly. Looking for a job, I answered an ad in a newspaper for a native speaker of English. I was interviewed for two days at the end I was offered the position of “Program Director” of an American University in Japan. At first I refused because I did not know anything about that position. The President told me, I was white paper and he would give me three years to learn and not hold any mistake I made against me. I was taught to be a professional by my Executive Secretary who showed me how to effectively communicate in the Business world. I was in charge of many professors a PhD from Columbia University, MBA from Harvard, MBA from MIA, etc.. these were my mentors who taught me their fields. They taught me the use of language is to be understood, every big word can be broken down into three or four smaller words that are easily understood. This taught me to express myself and be comfortable in who I am. When this opportunity ended a new opportunity emerged. A President of a small advertising company wanted me to develop a system of Advertising for foreign customers. So I started researching various medias of Advertising and broke them down into type of readers, interests and content. When showing the President I showed how foreign Advertisers could focus their advertising on a specific audience with interests in their products. For example: A company wants to reach 30 year old men who are interested in skiing. With my limited research I showed advertising could be focused on that market. The President took this idea to Dentsu, the largest Advertiser in the world, who bought the idea and termed it “target marketing”. These opportunities were done concurrently with teaching English. These classes and private lessons allowed me to discuss many topics with many high ranking officials that gave me great insight into their philosophy of many different fields. This taught me everything is a system and I became competent in many fields. Medical, banking, history and life in general. These friends from around the world were indispensable to the man I am today. When I returned to the states I tried to use my knowledge in the business world only to find it does not work here. In Japan everyone in a business must prosper to be good business. If anyone loses it is bad business. In America I learned to get ahead you must step on others, this cut throat mentality did not fit the philosophy of business I was taught so I became a carpenter and worked with my hands. I learned this is a system like any other so I learned plumbing, electrical, rough in, trim, cabinetry and learned the peace of hard work with a job well done at the end of a day. I was taken from this life and forced into the field of law by injustice of my government who seized my wife’s 77 Corvette Stingray. This case taught me the corruption of our society and labeled me a criminal without due process of law. I have lived this stigma ever since. This has made me an outcast of our society and made me a threat to those who do wrong in our Public Offices. Like any other system, Law is established by principles that establish right and wrong. God led me to his law that condemns every attorney in this nation. God showed me the treason of our government that the website documents for all to see. This allowed me to present the real law of our Nation in a way it could be understood by all with the desire to learn. August 18th will determine if I am still an outcast or will I be allowed to fix this problem of our nation. I seek to restore justice as it is meant to be by law. Time will tell it always does.
Only a “Sovereign” can represent the “Sovereigns” of our Nation. In the “Common Law Court of Record” of “We the people of the United States of America” the “Tribunal” denny ray hardin determined donald john trump is “Sovereign” by his Birth in the state of New York to his Father born in the state of New York.
Upon review by the “Tribunal” it is determined that Kamala Harris is not “Sovereign” because her Father was born in Jamaica and her Mother was born in India. Having no parent born in a state of the United States, Kamala Harris is a “Citizen” not eligable for the “Public Office” of “President” and should not have been allowed the public office of Vice President because she cannot legally take the Public Office of President. This is God’s Law only a “Sovereign” has the right to vote to elect a “sovereign” to represent him in a “Public Office”. “Citizens” have no rights, only privileges sovereigns allow them. We sovereigns allow no “citizen” rights in our Republic. God’s law is just -
What is the history of our systems of government? Our forefathers, had great knowledge of governments’ principles and chose to establish a Constitutional Republic. This is one of the oldest forms of government established in Rome in 509 BCE. It comes from the Latin words “res publica” meaning “Public thing”. The Roman Republic lasted until 27 BCE when the Empire was established. Our forefathers opted for this republican form of government and rejected a “Democracy”. Democracy was established in Athens Greece 508-507 BCE and comes from the Greek words demos ‘(common) people’ and Kratos “force/might” basically meaning “mob rule”. This is the division of our nation, the battle of words is being fought in a war of philosophies of who we are. In a Republic the people are “sovereign” and elect representatives who are controlled by a Constitution under which they can be held accountable. In a Democracy the people are “citizens” accountable to government who is the “mob” that rules. Today our government is operating as a “Democracy” and the mob of attorneys operate “lawfare” to enforce “fiction of law” to persecute their opposition. The “mob” determines the rights, privileges and immunities of citizens and the written law is ignored. In our Republic sovereigns share rights, privileges and immunities written in our Constitution and law has only one purpose to protect the people. God’s law is clear, “So the law is written.” Sovereigns have the ability to hold government accountable to the Constitution, the written law, Citizens have no authority over government. God’s law says we are a Republic nation of “Sovereigns”. In God I trust.
Who are we? This question will be answered in November 2024. The “Candidates” for “President” are Kamala Harris for “Democracy” and Donald Trump for the “Republic”. These philosophies of government are now on trial by the people to determine who we are as a nation. Harris is advocating for Democracy where she says freedom to kill unborn children (undesirables) are acceptable, where the mob rules and attorneys determine the law of our Nation. Trump is advocating for the Republic where there are state limitations on abortion, the Constitution and the written law dictates our courts and all are accountable to the written law. Harris has allowed an invasion of 20mil illegals as “Border Czar” to illegally vote “Democrat” in the 2024 Election. God’s law says only “Sovereigns” have rights this includes the right to vote. This is done by a “Birth Certificate” showing a parent born in a state of the United States. A Republic gives the people power by their right to vote. In God we trust truth.
America is just itching to break out weapons and take out the woke society. But we face a moral delima of the 10 Commandments that says Thou shalt not kill. In my opinion, this interpretation by King James is wrong, it should say, “Thou shalt not murder.” As a king, his purpose was to maintain peace in the rehelm, by making killing against religion the masses were controlled by their morality. By this interpretation, those who believe in God, must allow those who do not believe, to violate them without retaliation. God gives us the right to kill in defense of ourselves or in defense of another. This is termed “justifiable homicide”. This was well shown by Carl Rittenhouse and the verdict in his trial. God’s law is clear, “When the reason of the law ceases the law itself ceases.” The people have the right to arm themselves against the armed. Those who are armed and have the lawful duty to provide public safety are allowing a hostile environment to escalate in our nation against God.
Yesterday I went fishing and sitting by the water I pondered the state of affairs of our nation. It came to me the destruction of our nation is the dismantaling of our pride in our nation. This began with lawfare, where our laws no longer gives us confidence in our justice system. Then came the downfall of our economy and inflation that requires much more to maintain a standard of living, thus resulting in loss of pride in oneself for failure to provide for the family. Our nation was a fair and just society, but allowing foreign interests to riot, protest and deface our history we have lost pride in those things we once honored that are not enforced by those responsible to protect our society. The mob of dems want to do away with all we onces treasured as sacred. The mob wants us to even lose pride in our God by forcing immoral acts to be accptable and promoted in our government, our schools and even our churches. The age old saying, “Pride goes before a fall.” Who will fall? Not God.
In my opinion our government has lost its ability to protect us from the foreign threat of Palestinians. I believe if a foreign national comes on our land, waiving a foreign flag, shouting death to america, they should be killed as a threat to our nation. These terrorists fraudulent claim our right to peacefully protest, as foreigners they have no Constitutional rights or any protection of law in our nation. Democrats, those holding power in our institutions, allow our flag to be taken down and burned without accountability. The time has come to protect our nation from those who are plotting our distruction, the Universal law is clear, what you put out must come back to you. Obama’s puppets are allowing Islamic terrorists to raise in our nation against us. The time is coming when we are going to have to deal with them without mercy and send them to God for judgment. If the FBI will not arrest and prosecute these terrorists, it becomes our job to protect our nation. In God we trust.
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