435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
We have seen recently Harris talking about freedoms dems are offering if elected. Their most important freedom is the ability to kill an unwanted baby by abortion. So the mob tells us murder is acceptable. The second freedom they claim to offer is to marry who you love of the same sex. Of course this freedom is against God who showed us his disdain for this homosexual activity by the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Dems offer us unpunishable crimes of looting, burning and destruction, by bailing out these criminals to continue their rioting. Those who want these freedoms are a very small minority of our society, that claim their right to force the rest of us to accept their freedoms. The conduct of dems in support of these so-called freedoms have one thing in common injury to others. This immoral conduct is being promoted by dems as freedoms to act against God and corrupt our nation by these abominations. Dems are delusional in their beliefs that this freedom gives them power over the people and must have these freedoms so they can justify their persecution of the public. All these are acceptable in a Democracy and all those who disagree are the problem.
To me, freedom is the right to live life in liberty without government regulation telling me what I can and cannot do. Freedom is the right to do as I please without injury to another. Liberty is the right to be free of government harassment unless an injured party signs a complaint against me. I am accountable to an injured party for my conduct, I am not accountable to an attorney for anything. Without a signed complaint no court has any jurisdiction over me, this is the most important right of freedom, the right to be left alone. This is the right to go and do as I please without persecution of government. Based upon God’s Law these are God given rights of all Americans.
The November Election will decide who we are as a nation. If dems win we are a nation of no morality with no limitations of right or wrong. Everything is acceptable and attorneys will dictate what the law is and who is accountable. Harris the leader of attorneys has shown us her morality by acting as a whore to sleep her way to the second highest public office of our land. If she becomes President we will all be subject to the woke mob and accountable for any challenge of their conduct. Harris and Walz have shown us they are liars and believe the people are stupid and will believe anything.
Today I have $20.06 in my bank account but God has provided all my needs. Maybe I am not what I could be, maybe I am not what I should be, but I thank God I am not what I used to be. I will stand with God against those who refuse to bow to their higher power and pray we can all come together in God’s truth. God’s will be done.
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!! -
The game of law.
What I have presented to We the people of the United States of America is the power of God’s law. Every attorney in our nation is ignorant of law by the lack of education by corrupt Universities who dumb down their students to maintain control of our courts by the monopoly of BAR Associations. All attorneys hold the low title of nobility of “Esquire” believeing they are superior to “We the people” but “We the people” are “sovereign” a supreme title of nobility reserved to Kings. God’s law is clear, “In the presence of the superior, the power of the inferior ceases.” As a “sovereign” acting as a “Tribunal” the “Public Record” of irrefutable evidence of treason within our government has been established. Now Congress must convene under Article III, of our Constitution, to establish punishment of the crime of treason. This is a matter of utmost importance and a necessity for “Public Saftey” and “National Security”. God’s law is clear, “It is in the interest of the state that crimes not remain unpunished.” Those named in the “Revocation of Sovereignty” are those to be tried by Congress, all are attorneys and enemies to our Constitution. These “traitors” must be held accountable within God’s law that is clear, “Let punishment be inflicted on a few, dread on all.” The game of law has been won, by one with the least licenses but the greatest authority of God’s law and it can no longer be ignored. This game of law has been silenced by attorneys and those loyal to them who have worked in conspiracy to deny that which God’s law requires. To you media owners take fair warning if you fail to expose the treason of government you personally will be named for treason and held to account. To all attorneys I say “checkmate”. God’s law is clear, “The process of the law is heavy hardship; the execution of the law crowns (or rewards) the work.” The stakes of the game of law could not be higher they are all or nothing. I have done my work, time for you to do yours.
What is at stake.
Today is the 7th of August and Congress has been given until the 18th to convene a full session of Congress to determine the punishment for treason. This is required by Article III of our Constitution based on the lawful process that established treason within our government by a “Common Law Court of Record of We the people of the United States of America”. This court has no limitations of jurisdiction and is superior to all courts within the United States of America under God’s law. If Congress fails to convene our Constitution ceases to exist and our government also ceases to exist because all powers of government come from the Constitution. The November Election will no longer matter because there is no longer a government of the United States of America. All those who support our Constitution will no longer support the United States government because it is no longer in compliance with our Law. The battle between good and evil could not be more clear. God’s Law has been presented to all those in power to restore our Constitutional Republic to it former glory. Harris is leading the charge of communism to establish her as dictator of the elite group of attorneys who have run our nation into the ground and are currently in control of our nation under the failed leadership of the dictator Biden. Call it Armageddon or a day of reckoning, call it what you will but it is the day our Constitutional Republic will be restored to the sovereigns of We the people or the day the United States of America dies. The choice is clear either We the people are sovereign in our Constitutional Republic or We are citizens (slaves) in a Democracy of democratic socialists of communism. All those who support Democracy are slaves already, this fight is to make the rest of We the people slaves to government as well. I stand in our Constitutional Republic with God’s Law as a sovereign and will not bow in servitude to democracy as a slave of communism. Your turn to choose who you are. Tic, tic, tic…
We must open our eyes and see truth as it is, not how we wish it to be. Biden and Harris has allowed our nation to be invaded with illegals. Biden and Harris has driven our economy into the ground supporting illegals over sovereigns of our nation. Biden and Harris have allowed wars to start by funding terrorist by giving billions to Iran to support Hamas and Hysbula to attack Isreal. Biden and Harris have given hundreds of billions to Ukraine to support war with Russia. Biden and Harris refuse to address these issues by remaining silent and media is promoting her for President as the great woke hope. These are facts of the downfall of our nation, we all wish it was not so, but it is. Obama has had his third term with Biden and now wishes a fourth with Harris. Democrats are so desperate for power they will vote for a bafune who has no vision for the future other than her as the first woman President. God knows this truth and gives us the choice to follow God or evil of the woke agenda.
We must be patient and not fall victim of our doubts. God’s got this and our nation will be restored to its former glory. God’s law is clear, “There are two sorts of nobility, the higher and the lower.” The lower is the title of esquire that believe this makes them superior, but in fact this is a low title when faced with a sovereign, the title of kings. Many have asked when was America great the answer is when the people as sovereigns ruled our nation. Today we have been slaves of our judicial system where attorneys believe they are the law, but in fact they are all guilty of treason that carries the death penalty. This brings us to the question, whose law is greater attorneys’ law or God’s law? Attorneys’ law empowers them, God’s law empowers the people. When this truth is restored America will be great again. We each are given the choice to support attorneys (Harris) or God (Trump) who God saved from the assassin’s bullet. I believe God will prevail in November. God’s will be done.
Totally disgraceful, I don’t know if you saw it or not. . One punch lights out , totally destroyed the girls and everything she was working for.
I say we need to boycotte all sponsors of the Olympics for allowing men to compete against women. This international competition has become woke presenting LGBTQ themes that are offensive to the majority of the world. They mock God and show who they represent. My question is, Do they represent you? LGBTQ members are less than 1% of us, yet they are honored over the rest of us. Corporations only understand their bottem line, time they lost our support, let the LGBTQ support them.
Republicans need to boycotte YouTube they are the new twitter of dems. Lies are allowed truth is blocked as hate speech. Join the fight to take back our nation.
facebook is doing the same thing
YOUTUBE is blocking Republicans who wish to challenge the fat ass with a beard claiming some mayor is against Trump. He will lose next election I am sure. But the censorship of YouTube needs to be prosecuted for election interference by blocking one side of the argument.
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