435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
I have a question. Is anyone else getting twenty calls a day trying to sell you ObamaCare?
I wonder who is paying for these calls and promoting medicare and medicaid?
They offer $6,400 allowance for stimulus if you have them, but you are not eligable if you don’t. All veterans are not eligable. Is the Biden Administration working with these nonprofits to expand Obamacare at tax payers expense? Is this an attempt to buy votes on the tax payers dime? Why is the stimlus not available to all? Just asking.
You have the choice of who you are.
Today under the leadership of the United States of America, we are a “Democracy”. In a Democracy we are citizens who have no rights and are subject to the rule of the mob of attorneys who can take our life, liberty and property without due process of law. We all know someone who is a convicted felon and all those convicted know how corrupt attorneys have become. Every person convicted without an injured party who signed a complaint were railroaded by attorneys using fake law that denied the accused rights, privileges and immunities of our Constitution. This is the plot of attorneys to make our Constitution irrelevant and allow the mob of attorneys to dictate what the law is. This is not a new concept it is the practice of Communists who the mob rules with an iron fist. This plot has been carried out in every communist country by the ruling class who once elected by the people are forced to live under the power of the few. The best current example is Maduro the President of Venezuela, he has ruled his country with brute force, stolen elections to remain in power and put his people in poverty while he lives the life of luxury as ruler. Once established the “Democrat Socialist Party” controls everything and the people lose their freedom to speak against any member of the ruling class. This is done by convincing the people to give up their sovereignty and making them believe communism is great for everyone. Those who disagree are severely punished for any decent and condemed by the mob of the ruling class who make the people agree with their position or face the same punishment. Communist rule by fear and are ruthless in the exercise of their power. But they must have the consent of the majority to establish their state run society of citizens who support their agenda. Our forefathers had the choice of a “Democracy”, but rejected it to establish a “Constitutional Republic” where the people hold sovereign power over our government. As sovereigns we are given the power to hold our government accountable by our Constitution. This is the power I have exercised by demanding Congress to determine the punishment for treason by the current “Democrat Socialist Party” in accordance with Article III of our Constitution. Government has been given until August 18th to meet this demand and comply with their legal duty to act within our Constitution and administer justice to the principals of treason. It may be too late for our Republic, if the 18th passes without this lawful demand being met, we are a communist nation and our Constitution is deemed irrelevant.
For the sake of this presentation let’s assume we are a communist nation who is ruled by Obama through his flunkys Biden and Harris. We know the 2020 Election was stolen to put attorneys in control of our government. They have worked together to take our posterity by taxing us into poverty. This is done by inflation of the ruling class to raise our costs of living without increasing our wages. Energy corporations double or triple our bills for their profit. Gas corporations increase gas prices for their profit. Our grocery stores drastically increase our food cost to make the people focus on their life rather than what the government is doing. States join this by doubling real estate taxes to cause worry among the people who can’t pay with the loss of their home and becoming homeless for failure to pay the extortion money to finance state run ventures. This communist plot is by design to establish government controls everything and the people are all accountable to government. This is what our government is doing to all sovereigns of the United States of America in our Constitutional Republic.
The only thing stopping full blown communism is Trump and those of the MAGA Party who are the vast majority of the people. Trump’s followers pose a great threat to the principals of treason because they are Lazer focused on the conduct of government. Sovereigns are united in knowledge of current events and the plot of Communists to sell their beliefs to the majority to gain uncontestable power to control the masses by fear and intimidation. We have all suffered the effects of this plot and are standing up in defense of our Constitutional Republic where we are all sovereign over our government. Trump has voiced what needs to be done, the election must be by such a margin that the desire of We the people is undeniable. Trump will be the beneficiary of this vote but this vote is to reject communism in the United States of America and end the power of the Democrat Socialist Party in our Constitutional Republic. Every vote against democrats is a vote to restore our Constitutional Republic and the sovereignty of the people over our government. Our voice by vote must be loud and clear we reject communism in our Constitutional Republic forever. Our government serves us and we are not accountable to them they are accountable to us by our Constitution. All patriots of the United States of America stand united against communism and condemn publically the democrat talking points. Time to show your sovereignty to hold government accountable to you, by your power to vote, for the greater good of all. In God we trust.
Dancing to the destruction of the United States of America.
Soon the display of treason will begin with the Democrat Convention. All the traitors of our Constitutional Republic will be dancing with joy as our nation crumbles under their policies. Their leader Obama will be on display to show who is really running our government and all the minions will all bow before their God. Of course the LGBTQ community will be out in full force dancing to the downfall of the morals, ethics and principles our nation was founded upon. Celebrities will be out in force claiming Kamala is the best thing since tolietpaper and telling us if we love America we must vote for her. Forget the policy of Bidenomics that has made it impossible to make ends meet for the elderly. Forget the invasion of our nation that has allowed millions of unvetted illegals into our country and pose a real threat to the people. Forget all the Socialist policies Kamala has supported, seizing the guns by forced buy back policy, Obamacare for everyone, that had to be passed before it could be seen that can refuse medical coverage at any time. Forget the foreign policy that supports war and has allowed Iran Billions to support terrorism of Israel and supported war with Russia in the name of Democracy. None of these things matter, because all the good little slaves will bow their knees and pay homage to their rulers of the mob of the Democrat Socialist Party. Full blown communism is one vote away in the November Election and all those who appear at this convention will be our new leaders as members of the United Communists States of America. Of course media will provide a glowing review of this public spectacle of Democrats dancing with joy to the downfall of our nation. We who are not joyful slaves of democrats will be stating our opposition in the voting booth for Trump. Only the fools of the left will vote to be a permanent slaves of government those who are free will vote to restore our Republic. We are all sovereigns who must consent to the leadership of our nation the choice is clear “freedom” or “slavery”? In God we trust truth and liberty.
Stolen Valor.
Walz has presented himself as a combat vet who in fact never entered a hostile arena. Walz claims a rank of “Command Sargent Major” that he never earned. Walz claims he carried weapons of war when in fact he was never in war. These lies are allowed in the Democratic party because they lie about everything and those who support them are stupid enough to believe them. For example, the lie of high gas prices are because of Russia going to war. In fact, high gas prices are because of ending the pipeline on day one of the Biden Administration and him stopping drilling on federal lands. Lower availability and raise costs, Bidenomics. Then came the lie of inflation Biden claims Trump left office with inflation at 9%, when it was less than 2%. Inflation has risen between 3 and 5% every month under Biden to where it is now between 25 and 30%. But Biden lies to us saying inflation only went up 3% this month. Inflation has not fallen since Biden took office. Then the lie of unemployment has fallen to the lowest in our history. This is the lie only those receiving unemployment are unemployed, when in fact unemployment is about 30% when you count those unemployed who have exhausted their benefits and are still unemployed. These deceptions are by design to force the people to be dependant on government. This was accomplished by allowing millions of illegals to come into our nation and give them our resources to live lavish life styles while the American People suffer. Democrats need new voters because the vast majority do not support them anymore. This drive to communism was started during the Obama Adminitration and are now being promoted by his flunky Biden. But Biden has lost the ability to maintain the fraud, so he has been eliminated and Obama has a new flunky Harris he hopes will carry on his mission to destory the United States of America. The Democrats favorite ploy is the jobs report, claiming these are new jobs when in fact they are jobs brought back after Covid that were created in the Trump Administration. The lies of Democrats have a common theme, if it is good it is because of us and if it is bad it is because of Trump. You Democrats can lie to yourselves, but you can no longer lie to the rest of us, we see truth and can no longer be decieved by your lies. This brings us to the question, “Who do the American people want a puppet controlled by Obama or a leader who cannot be bought to hold the highest public office of our land?” Do we want to be led by lies or represented by truth?
Democrats have worked hard to destory our Constitutional Republic and establish the mob of attorneys as rulers of our nation. Trump has proved his allegations of the Democrats ploys to stop him true. We lived the ploy of Russia Collusion supported by all medias a hoax. We witnessed two impeachment trials that were unsuccessful and proved to be lies. We have watched the trials done in “Conspiracy against rights” in “Treason” to destory the reputation of Trump and steal by deception the 2024 Election. We have seen Trump removed from ballots by Democrats only to be restored by the Supreme Court. We have seen the mugg shot of Trump and the media tells us he is guilty, but God’s law says guilt is not established until all appeals have been exhausted. Attorneys need the convictions to deminish Trump’s reputation by establishing he is a criminal that takes away his power to hold them accountable. This deep state of attorneys is the master of lies, deception and manipulation of the Democratic Party, only fools follow them. These things we know to be true and together they show the conspiracy to create separation among the people by those who believe their lies and those who don’t. Time for dems to tell us something we don’t know about them.
In God we trust truth and condemn liars.
The deception of media.
Our media has been allowed to become political hacks to manipulate public perception. They lied to us about Russia collusion that was debunked. They promoted impeachment twice without an impeachable offense. They lied about the results of the 2020 Election telling us to ignore the video evidence we seen with our own eyes. The media promoted the conviction of criminal charges in the court of public opinion that allowed the judge and prosecutor to violate all due process of law to prove them right. They lie about poles to promote a hooker to become the nominee with no votes being cast for her. They cover up the truth of treason in our government and have become complicit in the plot to establish communism in the United States of America. I know no one who believes any of them yet they continue their propaganda to promote democracy in our Constitutional Republic. This is clearly a “Conspiracy to defraud the public” in clear treason to support the termination of our Constitution. The media has hidden the truth of Biden’s mental health to retain power for Obama operating our government behind the scenes. Why do we allow ourselves to be manipulated by there traitors who have created a false narrative that Harris is the democratic nominee for President? What choice do we have when the mockingbirds spout the same lies day in and day out? August 18th will show this treason of media and stop the lies of those who are trusted to tell the truth, but have failed us miserably. Freedom of the press is not freedom to lie, their true character will be shown and their crimes punished. In God we trust.
The impossible dream.
We dream the impossible dream of peace in this and other lands. We fight wars claiming peace is our objective. We kill in the name of God to protect democracy, but peace never comes. Those who profit from war are the enemies of peace. Their wealth is dependant on conflict and they sell weapons to both sides to keep conflict alive. How many more must die before we realize we are all being used to generate hate and conflict? We had the chance at peace once under the Trump Administration but war was quickly restore in the new Administrarion. All the establishment hate Trump because he cannot be bought or controlled by the powers that be. Trump alone has the ability to bring peace back to our world, but he needs the support of the majority to achieve peace. It is a dream to believe we can all agree, but I believe the vast majority are ready for peace.
We are ruled by foreign agents of a foreign state.
Our Constitution prohibits the issuance of a “title of nobility” by the United States (Article I, Section 9) or any State (Article I, Section 10). This was included in our Constitution because the threat of the British who sought control of the United States by war in 1776 and again in 1812. This 1812 war was fought to stop the 13th Amendment that prohibited any “title of nobility” to hold any public office of trust or profit. This Amendment was passed and ratified in 1819 and stood as a Constitutional Mandate until 1865 when it was unlawfully removed from our Constitution. Today all attorneys hold a “title of nobility” of “esquire” in the “British Accredited Registry” better known as the “BAR Association”. The BAR is a “foreign state” of “foreign agents” who by the “Code of Federal Regulations” (22 U.S.C. 611) must be registered as foreign agents and are prohibited to hold public office by the original 13th Amendment. This 13th Amendment was the law of our Nation until 1865 when it was removed by “British loyalist” and replaced by the “Reconstruction Amendments” (13th, 14th & 15th). Today our nation is ruled by these foreign agents of the BAR who have a monopoly of our justice system and unlawfully control of every “Public Office” of the United States of America.
Our “Constitutional Republic” as established by Article IV, Section 4 of our Constitution was seized by these foreign agents in 1865 to be controlled without authority of law by the “Elite group” better known as “attorneys”. Whether Democrat or Republican attorneys are united in “mob rule” of our Nation where they unite to deny the Constitutional rights, privileges and immunities to all sovereigns. Their leader Biden recently claimed we are a “Constitutional Democracy” in clear treason to our Constitution, in an attempt to take public control of our republic. We all know Biden, Esq and Harris, Esq are puppets of their master Obama, Esq who controls our nation by his administration appointed and installed to control Biden. This mob of attorneys is the “deep state” Trump is battling in this election. They currently control all media, courts and public offices. It is time their reign of terrorism ended and our “Constitutional Republic” was restored to all “Sovereigns” of the United States of America. Benjamin Franklin said, “You have a Republic if you can keep it.” Our Republic has been lost to BAR Associations but can be regained by enforcement of our law. The line has been drawn, which side are you on? Republic or Democracy? God’s Law supports the Constitutional Republic, BAR Codes, Rules and Regulations operate the Democracy.In God we trust.
Justice has many forms, the justice I seek is accountability for violations of God’s law that have caused the downfall of our nation. Attorneys who control our government, our media, our schools, our banks and corporations have established themselves as an elite group that rule our nation with an iron fist. If you lawfully challenge their authority, they take your life, liberty and freedom by throwing you in prison, labeling you a convicted felon for life by turning all attorneys against you to protect their organized crime. There are many who believe killing is the only way to regain control of our nation and it would be easy to take them all out. But my God says, “Thou shall not kill.” Exodus 20:13. So what choice do honest, God fearing men have to deal with attorneys who violate the Commandments on a daily bases, who lie, cheat and steal their success by hurting others under the color of law. My God has shown me the power of God’s law to hold attorneys accountable by removing them from public office and stripping them of their power over the people. This is simple, attorneys today persecute the people without an injured party or due process of law, by requiring a signed complaint by an injured party in every criminal prosecution the power of attorneys is destoried and the power of the people to prosecute those who cause them injury is restored. How do we defeat a tyrant without violence? You strip them of their power and make them insignificant. Our forefathers done this for all of us by the 13th Amendment passed and ratified in 1819, that prohibits any attorney to hold any public office of trust or profit. This Amendment was never repealed, it was removed by traitors within our government, who are represented by modern day attorneys, who control our public offices including our office of President and Vice President. Therefore, every attorney in every public office must be terminated immediately. I can save their jobs, but it comes at a price, the price is justice restored to the sovereigns of our Constitutional Republic.
The first step of justice is restoration of our Constitutional Article III Courts. The courts of today are Article IV legislative courts operating organized crime under the color of law, with no jurisdiction or authority of law to conduct judicial process. All Article III Constitutional Courts must be presided over by an Article III Judge acting within their oath of office to protect the rights of all who come before them. Any violation of a sovereigns’ Constitutional rights is treason and the judge and prosecutor are subject to the death penalty by public hanging as a detourant to all other attorneys who might consider engaging in such treason. Only a sovereign can sign a complaint, no government official can seek an indictment without a signed complaint of a sovereign. All sovereigns are protected by the Constitution with all rights, privileges and immunities and are only subject to accountability by an injured party. The power of attorneys to persecute sovereigns ends.
These are my demands to allow attorneys to retain their public offices of trust or profit. All are already lawfully required by law but are being violated by attorneys in our public offices. Congress will show us if these terms are acceptable on August 18th by exercising their lawful duty to determine the punishment of treason of those named in the Revocation of Sovereignty, in Donald Trump’s possession.
Right of vindication denied.
I am but one of God’s children who lives with an unlawful conviction of whom there are millions. The courts deny vindication of wrongful convictions to create the public preception all convictions are lawful and justified. When a defendant is charged with a crime without an injured party, the conviction is clear denial of due process of law in violation of the 5th Amendment. This treason is aided and abetted by defense attorneys who refuse to challenge prosecutors for proceeding without jurisdiction. Our courts are a monopoly of law by BAR Associations who conduct star chambers of persecution where a defendant is deprived of all rights, privileges and immunities granted by law to obtain an unlawful judgment that justifies taking liberty, freedom and property. This is the organized crime of attorneys that defrauds the public to believe justice has been served. Attorneys in collusion with “law enforcement” officials create the illusion law has been broken and punishment of the offender is rightous. In a few cases this is true, but in the vast majority it is fraud. To Make America Great Again We the people must restore justice and truth in our courts and prosecute our public officials accountable for violations of these principles.
The loss of a man to his family by unjustifiable prosecution of attorneys does irreparable damage by design. Most who serve a ten year sentence, like mine, lose everything. Most are divorced within the first year, they lose their home, car, job, character, reputation, liberty and freedom. In this organized scheme of attorneys a defendant is stripped of all aspects of life to deminish his credibility among the people. He is defeated and no longer has a voice to object to the criminal conduct of attorneys. The loss of ten years of my life denied me a decent retirement and the right to peace in my old age. But all these things are irrelevant to attorneys because they were all paid for their participation in my conviction. When I presented evidence of my wrongful conviction to the Missouri Supreme Court they refused to docket the case and provide compensation for my injuries. A Chancery Court of Justice was denied and remedy was deprived in a court of equity. This is the system of persecution our tax dollars supports and all judges and attorneys are paid well to dispense their opinion of justice. Most give up early and go on with their lives believeing they cannot win, but my God tells me what is done in darkness will come to light. I will be vindicated of the wrongful conviction and compensated for my injuries or the credibility of this corrupt system will be seen by all never to be trusted by the people again. If what has been presented is not honored then all will know there is no honor left in the government of the United States of America and I say let it fall. Attorneys have built their mansions upon the sand and a storm is coming. Either justice and truth will prevail in this fight or God’s vengeance will be necessary upon his land. Any man that can support these wrongs done in the name of justice is not of God and cannot claim to be rightous. Time to stand for what we believe or be seen in your true light. In God all honest men trust truth and dishonest men lie.
Why justice matters.
We the people have come to accept “convicted felons” are all “losers”. Attorneys have become rich, prosecuting and defending those accused of fraudulent crimes, that violates the morals, ethics and principles of the Constitution our nation was founded upon. As “losers”, we who have fought for decades to restore our reputation have been denied justice to protect the organized crime of attorneys. Losers know it is wrong but because the truth is hidden, the stigma of being a “convicted felon” cause their fellow man to believe the image created by attorneys that losers are criminals who cannot be trusted. This deception has caused our families to turn their backs on us and believe the lies of attorneys and made us outcasts of society. What I have shown you is my fight to restore honor to my name, by presenting facts, law and evidence that proves my conviction was illegal, immoral, unlawful and unconstitutional. Every court petitioned for the redress of my conviction has refused to hear the facts, law, evidence and acted in treason to ignore, deny, Dismiss, suppress and oppress the truth, to allow attorneys to maintain their hollow victory of my conviction. As an honorable man who values his word and reputation, it is hard to live the stigma of a convicted felon, when it is known to be a wrongful conviction.
Donald Trump is now living the stigma of a convicted felon who gives pause to some to vote for him as President. We who know the law know his conviction was wrong but that does not matter it only matters what the courts say and they say he is guilty. This is the deep state of attorneys who have created an unjust system of injustice to allow slanderous attorneys to obtain fraudulent convictions of honorable men without an injured party or evidence of a crime. Guilty is guilty, truth does not matter in our courts these days. Attorneys retention of power is all that matters and the courts, run by corrupt judges will violate every standard of American Jurisprudence, to insure their fraudulent authority is maintained.
I stand and say all attorneys are enemies, traitors or pirates of our society that must be held accountable for their unlawful seizure of the lives, liberty, freedom and property of We the people. Attorneys believe they are above the law and cannot be held accountable to the law because the courts are controlled by them. This corruption will rule our society until honorable men who believe in truth unite in justice to hold those accountable to God’s law who have violated the morals, ethics and principles upon which our nation was founded. Until this day we will live the slanderous lies of attorneys. Enforcement of the law presented and accountability of those who have violated it is the only way to restore justice to We the people. Without justice, corruption prevails. The reckoning must be done or there is no reason to restore justice by the courts who will continue their corruption as usual. God’s law requires truth, justice and enforcement of right and the condemnation of the wrong. August 18th will establish who we are as a nation and whether we are ruled by lies or truth. God’s will be done.
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