435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Ignorance of Democrats is the problem.
By indocrination into the Democrat Socialist Party these individuals believe those who lie to all to achieve power. As a member you have been taught to believe lies over truth and vote only Democrat. This is why Kamala will not do a debate before late September long after early voting starts, because those indocrinated must vote early without knowledge of her plans or lack thereof. Those who chose to vote without knowledge are ignorant and the problem with our nation. They fail to see the last term under Biden was bad but if Kamala gets the office of President she will bring Communism to our nation. Her ideas are for the new world order of communism where the state runs everything and its citizens must bow to government authority. Those who vote for this are sheep that blindly follow the crowd without knowledge. Dems need to withhold their vote until they are sure which party is best for our future as a whole after the debate. In God we trust.
Republic vs Democracy
God led our forefathers to create a Constitutional Republic to stand in opposition of Democracy. Our Constitutional Republic established the people retain sovereign power over our government as sovereigns. Democracy is a nation where the mob of government rules its citizens with an iron fist. Harris/Walz are promoting democracy and spouting a communist agenda to retain power for democrats. This common practice has been played over and over again throughout our history and many fall prey to its lies. I, myself voted for Obama in 2008 because I believed the hip of restoring our Constitution. Of course we not know that was a lie. This is the common trait of Democracy, say anything that the people want, to get elected, then do nothing you promised. Time has shown us anything that sounds too good to be true probably isn’t. As a sovereign I refuse to be made a citizen of Democracy. I support our God given Republic in this election by voting for Trump and our Republic.
Communist = Satan
nationOur religion shows us the traits of satan, the liar, deceiver and manipulator. Satan is immoral, unethical and unprofessional. Satan is hungry for power, lusts after money and is willing too hurt others to achieve these passions. Satan does not care about anyone but itself and all must bow to its power. Satan sees power as a tool that denies rights, privileges and immunities to all except those loyal supporters of government control. Media supports these menions of satan and promotes them as leaders of the party. The Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, Cheneys, Adam Shift, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, all want satan to retain power. These individuals lie, cheat and steal from others to enrich themselves and gain power over others. These are a very small minority in our God given land of the United States of America. But their numbers are growing, once established our Republic is lost forever. God wants what is best for all, not some.
Democrat Socialist Party = Communist
Communism is a government run society where government supposedly provides all your needs. This is the bait used to attrack those who are lazy, selfish and immoral to feel accepted as a member of the party. Thankfully this is a very small number at this time. The first ploy is to remove religion so there is no authority, except government, to determine right and wrong. This is done by dictators, attorneys who use the justice system to crush any opposition to government policies. Today we call it lawfare. Socialist rely on public information to support their crazy ideas of what is or is not popular among the people, this is necessay to determine if policy can be easily implemented. But the decision is always made for government to retain power. What government controls, government can deny. Those who speak out are denied all basic necessities to force compliance and establish an example to others who might believe the same. Communism is against God.
Ross lived threats of attorneys to him amd his family who they threatened to kill them, so he dropped out of his Presidential candidacy. Based upon what I see, Trump who suffered attempted assassination by communism to stop him from seeking to Make America Great Again. He is threatened with prison if he attempts to make public the “Revocation of Sovereignty”, that would hold attorneys accountable for their treason to our Constitutional Republic. These traitors control our Supreme Court, President, Vice President, House of Representatives and the Senate who have refused to support our Constitution and engaged in treason to it. Together they have allowed an invasion of our nation, assassinated the character of our President (Trump) and instituted Communism where attorneys are the ruling class of nobels in opposition of all sovereigns of our Republic. Trump says fight, fight, fight and never give up. I won’t quit until the problem is addressed and justice restored. God’s will be done.
The Democratic Convention is Communism on display for all to see. They are not appearing as a party of the people they are showing us who our rulers are. Every person who appears is showing us they support mob rule of communism over our Constitutional Republic. Of course the Democrats are the party of violence, whether it is killing babies, burning our flag or destorying property they seek to impose fear on us. But they will not succeed because they are such a small minority if push comes to shove they will be easily defeated. Our nation is founded on the morals, ethics and principles of an honorable and just society that has been overthrown by the woke mob that believes we must bow in acceptance of their delusions. God does not make mistakes we are each born male or female and are to be accepted as such. Any attempt to alter this fact is mental illness that needs to be condemned by all. You are born male or female by God’s design, satan offers alternatives to confuse. In God we trust
Our Constitutional Republic is dead.
Yesterday was the deadline for Congress to convene to determine the punishment for treason. You have all seen this attempt to restore justice to all sovereigns, but attorneys have seized our government as their personal domain. With the end of our Constitution comes the end of all public offices of the United States of America. All power of government ceases and we must protect ourselves from terrorism of attorneys. We are no longer a nation of laws, we have become a communist nation ruled by attorneys who use fake law to persecute the people. I tried to show you sheep what the wolves were doing but my efforts fell on deaf ears. The only thing that gives me hope is Jesus Christ was killed by attorneys and after 3 days God resurrected him from the dead. My God is a powerful God who has all power over life and death. Attorneys were given every opportunity to act within God’s law and refused to bow to their superiors, like the king of Egypt they believe they are above the law and cannot be held accountable. God used Moses to free the slaves of that time, I will trust God to bring justice to the attorneys of this time. I look in front of us and what do I see, justice and peace for you and me. God’s will be done, in God we trust.
Standard of Justice.
Among sovereigns we share the right to the first principles of law. These are; presumption of innocents; due process and jury of peers.
The first, presumption of innocents, is shared by all sovereigns until a complaint is created claiming you have done wrong.
The second, due process, means you are presumed innocent until a complaint signed by an injured party is filed in a court of record against you. The filing of a complaint invokes the rights of the accused to trial of the allegations.
The third, jury of peers, means all sovereigns have the right to trial by a jury of peers (sovereigns who know you). The theory is if a jury of people who know you find that you caused injury to another they can turn you over to government for punishment.
Consider the story of Mr. Brown. He is an honest, God fearing man, who lives alone outside of town. One day he was going about his chores, when he seen a cow out by the road. He went and got the cow, brought it to the barn and gave it food and water. He was going to town later that day and would inquire of anyone lost a cow.
A short time later, the Sheriff came riding up and asked if he had seen a cow. Mr Brown told him he found a cow out by the road and it was in the barn. The Sheriff said you didn’t find it, you stole it and cattle wrestling is a hanging offense. Then placed Mr. Brown under arrest and took him to jail. The judge would be in town tomorrow and could conduct the trial. Then the Sheriff went to the prosecutor and told his story of what happened so the prosecutor agreed to present the case to the judge.
The judge arrived and chose a jury of the town’s people who knew Mr. Brown; the Banker, the owner of the general store, the mayor, the preacher among others. The court was called into session and the Sheriff was placed under oath. He testified Mr Ellis reported his cow missing and the cow was found in Mr. Brown’s barn. Mr. Brown claimed he found it, but I believe he stole it and he should be hung for cattle wrestling. Mr. Brown took the stand and told how he found the cow and was going to inquire in town later if anyone lost a cow. In closing arguments the prosecutor claimed he stole the cow and told the jury they should find him guilty and send a message cattle wrestling will not be tolerated in their town. The jury was given the case to decide Mr. Brown’s guilt or innocents.
During deliberations the banker said I have known Mr. Brown for 10 years and he has always been honest in his dealings with me, I believe he found the cow. The preacher said I don’t know Mr. Brown personally because he don’t come to church, but all I have heard of him is he is a good man, I believe he found the cow. The store owner said Mr. Brown owes me money, but has always paid as he said he would and has been honest in all our dealings, I believe he found the cow. The rest of the jury did not know Mr. Brown but would follow the belief of those who spoke in reference to his character. The jury returned the verdict of not guilty.
This is the importance of a trial by jury of peers, they can determine if you are a person of good or bad character based on knowledge of those who know you. Today’s justice system does not allow this, you are denied trial by jury of peers and given a jury trial by people who do not know you. By today’s standards the Sheriff said Mr. Brown stole the cow. The prosecutor said Mr.Brown is guilty and a message needs to be sent to other wrestlers. By our standard Mr. Brown an innocent man would have been hung.
This is important because I have conducted a “Common Law Court of Record of We the people of the United States of America” to charge those named for Treason before Congress (a jury of their peers) for determination of their guilt in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America, Article III, Section 3. Either we are a “Constitutional Republic” or we are not. God’s will be done. In God we trust.
Kamala just showed her plan to bring Communism to the United States of America. Her policy is to put all things under government control. She claims the ability to do all these things, but fails to say how she will pay for it. The answer is simple taxes. This redistribution of wealth is the final step of communism to control who is allowed wealth and how much they are allowed. It is clear she and Biden have no understanding of economics and could care less about the people, they are only need their votes, then run them into the ground. I have one question, why isn’t she doing it now? Because she is a liar like joe, elect me then I will do it, but they never do what they promise.
The presses role in communism.
We have become fools of the media we choose to watch. It is all biased one way or the other. The media has become propaganda of our government that covers up the truth to promote their goal of dominance in our information. Democrats have MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc… that conduct mockingbird campaigns where lies are repeated over and over again by all networks hoping to be believed and acquire more viewers to show their dominance. This was very effective during the Russia collusion hoax that all networks joined for over two years with the average believeing every lie that was told. Those who research the truth knew it was a lie, but the average believed every word. Trump has been forced to defend himself against these “wrap up smear” campaigns done in conspiracy of treason between media and government that cause the great devide in our nation. The media loved Trump until he ran for President as a Republican. Then it was no holds barred to destroy his character and reduce his effectiveness among the people. Trump showed us the medias true colors and labled them “Fake News”. This moniker stuck and caused all out war between those who lied and Trump. We all seen the coup of the 2020 Election where ballots were counted numerous times, election machines were hacked to alter vote counts and media promoted it as the safest election in history. This was all done in the interest of attorneys who are the dominate force of our government. The courts are still engaged in this coup to stop Trump in the 2024 Election. Trump is the front runner under a gag order to stop the exposure of the corruption of our judicial system. The media and courts tried Trump in the court of public opinion to label him a criminal and obtain a fraudulent conviction to interfere in the 2024 election, their problem is Trump gained support with every illegal act. So the final step to stop him was their attempt to kill him live on national television. Funny all the medias were broadcasting his speech live for the first time, usually the democrat medias show the out takes and twist his words, but on the 13th of August at 6:11pm all networks were live for the first time. Why? Were they given advanced notice that something would happen? Were the Secret Service dumb enough to allow a sniper position to go unprotected to kill Trump? Of course these questions will never be asked because media is complicit in this treason. The problem we have is there is no reliable source of information, they are all state run media of the “Democrat Socialist Party”. The moniker of “Fox News” says “Democracy 2024” in clear treason against our “Constitutional Republic”. God’s law is clear, “In treason there are no accessories, only principals.” Treason is established by any act against our Constitution or failure to stop any act known to be against our Constitution. By this definition there are many traitors in our government and media. Those who know the Constitution know the wrongs being promoted by media and those who don’t believe the lies being promoted. The job of sovereigns is to educate those who believe the lies with the truth of the issues. It is hard to speak truth among liars, but the seeds of truth will grow into knowledge of facts and the lies will cease to be believed. This will create an environment of accountability for those who spread lies in support of a hidden agenda. We deserve no less than truth upon which to base our opinions.
In God we trust truth over lies.
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