435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
We have all seen the polls of media that lead us to believe one thing or another. It has been shown that these pollsters cheat on the results by over sampling those who believe the narrative the want to prevail. For example they poll 75% Democrats, 20% Republican and 5% Independant, that results in a 2% lead by Harris. Media has become the propaganda instrument of government that none of us should ever believe much less vote by their findings. They want us to believe Harris’s communist policies have been changed but she has failed to state that or any policy to the people, by interview or debate. Hidden Biden was successful in 2020 by stealing the election and not presenting policy. We should take our own poll among our family and it will easily show Trump is way ahead. Those willing to destory our nation have invested 500M to support the flunky Harris as the next puppet President, but they hitched their wagon to the wrong horse. We are done with mob rule. In God we trust truth
Right to vote.
The removal of these fraudulent Amendments would be beneficial to We the people. The only right given to the people given in these Amendments is the right of women to vote. But this Amendment is not necessary because it is addressed in Article IV, Section 4 already. In our Constitutional Republic the people retain sovereign power and elect representatives who exercise that power. The right to vote is given to all sovereigns. To be sovereign means you are born in a state, to a parent born in a state of the United States of America. Sovereignty is not limited to male or female it is the “Birth Right” of all of We the people. This is the rock solid foundation of our Republic that should be supported by all men and women of the United States of America. These are God given rights given to all that can not be taken away by anyone. God’s law makes all men and women equal in rights, privileges and immunities of our Constitution and laws of the United States of America.
Attorneys (foreign agents)
The Supreme Law of the Land is the Constitution of the United States of America. But attorneys within our government have created “fiction of law” called Codes, Rules and Regulations that allows them to profit from violating our Constitution. These are foreign agents loyal to fiction of law required to be registered under 22 U.S.C 611. But our law is not followed by these foreign agents who have been violating our original 13th Amendment by holding public offices and operating them in violation of our Constitution, this includes the Supreme Court of the United States. The 13th Amendment was never repealed, it stands as a Constitutional Mandate of our law hidden from us by foreign agents of government to fraudulently maintain power over us. All Amendments after the 13th are fraud by foreign agents claiming authority to change our law, this was done with malicious intent of treason. These Amendments must be abolished until then foreign agents are winning.
Police: Peace Officers vs Law Enforcement Officers.
Today our Police have been changed into law enforcement officers to generate cases for attorney profit. Their true purpose is to keep the peace among the people. As law enforcement officers they have become tyrants who abuse their power, violate rights and improperly use fake law to justify their criminal conduct. They always claim to be investigating some complaint by an unknown source claiming you have done some wrong that gives them authority over you. This fraud is rampant in every Police Department in the United States. The law is clear every arrest must be based upon the 4th Amendment by having a complaint signed under penalty of perjury by an injured party. Every arrest without this complaint is a violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments. There have been many law suits filed against police, but the problem continues. All settlements should come out of Departments’ Budget with reduction of each officers’ pay. In God we trust.
One nation under God.
God made us creatures of choice most live by the beliefs instilled in them while growing up. Some believe this is a dog eat dog world and use violence to get what they believe they are entitled to. The vast majority work hard for what they want and live by the means they earn. These traits apply to government as well. There are those in our government who have never worked a real job and live on the tax payers dime their whole life. Biden and Harris are among these. And there are those who have worked hard creating jobs for others who run for public office to serve the people. Trump is an example of these. Media has become fake news that is used to distort truth and lead us to their desire to control the narrative of what we believe. If media was believed everyone would hate Trump but we know media lies all the time and cannot be believed. God is allowing us to choose who we are as a nation and I believe sovereigns will unite to defeat communism. In God we trust
Rise of Sovereignty
The people are becoming united by their sovereignty and refusing to bow to democracy. We are becoming masters of ourselves and refusing our support for those who believe they are above us. All sovereigns believe government is there to serve us, all citizens believe government is there to take care of them. This philosophy has breed laziness and homelessness because the citizens refuse to provide for themselves. Of course we feel sorry for them and give them money from time to time, but they really have no one but themselves to blame. Their conduct has caused their fate, God helps those who help themselves and the Bible tells us if you don’t work you don’t eat. Man is meant to work to the sweat of his brow and some kind of work can be obtained by those seeking it. Sovereigns help those who try to help themselves and do not pity those who want a free ride. These are the vast majority of our nation who are honorable people of integrity that always offer a helping hand
Democrat support.
We are being led to believe Kamala has the support of Democrats and the election is close. Of course this is just another lie. Kamala does not have even half of the democrats. This lie is evident by the lack of a primary in the democratic party where she would not have been nominated. But her candidacy is riddled with lies, elect me and then you can see my policy, the lie is she is a moderate when in fact she is a communist who believes in government control. For her speech at the Democratic National Convention they lied claiming Beyonce would appear to pack the house. Her attraction power is minimal at best. It is rumored she is using AI to generate crowds to make her seem popular. But her candidacy of 2020 showed us her true character as a far left extremists that garnered less than 1% of the votes in the primary. But media is promoting her candidacy to keep Trump from running away with the race. Kamala’s policy is kept hidden because it is very unpopular among all
Challenge for justice.
The public record of the Common Law Court of Record of We the people of the United States of America is available to all on https://Americansrepublicparty.org
On the website is a “Final Decree for Default Judgment” that exposes the Organized Crime of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS and the wrongs done to me that conducted wrongful prosecution, wrongful incarceration and caused irredeemable damage to my character. The facts, law and evidence support these claims as presented. I ask is there any attorney in this nation with the balls to seek justice to correct the corruption of my coviction. Because attorneys have a monopoly of our courts defendants are repeatedly denied access to the courts to petition for redress of grievances secured by the 1st Amendment. Is there any attorney who believes right is right and wrong is wrong? Or are they all puppets of the BAR Association operating the corruption? Call me (816)522-5587 if you have read the final decree and believe it.
The answer is God.
We all share creation of ourselves and based upon my beliefs God created each and every one of us. The goal of attorneys is to divide us into small factions that are opposed by other factions. The common expression is divide and conquer. Because we are divided we are kept ignorant of who we are. We share our birth right of sovereignty in our Constitutional Republic where We the people are sovereign over our government by our right to vote. We the people are lied to on a daily bases to divide us by the talking points of the day. These lies are generated by attorneys on various medias to sway us in one direction or another. We all share the right to accept or reject these talking points and destory their power by not repeating them. The only way lies work is to be repeated by others. All truth is of God no matter who voices it. We can see lies because they serve to divide us, truth always unites us. To save our nation we must stop supporting lies. In God we trust.
Tools of division.
The tools used to divide us are not limited to Democrat and Republican. We have gay and straight to divide us based on morals. We have black and white to divide us in racism. We have rich and poor to divide us by class. We have those who love America and those who hate America to divide us in patriotism. We have high society and lower class to divide us by social standing. We have those who hold degrees and those who don’t to divide us based on education. We have criminals and judges to divide us as outcasts. We have those who support our Constitution and attorneys who divide us in justice. We have those who are entitled to law and those who are not to divide us in rights, privileges and immunities. We have those who believe in God and those who don’t to divide us by religion. All these tools of division used by attorneys have one common factor, we the people must exercise them against others. We give them power over us and determine their strength by our support.
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