435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Trump vs Harris
We are fortunate to have the track records of both Candidates in consideration of filing our Public Office of President. During Harris’s time in office America has suffered greatly because of Democrat policies implemented by the controller of the Administration. We know Biden is not running the show. Harris has embraced these policies and plans to continue them if elected. On the other hand Trump built the strongest economy in history, reduced taxes, created real jobs, rebuilt our militay and made us energy independent. As I see it Trump made one mistake following Fauci’s recommendations during Covid. Like the rest of us we were dealing with the unknown. Fauci used the situation to advance his hidden agenda. But one mistake does not reduce the accomplishments of the Administration. Trump was our President and did a great job with his agenda. I believe Harris has no accomplishments to boast of, immigration is a desaster and the economy is failing the people. Trump wins.
CNN Interview.
Harris praised Biden a decrepit old man who is not in control of his faculties. Truth is Harris has the obligation to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove an incompetent President and she has failed the people. Harris Walz embraced Bidenomics and claims to continue the policies if elected. Of course we all know her past, she was not nominated by voters she was installed by the Obama flunkies who control government from within. Harris claims her policies have not changed and she has not flip floped on the issues. She believes in open borders and citizenship for all illegal. She claims Trump killed the bill that would haved fixed immigration. She fails to mention the bill 600 Billion in foreign aid or it allow 10,000 illegals to enter everyday. She is proud of the fact she was the deciding vote for the “Infation Reduction Act” that caused inflation to skyrocket. She clearly showed us the Democrat playbook for Communism. Of course CNN claimed it was the best interview ever.
Welfare communism.
Kamala, Walz and all career politicians have become dependant on the taxpayers’ dime. Kamala claims all our problems are Trump’s fault. When Trump left office the border was secure, inflation was less than 2% and we were energy independant for the first time. Biden killed energy by stopping the pipeline, stopping drilling on federal lands, stopped building the wall and caused inflation to grow above 2% every month since he took office to about 30% now. The Biden Harris Admin have caused food to shyrocket, gas to double in price, utility bills to become unmanagable and taxes to create poverty among the people. These are not Trump’s fault, Biden Harris bare full responsibility for the downfall of America. Now we are being asked to allow Harris Walz to continue these policies by allowing them to freeze prices, give illegals citizenship and raise our taxes further to pay for housing by giving $25,000 to illegal first time home buyers. Welfare government is a failure.
Fact checkers.
We have been sencored by fact checkers hoping to hide the lies of Democrats. It seems we are not supposed to believe what dems say, we are supposed to believe fact checkers. Facebook has admitted election interference, claiming they buckled to pressure, seem maybe it was intential.
Birds of a feather flock together.
We are at a pivotal point in our nation’s history where we must decide who we are. Are we a nation governed by the mob of attorneys or are we a Constitutional Republic where the people hold sovereign power over government? The DNC Convention showed us the leaders of communism who seek total control of our nation. If communism wins we will be forced to worship government not God. If communism wins we will become a nation of immoral, unethical and unprofessional leadership that will rule our nation with an iron fist. Biden has shown us this by lawfare where the individual is marked, a crime is manufactured and the individual is guilty until proven innocent. This is communism in its true form. Once given power, the government controls everything, the costs of living, the taxes we must pay to support their control and the standards (LGBTQ) they determine are socially acceptable. If you disagree you will be marked and tortured into submission or killed.
Boycotte communists.
All those promoting Harris are communists. We need to follow Maxine Waters playbook by creating a mob and tell them they are not welcome here anymore. If you are a communist your voice should not be allowed in our Constitutional Republic anymore. Time to become the cancel culture of patriotism to cancel communists. You have been persecuted for four years of communist control of our government by Biden and Harris. Harris and Wals will be ten times worse. Those who support them are the enemy of our Constitution and should be shunned in our Republic. Noone should talk to them, noone should watch them on their news broadcast and if you do you deserve to be shunned as well. Communism has gained a foothold in the United States under the cloak of Democracy, but now we see their true colors America has no elites we are all born equal in this nation, those who do not believe this are the problem that must be dealt with. Communists lose power when not supported by others.
Due process of law.
Jack Smith and the DOJ are desperate to convict Trump for anything to stop the accountability of attorneys that show organized crime under the color of law. The ring leader of this mob of attorneys is the Supreme Court of the United States that allows fraudulent UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS to conduct judicial process without authority of law. Based on Precedence this conduct is treason. https://americansrepublicparty.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/enforcementusd.pdf
Jack Smith, as the Plaintiff, is required to show the Court has “Jurisdiction” to conduct judicial process as a UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. He must prove an Article IV legislative court has authority to exercise judicial power of issuance of an indictment. All law presented condemns this conduct but it is allowed in treason of lawfare. Jack Smith and Merrick Garland are conducting treason and election interference to stop the people from electing Trump as the 47th President. If law was followed these individuals would be at the end of a rope for treason.
Vice President.
The vice president is a direct reflection of the values of the president who chose them. Biden is a closet commie who has received alot of money from China through members of his family, Kamala is a communist who has chosen a communist who worships China as her running mate. These individuals have no interest in the lives of those they claim to serve. They are proven liars who will promise anything to gain support but by their track record show they rarely keep their promises.
On the other hand, Trump has chosen a family man who shares his desire to Make America Great Again. Vance has stood on his own convictions in support of Trump’s policies and held many press conferences where he fielded many tough questions by the corrupt media.
The vice president is important because if the president is removed from office the vice president becomes our leader. Walz has shown us his communist ties and as governor has demonstrated abuse of authority. Trump Vance has my vote.
Free Speech.
All sovereigns enjoy the God given right of “Free Speech” secured by our 1st Amendment. Everything I have presented is, in my opinion, truth stated without purpose to deceive, with purpose to provide food for thought and consideration by all. The Desk of Denny is being studied by people around the world learning our power to hold government accountable. What is being done in America is being done in other countries as well. These posts are providing the people with a resource of an alternate opinion that shows the power of all people of all nations under God’s Law. People are not at war, governments are. Trump is right Puttin is the leader of Russia and should act in their interests. Trump seeks the Office of President to serve the interests of the United States. The record shows Trump was very effective in this position. My question is, “Who will Harris serve as President?” Biden served Obama not the interest of the American People by executing Obama policies against us.
Indictment of media.
It has become abundantly clear media is biased and fraudulent in their presentation of facts. They use their public platform to distort truth and lead people to believe their narrative. We can see Trump live say one thing and watch the media twist the truth to mean something else entirely. For example Trump said the auto industry would suffer a blood bath if he was not elected. The media reported Trump said there would be a blood bath if he is not elected. By leaving out the auto industry the media created a false narrative. This is clear in the statistics of coverage by media 90% is favorable to Harris, while 89% is negative to Trump. Everything Trump has told us has been proven true, including labeling media “Fake News”. The media has become desperate to control the narrative and be believed by the people. But they are not believed, they are only fooling themselves, because we see their lies clearly. State run media of communism has failed in our society.
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