444 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves, and, under a just God, cannot long retain it.” Abraham Lincoln April 6, 1859. Those engaged in treason to our nation, are engaged in war against God. I was blessed with wisdom by God who led me to understanding of real law. We the people have been manipulated to believe codes, rules, regulations and statutes are law, but they are not law, they are “fiction of law”. These are used by attorneys to make We the people believe we are accountable to attorneys for any violations of “fiction of law”. We the people (sovereigns) are not accountable to attorneys or judges for anything. We the people share liberty that requires due process of law to hold any sovereign accountable. A sovereign is only accountable to an “injured party” who signs a “complaint”. Due process requires a complaint to establish “probable cause” to prosecute a crime. Every sovereign is entitled to this protection of law that secures our liberty.
Truth no matter who says it is of God. Lies no matter who spouts them is of Satan. Biden lies repeatedly about speaking truth. We have all seen it who watch news networks and they all have a common agenda lie about Trump’s truth. The question of all sovereigns is what do you believe truth or lies? Media is controlled by attorneys who are masters of deciet, misinformation and manipulation. Attorneys control our courts, our media, our banks, politics and our education (indocrination). By manipulation of truth We the people are kept in the darkness of lies by those engaged in the deception. In the past God’s laws were in Latin to allow those educated knowledge of law and keep the masses ignorant dependant upon nobels and clergy to provide what the law is. Today God’s law is available to all by Maxim of law available to all in Black’s Law Dictionary. The website gives definitions and maxims in “Amicus Curie Brief” that I have chosen within God’s law. In God we trust truth over the lies. https://Americansrepublicparty.org
Reviewing the media morning joe claims Trump lied repeatedly, but the facts they showed has been democrat talking points that have been debunked. They claim Biden was not able to address the lies in real time, others could have. CNN is closer to the truth Biden had one job to show he could do the job and he failed miserably. Fox attack Biden’s ability to focus playing many clips of him stumbling and losing his chain of thought. Newsmax was talking other topics. Our media is in fear because the truth of Biden was seen by all who watched, so they can no longer spin the truth. The democrat talking points were all defeated in one night. The only hope for the United States is Trump, we will struggle until January 2025, but a new day is coming when justice is restored. Media fears accountability for all the lies they have spouted over the years. If I were attorney general I would prosecute these media commentators for the propaganda they promoted. But that is up to Trump. In God we trust.
I watched the debate I recorded this morning. Biden showed nothing to fix our nation he was focused on rehashing old issues many of which were debunked. His presence showed us all that he does not command the position of President he has no vision for our future. Of course the moderators allowed Biden’s diggs and changed the question not allowing Trump to respond. The issue of border security shows Biden wants open borders. Social security is being wiped out by Biden who is putting illegals on it. This is fact i recently went to Social security office and out of 20 people wait i was the only american, the rest were foreigners. Any democrat who votes for Biden is voting for the downfall of America. Trump was right about his position with NATO and the lack of respect Biden has with foreign nations. He also pointed out Biden has fired noone for the failures of his administration. Show he is not in control of the presidency. He is being used by someone. Facts not lies shows Trump won this.
In the words of Elvis If I can dream, why can’t my dream come true. When I began my journey of life I had to fight to survive the ugliness of discrimination because I was white. But to off set that hate shown me God showed me the integrity of black fathers who showed me men of morals, ethics and principles. Because my father died when I was 7 these men took me under their wing and watched over me. They took me to the hospital when I was hurt. (Mr. Williams) One paid the taxes on our house so we had a place to live. (Papa Love) This was a time when there were friendship and repect for others. But since the hate of our world has become dominate. This is why I fight for justce, not for whites, blacks or any other race, but for us all. Justice comes from enforcement of our laws, that protect our God given rights and establish equal justice for all. Under God’s law all are protected and all are accountable for the injuries they cause. Coined “due process of law” and all are entitled.
What I have shown you is the game of politics. It is them against us. The only choice we have is Trump who is hated by all attorneys. They hate him because he cannot be bought and under him they will not be able to operate their corruption as usual. Tomorrow night Trump will stand alone for the people of our republic against Biden and those who support lawfare, as well as, the media who has lied to us over and over again. Trump is willing to walk into the den of lions for the people knowing his words will be twisted and the media will attack any mistake he makes. Trump has been sent the Revocation of Sovereignty that has the ability to stop all lawfare, it is unknown if he has received it or not. It was delivered by registered mail to his Executive Offices in Jupiter. The key to corruption is the President because he must approve all acts that promote corruption. Trump has shown his willingness to take heat for doing the right thing. Our hope for the future is with God who created him.
What I have shown you is the system, created by the Consitution to hold public servants accountable. Our forefathers made a Republic where the people retain sovereign power. The Supreme Court established the power can be exercised either directly or by those specially delegated by the people. “Remonstrance” is the beginning of a formal protest of the criminal conduct of a “Public Office” that gives the opportunity to correct the conduct. If the conduct is not corrected a Bill of Attainder is utilized to enforce law and remove the individual from “Public Office” by informing their superior of criminal conduct by the individual. If the lawful orders are not followed individuals can be jailed for contempt. If the law is not enforced “Judgment of Treason” is justified to hold those accountable who acted without authority of law. This is God’s law, not fiction of law (statutes, codes, rules and regulations) but law that gives power to an injured party. All fiction of law is fraud, not law.
What trump received yesterday is enforcement of God’s law it has the authority to stop all prosecution of trump without a complaint signed by an injured party. This will also stop all lawfare being conducted in every court against all the people. God’s law is clear punishment to few, dread to all. In this situation punishment has been lawfully imposed on those attacking trump, but more importantly it sends a message to every public office that they are accountable to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. This soundly defeats lawfare that operates on protection of criminal conduct by attorneys, BAR members united to create an elite group to control the courts of the United States contrary to written law. The Bill of Attainder creates presedence that lawfare is organized crime of attorneys and they are accountable for their crimes. Accountability is the foundation of justice that creates liberty among the people who are only accountable to an injured party, not attorneys.
Today on the Ingrham Angle Alvin Bragg cliamed donald john trump was convicted just like everyone else who is prosecuted. If this is true them every defendant in New York is a victim of lawfare. Lawfare is an organized plot of attorneys to prosecute in violation of the 5th Amendment Right to due process of law. A complaint signed by an injured party, is the foundation on which all rights are secured. A complaint gives the court personal and subject matter jurisdiction over the person and the
crime committed. A complaint establishes who has claimed injury and invokes the 6th Amendment right to challenge the witness against you. The public record establishes there was no complaint created in trump’s case, therefore no jurisdiction was established for the court. The Supreme Court has determined repeatedly to act without jurisdiction is treason. This shows the Bragg case but it is not alone the James case is the same lawfare. Trump’s case has shown what is done in every court to defendants. -
How do we shame a tyrant? How can we make a tyrant see the errors of their ways? What can we do when faced with the wrongs of this world? The answer is clear love our enemies, have compassion in our hearts and trust God will take care of this. It is hard to have faith when we lose at every turn of life. But with the faith of a mustard seed mountains can be moved. Throughout the history of our world dictatorships have risen and because of their abuse of God’s children they have all fallen. God is our strength and salvation in the war against those who seek dominance over us. God has the power to change it all with no effort at all. We must have faith that our enemies will fall in God’s time not ours. How we fight is by having faith in the process that God has a plan and everything is on schedule. God’s law has been presented and ignored, it is just a matter of time until God’s law is enforced. I stand with God against those who use their power to hurt the people. God’s will be done.
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