435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
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I have done all I can to show you who you are and the power you have as a sovereign. My Common Law Court of Record stands as truth to condemn all attorneys who refuse God’s Law. My websites https://Americansrepublicparty.org and https://Americansrepublicparty.com provide facts, law and evidence to support any fight against injustice. I have given you the tool to fight all injustices of attorneys. We have our “Hell’s Angels” to rid us of illegals who resort to violence as foreign gangs in our Nation. These are our “warriors” who meet violence with violence as our “Peace Keepers”. Our warriors always protect the widowed, aged and feeble minded, they should be protected, supported and seen by all sovereigns as those fighting evil. Right is right and wrong is wrong, those who hurt and threaten others are wrong, those who stop violence by violence to help others are right. Justice requires accountability of those who violate others and consequences of their conduct. On Judgment Day we will face God.
Freedom to peacefully assemble.
We each have the right under God’s Law to join with others of like mind and to refuse to associate with those who do not share our beliefs. We all share this right as sovereigns under God’s Law and respect the right of others to not believe as we do. We have all heard the lies of politicians and by the Desk of Denny have been given sovereign talking points to combat the lies with truth. As a sovereign we all share the responsibility to know our Constitution and when necessary to call out those who violate it. Every sovereign shares this duty. I have given you 200 talking points, all you need to do is read and understand these principles and voice them where truth is necessary. Thomas Jefferson said it best, “When the people fear government you have tyranny. When the government fears the people you have liberty.” All sovereigns must unite in “liberty” to pursue happiness without injury to others and stand united against those who violate the rights of us
Freedom of Speech.
What I have shown you is your power to express truth freely. I have given all sovereigns truth according to God’s Law that stands uncontested. A Common Law Court of Record can be establised by every sovereign to right a wrong done by government. A Tribunal has power to reverse any “Judgment” of any “Judge” entered without authority of God’s law. We are all sovereign in the United States of America and are all equal under God’s law, regardless of race, creed or color. We all share the rights, privileges and immunities of our God given authority in our Constitutional Republic. We retain sovereign power over our government and can hold public officials accountable by Remonstrance, Bill of Attainder and Judgment of Treason. Those in government who refuse this due process of law are “Principals” of the crime of treason and subject to the penalty of death for their crime. All attorneys in a “Public Office” are “Principals” under God’s Law. We the people retain this power
Freedom of Religion.
Truth is of God.
My truth is my Lord Jesus Christ died a horrible death and by His blood our sins are forgiven. My God showed His power by the resurrection of Jesus Christ and established truth He has power over life and death. Jesus Christ’s Desipiles refused to lie about seeing Him alive after the crucifixion and were put to death for their truth. Jesus Christ told us, “Blessed are those who believe without seeing.” I believe Jesus Christ has three entities the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who have saved my life many times where I should have died. I believe I was saved for the devine purpose to restore justice in the United States of America under God’s Law. This is my belief and if I must die for my truth, so be it. God’s will be done.
Lies are of satan. Liars are those who do not respect truth and twist facts to justify their desire. All attorneys are liars who act against God’s Law and truth.
These things I believe whole heartedly. In God we trust.
Who is right and who is wrong.
In my legal fight, I have always argued facts, real law and evidence. Attorneys acting as judges have always ignored, denied and dismissed these arguments without rebuttal from the opposing attorney. All my arguments have been grounded in our Constitution supported by Supreme Court Presedence and reasonable given the circumstances. Attorneys unite when challenged by real law to establish they are always right and defendants are always wrong. This is proved by the 98% conviction rate in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS. Then the attorneys of the Appeals court upholds the wrongful conviction ignoring all real law presented. Confirming the Defendant is wrong. These Constitutional violations were argued by Habeas Corpus to the Supreme Court of the United States who simply dismisses real law and refuses to hear the case ending all lawful arguments of the Defendant. Done or is it? If I am right then all these attorneys are wrong. The Constitution supports me.
Why attorneys hate our Constitution.
Our Constitution was overthrown in 1871 when the original 13th Amendment was removed without repeal required by law. This establishes, though hidden from us, the original 13th Amendment is still a Constitutional Mandate today. This Mandate prohibits acceptance of any “title of nobility” that our Constitution prohibits any government to issue within the United States of America. All attorneys have accepted the title of nobility of “Esquire” from a foreign state making them “foreign agents” required by FARA to be registered as such 22 U.S.C. 611. The 13th Amendment prohibits these foreign agents to hold any office of trust or profit within our government state or federal. By unlawful removal of our 13th, attorneys have unlawfully seized our government from within, and operate it as Elites above the written law. If our law was enforced no foreign agent could enter our courts much less preside as a judge over sovereigns. Justice requires God’s law.
Power of communism.
The 2024 Election has opened the Democrats playbook of communism for all to see. On one side is all the attorneys and on the other the American People. Kamala has been installed as the Democrat candidate for President against our Constitution. Attorneys have established themselves as the “Elites” that rule our Nation by lawfare that denies our Constitution to all. God given rights of all sovereigns have been abolished by the Elites who dictate what law is against written law that condemns their treason. Kamala’s record as a prosecutor shows us where we are going, wrongful prosecution without a complaint, wrongful incarceration without due process of law and denial of all petitions for redress of grievances. Absolute power of the Elites with no hope for justice or vindication. You are guilty and will never be proved innocent. Our prisons are full of these innocent people railroaded by lawfare. Kamala and Obama seek dictatorship and absolute power without restriction
Power of government.
Democrats have been abdicating for the abolishment of the Constitution claiming it is outdated. They claim it is just a peice of paper and no longer serves any purpose in our modern day society. If we believe Democrats our Republic is gone and they now control our Nation 100%. The attorneys and judges have abolished our Bill of Rights in our Courts where they practice lawfare to deny all due process of law. They removed the Supreme Law of the Land and replaced it with fiction of law to fraudulent label millions “convicted felons”. Of course all of this is done without jurisdiction or authority of law by Congress who created Article IV legislative courts with no authority to conduct judicial process. We have 3 branches of government all controlled by attorneys working in conspiracy of treason to violate our Constitution. All of this crime is allowed except our Constitution prohibits it. A Republic gives power with limitation, dems want no road blocks to their power.
Our failing Nation.
We are a failing Nation because we will not stand united to enforce our Constitution in our Constitutional Republic. We have allowed our Nation to be divided into a two party system operating our government under mob rule by attorneys fraudulently claiming the elite status of nobels by acceptance of the title of nobility of esquire. These snakes in the grass use fake law, called fictions of law to operate fraudulent courts and deprive us of liberty under the color of law. These traitors claim the authority to ignore, deny and dismiss our Constitution and do whatever the mob agrees to do against us. They allow our nation to be invaded by illegals who engage in crime against us. They steal our elections by allowing illegals to register and vote in our elections. They fraudulent claim to support our Constitution by taking our Public Offices as citizens to gain power over sovereigns of our nation. They have created a cabal whose sole purpose is to keep us divided against eachother. Our Constitutional Republic is a one party Nation where the people retain sovereign power over government.
I am Sovereign. I am the King of my life. You are Sovereign. You are the King/Queen of your life. Together we share the authority and responsibility to enforce our Constitution in our Constitutional Republic. As sovereigns we are not divided by anything except those who believe in our Constitution and those who don’t. All sovereigns are united regardless of race, profession or religion and stand united against all those who cause us harm. You hurt one of us, you hurt us all. When Sovereigns stand united they rule the rulers of government with our Constitution based on common knowledge, common sense and agreement of what is law. God’s law is clear, “Truth, by whosoever pronounced, is from God.” “Truth is the mother of justice.” “One who does not speak truth freely is a traitor of the truth.”
We are failing as a Nation, because we are not living up to the obligation of every Sovereign, to the founding fathers who fought and died to leave us our Constitutional Republic with the duty of all sovereigns to leave it in tac for the next generation. This duty is simple, every adult Sovereign is required to read our Constitution know the limitations We the people placed on our government and speak out against any public official who violates our trust. The trust is their oath of office to support our Constitution, if they violate this trust any sovereign can remove them from public office by the following common law.
A formal protest of the conduct of a government official. They must be given a deadline for correction of their violation of public trust. If they fail to do so step 2.
2. Bill of Attainder.
A bill of attainder is served on the public official’s superior for their removal from Public Office within a certain time limit. If that superior fails step 3.
3. Judgment of treason.
When a superior fails to enforce our Constitution they can be prosecuted by filing a criminal complaint in a court of proper jurisdiction. All Common Law Courts of Record have jurisdiction over any Public Office under the authority of our Constitution.
Note: templates and examples are available in the Common Law Court of Record of the Tribunal denny ray hardin @ https://Americansrepublicparty.org
These are the tools of all Sovereigns to right the wrongs of our government. Our duty as sovereigns is to protect all sovereigns’ rights, privileges and immunities under our Constitution to preserve them for ourselves and our posterity. This means all sovereigns are united in the fight to preserve our Constitution to our children, grand children and great grand children, leaving them the same obligation to their posterity.
This fight is supported by God’s Law as follows:
“Punishment should take hold of the guilty (who commit the wrong), and not others. Bracton 380b.”
“When order of pleadings has been preserved, the law is also preserved.”
“All things are presumed to be done legitimately until the contrary is proved.”
“Nothing better preserves the subjects of the realm in tranquility and concord than a due administration of the laws.”
Our Constitution speaks for all sovereigns and condemns all those who violate it. The failing of our Nation is the failure to hold those accountable who have violated our law, given by God to all sovereigns of our Nation. We must unite to preserve our way of life and condemn those who abuse their authority. We must do our part to preserve our Constitutional Republic for all generations to come. We can all change and live the precepts of law, to live an honorable life, cause injury to no one and give all men their just due. We are united by our forefathers who fought and died to preserve our Constitutional Republic for us, we are no less required to do the same for the next generation.
God’s law is clear, “Force is inimical to the laws.” Violence is not the answer enforcement of our Constitution is the greatest charity all sovereigns should give to.
Time to unite in God’s justice for all sovereigns of our nation to save our posterity.
It’s very obvious that she’s not in charge of anything, She definitely talks out of both sides of her mouth.
Newer comment are on the higher page numbers , older comments are on lower page numbers, in other words you need to go backwards thru the pages 4,3,2,1
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