407 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Kamala’s Record.
Kamala’s has allowed an incompetent President to remain our leader knowing he is not capable of the job. As a prosector she has work with DOJ and FBI to conduct lawfare. Kamala’s past campaign promises have all changed according to her supporters in the media, but she claims her policies have
not flip flopped. Because her policies were unpopular in the 2020 Election she has chosen to keep them secret in the 2024 campapaign. She knows if her true intentions are known she cannot win because the majority reject them. Sure she can always fool a few democrats but Republicans stand in opposition along with all other rational people. Commumism can only win by lies, deception and cheating. Sovereigns stand on faith, truth and God. God is always love, hate is the tool of the wicked. We must stop being fooled by the liars to save our nation. I watch all cable news channels and see clearly the lies of them all. I believe God will always lead me to truth. In God we trust. -
Communist’s promises.
Harris is promising to fix all her screwups when she is elected. This is the biggest lie of all Communist life will be better under our control. If this is true why isn’t it being done now. Because this is not meant to be done, Harris must make you believe it will be done and then ignore you after elected. Communist principles are being displayed publically lying to you these are acceptable. Like $50,000 tax credit to start a business with your money, when you surpass the credit you will be regulated into bankruptcy. You will be given a $25,000 tax credit to buy a house, thus raising housing costs, that most cannot afford now. She will put price controls on grocery stores thus limiting availability and causing shortages. Communist’s promises always paint a bright and rosie picture for the future until they are in power then that picture fades into darkness, never to be. God blessed this nation with Trump, accept God’s blessing and we will prosper trust in God.
Russia, Russia, Russia.
Yesterday, the organized crime leaders of lawfare brought back their Russia hoax. These liars of the DOJ, FBI, etc.. claim Russia is out to help Trump, when all evidence supports Russia wants Harris a much more predictable President. Logic dictates why would Russia help Trump who will stand strong against them. No it just does not add up. Of course this is because Harris is failing and they are setting the stage to cheat again. Attorneys are facing accountability for their treason when Trump takes the Office of President. CNN is gearing up to run the narrative of the Russia hoax by bringing back Brian Stelter, Chris Cuomo and others of like mind. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and his hoe are setting the stage for another round of Trump’s prosecution by Jack Smith who was illegally appointed Special Counsel by Garland without authority of law. Is there no end to the criminal conduct of dems? If you support this crime then you are the problem. Justice will prevail.
These diploma mills are receiving tax dollars to allow foreign nationals to hate America, burn our flag while waiving foreign flags and terrorize American students. These diploma mills, as accredited universities receive a peice of the pie of the budget of the U.S. Dept. Of Education. They fraudulently claim to teach law, but in fact have dumbed down the attorneys for BAR Association control of our courts by fiction of law. Any university that allows this woke agenda should lose all accreditation and all funding by taxpayers permanently. Our universities are supposed to serve Americans and it is a privilege for any foreign national to attend, if they abuse this privilege the university should cease to be part of our Education system for allowing these abuses. The woke agenda is not a standard of education needed in America and any university who teaches it should be labeled as the diploma mill they are and not an educational institution paid by taxpayers. In God we trust.
Obama’s legacy.
It seems everything done by Biden Harris is to preserve the legacy of Obama. ObamaCare has been given to all the illegal, undocumented invaders of our nation as free health care at taxpayers’ expense. Making it appear it is serving health care needs of Americans when illegals are the beneficiaries. Obama has always sided with Islamic terrorists of Iran and Biden Harris has allowed millions of unvetted terrorists in our Nation. These gangs have now started to rape, rob, murder and extort Americans. Democrat governors are allowing these illegals a free hand refusing to stop these criminals or protect Americans. By Obama’s playbook illegals are used to make Americans lose faith in government and present Harris and communism as our only hope to solve the problem. All dems are liars telling us they will secure the boder if elected, why not now? Because they have no plan to stop the invasion they allowed and they need the army of illegals to bring communism. In God we trust.
I wonder if what I have posted on Truth Social is being shadow banned. Being an attorney is in control. My truth of attorneys is available on the Desk of Denny @ https://Americansrepublicparty.org
There are no innocent Attorneys.
Every attorney has accepted a title of nobility of esquire and joined the conspiracy of BAR Associations against our Constitution. This fact is irrefutable. All attorneys are liars such as Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Obama, Clintons, etc… who all claim to have our best interests at heart. Truth is they seek to make lawfare permanent in the United States by the elite group of attorneys being dictators of our society. A vote for Harris is a vote for communism and the dictatorship of Attorneys. I do not know if Trump will fix this problem, he has been lawfully served evidence and refused to make it public, but I do know if Harris wins our Constitutional Republic is gone forever. All those who fought and died to give us sovereignty would have died in vain. Our forefathers gave us a Republic where we are all powerful above our government, Attorneys’ goal is to make us all slaves to them. All attorneys should be removed from office and justice restored by God.
Justice for Attorneys.
All attorneys should be tried by lawfare the system they created. Attorneys are all guilty until proven innocent in a court of justice. Attorneys must be banded from all courts within the United States of America, if you are a member of the BAR you are banned from appearing in any court as a foreign agent. If you are a judge, who has allowed prosecution without a signed complaint you should be tried for treason, terminated and banned from all courts for life. If we are vengeful people this is what we would do. Our sins are forgiven as we forgive others. Jesus Christ told us “…Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense…” Hebrews 10:30. To end lawfare, due process of law, must be restored. This process requires a signed complaint by a sovereign to prosecute any crime. All trials must be by jury of peers. All sentences determined by the jury. All courts must be made Article III Constitutional Courts. These are required to restore justice. In God we trust.
What would you do?
The system of justice under attorneys is all about the numbers. The attorneys work in unison to get those charged tried and convicted as fast as possible. The attorneys do this by grouping them together claiming they operated a conspiracy. The attorneys offer a plea deal of 5 years in prison or go to trial and face 20 years. When the offer of 5 years is refused they take one to trial and he is found guilty and sentenced to 20 years. The next day the rest sign the plea deal for 5 years. This allows mass prosecution, at minimal cost for the profit of all attorneys of the case who are generally paid by taxpayers. This conspiracy of treason and conspiracy against rights is the crimes of all attorneys. Justice requires accountability all attorneys should be offered the plead deal of 20 years or face the death penalty if they go to trial. We can play the numbers too. Kill a few and the rest will plead. 95% imprisoned took the plea deal. What would you do? God’s justice.
Organized Crime of Attorneys.
To be an attorney you must be a member of a BAR Association. The BAR controls our court through its members as judge, prosecutor and defense attorneys. The method of organized crime is “Extortion” by threatening a defendant to plead guilty or accept a plea deal. By attorneys working together they intimidate, coerce and terrorize the defendant into submission. Of course every case without a complaint is treason by the judge for lack of personal and subject matter jurisdiction, ineffective assistance of council by the defense attorney who failed to demand the signed complaint and challenge the jurisdiction of the court and the prosecutor for denial of due process of law. All are paid by taxpayers to support our Constitution but none do. This proves the crimes of attorneys who put 94% of people in prison without a complaint of which I am one. This gives me standing to argue on behalf of all those wrongfully imprisoned. We see you attorneys. In God we trust.
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