435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Democrats have always been the party of violence, as the KKK they lynched people, they riot burn businesses as part of their so-called peaceful demonstrations and promote abortion as a right to kill the undesirable children of God. This election will determine the path of our nation, whether we a nation of law and order or a nation of violence. If mob rule becomes the law of our land then killing undesirables is acceptabl the communists want this system in place so they can justify hurting the people for the profit of the elites. Attorneys are masterful deceivers who twist facts to show them in a positive way no matter how bad their conduct is. They advance themselves by showing their willingness to hurt others to get ahead, no sin is regarded in their desire to gain power over others. They lie, cheat and steal their way to the top once there they have no compassion for those beneath them. Satan is a fallen angel who leads these elites of our society, but God sees all of us.
Sovereign talking points.
I have done my best to explain what I have learned in my quest for truth. The laws presented have not been challenged in any court where they were presented and stand as truth. God’s Law is clear, “He who does not deny, admits.” I have lawfully claimed my sovereignty and you are given the choice to claim yours. The desk of denny is sovereign talking points presented as truth to correct any lie on the subject. We have been divided by liars who claim the otherside is bad. There is no other side we are all sovereign. The law of attraction says, “Thoughts make things.” This means our thoughts create good or bad in our lives. Truth has the most difficult job to show facts to defeat fiction that has been accepted without truth. We have been led to believe things that go against logic, our morals, ethics and principles. Time for all sovereigns to stand on their truth and give them power by making them known. You know what I think, but I am one, time for those of God
There are three top professionals of our society these are doctors, lawyers and clergy.
Doctors have united to keep us sick needing the pills of pharmaceutical companies that pay kickbacks to legalized drug dealers. Gone is the hippocratic oath to do no harm, that we trust of our physicians who have abandoned it for profit.
Attorneys of the BAR Association, our lawyers have joined in lawfare to persecute the people for profit. Those trained in fiction of law by diploma mill universities who fail to teach our Constitution and God’s law of our Republic. They conspire to take our life, liberty and freedom without due process of law under color of law.
Clergy have become the mouthpeice of whoever is in power. The pope has approved same sex marriage that goes directly against what I learned in Sunday school. The worship of God has become acceptance of LGBTQ rights, I learned what happened to them at Sodom and Gomorrah, today they are flagrant in their sin with preachers
God’s massagers.
I am from the old school that taught us to judge a man by the content of their character, their knowlege and ability as taught by MLK. I was taught all you need is love by the Beatles. Reagan taught us the most feared 8 words, “I am from government and here to help”. While there are many others, these show us nothing is done that is not divinely inspired by God. Jesus Christ taught us to love our enemy and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Our forefathers were divinely inspired to create a Constitutional Republic where the people are sovereign over the government. We have allowed hate to become a force in our nation that allows violence, immorality and fear acceptable to rob us of the joy of our life. These liars spew their hate for all to see and promote evil hoping good will come of it. God’s law is clear, “You are not to do evil that good may come of it.” God made us creatures of free choice, we can chose love or hate as our guiding principle.
I believe.
I have always believed that love and hate cannot exist in the same heart. I have love for my God, my family and my country, these are why I fight so hard against those who hate these things. Democrats have united in their hate they have been programed to hate MAGA, Trump and all those who oppose Democracy in our Constitutional Republic. As a Trump supporter I do not hate anything, I do not like what people do, but I do not hate them, I will not give hate power in my life. I believe if you hate you cannot love. Hate consumes you and comes out against those who love you, but your hate makes it impossible to share life with those who love our country, our families and above all our God. Your hate deprives you of the joy of love among God’s children. Democrats are hate, MAGA is love, we invite you to leave your hate behind and join us in our love of God, family and country. If you bring hate you will not be accepted among us, only love is allowed I believe you love or hate all.
I am a mental midget.
For the life of me I cannot understand the attraction of democrats to support communism. Our Constitutional Republic is the beacon of freedom around the world and everybody wants to come here. We all know Obama and his failed policies are controlling Biden and Harris in his third term as a failed President, but now he wants a fourth term with total government control in the hands of the democrat machine of communism. I agree with Kamala on her taking point we are not going back to the policies of Obama who as a homosexual established gay marriage against God, allowed LGBTQ rights to trump all others and used riots to create fear among us. I cannot understand why anyone, who is born a sovereign, would allow themselves to be made citizens of communism. The United States has always been the shinning example of hope, liberty and freedom not because of Democrats but in spite of them. Lawfare has created hate of our system of government by the people because God is not
We all want security.
We all share the desire to be at peace in our society and free to be left alone as long as we cause no injury to another. The key to this peace is Law and Order enforced equally on all of society, but in this system of lawfare the people no longer respect the authority of law. We want to but we see criminals in suits and black robs violating our Constitutional rights and not being held accountable for their crimes. God’s Law is clear, “The higher classes are more punished in money, but the lower in person.” Our society is up side down public servants claim they are the higher class above the sovereigns of our Constitutional Republic. In fact public servants should always be held accountable in person, yes they should go to prison and live in the system they created. Until our government is capable of policing their own, we the people have no reason to respect those who claim to be our protectors. Justice brings peace and faith in the system. In God we trust peace
Action speaks louder than words.
We have sixty sum days until our election and then another 60 sum days until the new Administration. Are we just supposed to patiently wait to see if these politicians will keep their promises when elected? Trump has the power as a Defendant now to end the reign of terror of attorneys by permanently stopping the corruption of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS by simply challenging jurisdiction. If Trump’s attorneys will not do it, he has the power to do it himself. Restoring justice in the United States is in the interest of all sovereigns. Each and every sovereign has the right to a lawful court, with an impartial judge acting within their jurisdiction. The Plaintiff is lawfully required to prove this jurisdiction. Trump’s challenge to jurisdiction would speak for all Americans and put an end to corruption of BAR attorneys acting in fraud as judges, prosecutors and defense at taxpayers expense. Truth over lies is action. In God we trust truth over all
The jurisdiction of the DC court has been lawfully established not to exist ignored by Trump, Biden, Schumer, Hawley and Schmit. These attorneys and Trump are allowing a fraudulent court to operate without authority of law with malicious intent to allow fraudulent judicial process under the color of law. As the above document shows UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS have no lawful jurisdiction to conduct judicial process. It is Jack Smith’s duty to defeat any lawful challenge to the Court’s jurisdiction, but since Trump’s attorneys refuse to make the challenge, its OK. Of course the Court lacks personal and subject matter jurisdiction by not having a complaint signed by an injured party. But this Lawfare of BAR attorneys is allowed to violate all due process of law. This problem can be fixed now why must we wait until Trump is elected? Time to show whose side you are on God’s Law or Lawfare of attorneys in fiction of law. Truth is known but ignored.
Promises vs Action.
We have all heard the promises of politicians of what they will do if elected. Harris promises to fix the economy that Biden has destoried. Trump has promised to fix the justice system that he has refused to lawfully challenge. His attorneys could easily have all charges dismissed with the lawful challenge to the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS, but that would mean their gravy train would end. The interests of attorneys, profitting from fraudulent operating Article IV legislative courts of no lawful jurisdiction, is superior to protecting the right to due process of law shared by all. The fraudulently appointed Special Counsel Jack Smith is allowed to attack Trump yet again without having to prove the jurisdiction of the court where Trump’s attorneys refuse to challenge jurisdiction, thus establishing no jurisdiction is required. If it is not required for Trump it certainly is not required for the rest of us. Many promises no action. Trust God.
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