444 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Hate is an emotion driven by lies, to eliminate hate stop believeing the lies. Lies are a tool of hate to get you to hate as dems do, but truth shows the lies and their lack of facts to support their conspiracy theory. The Beatles taught us all you need is love. Love believes all things good and rejects the lies.
Threat to Democracy
The biggest threat to Democracy is sovereignty of the people in our Constitutional Republic. As sovereigns we share the sovereign power to hold government accountable ourselves or through elected representatives. Democracy is failing because it is not limited by God’s Law and losing support of sovereigns who support our Constitution. Trump is not the threat to Democracy, our Constitution is condemning Democracy.
I believe no amount of money can buy God’s will. No army can defeat the one God has ordained to win. Publically saving a life from an assassins bullet, was God showing his power over death. God’s law is clear, “When the proof is before you what need is there for words?”
One of my beliefs is God has a plan and everything is on schedule. God has led me to truth in my search for wisdom where I found understanding. Those who are meant to know will understand, those who are not, won’t. God is great all the time. I am greatful.
I believe to test the ability of Harris to face her critics, the moderators of the next debate should be Candice Owens and Tucker Carlson. Time Kamala was challenged by smart people who know the issues. If she refuses she fails the challenge. God’s will be done.
My withdrawal from Public.
I stand before you as convicted felon 22264-045. If you Google Denny Ray Hardin you will see all the lies of lawfare against me. It will tell you nothing about my fight against corrupt government, the fight to restore our Constitutional courts and our Bill of Rights. My truth has been posted in a Common Law Court of Record @ https://Americansrepublicparty.org these facts, law and evidence have been ignored, denied and dismissed by all attorneys in favor of lawfare. I stand in opposition of attorneys and say you are all wrong because the Constitution supports my position. I ask you to read all the entries on the Desk of Denny and determine for yourself if I am right or wrong. Are we a democracy or Constitutional Republic? Are we citizens or sovereigns? Do we have God given rights or not? Are we entitled to due process of law or not? These are the foundation of our nation at stake in this election. It is up to each individual to decide what they believe and support with their power to vote. So I leave you with over 220+ issues to be considered by your vote in November. You are asked to research these issues and determine what is right and what is wrong for you. I cannot go further without being redundant at this time. So I withdrawal to allow my record to be judged by my actions. You can determine if I have won or lost the fight based upon unspoken facts not fiction of government. Whether my life ends with this fight or my God given talents are needed further, will be determined in the future. Until then I leave you with my truth and walk with God to determine what is to come for me. I have escaped death many times, sought understanding that led me to God’s truth and the real Law of our land. You are given the option to read my truth and determine if my conviction was right or wrong. You are given my truth to determine if attorneys are accountable or not. You are given the option to be sovereign or a citizen of Democracy. These are up to you to decide about me. So until election day I will stand on the record created and will remain silent on the issues, to allow you to make your decision, as well. November will decide who we are as a nation, I pray we follow God and live up to our creed of “In God we trust.” God has a plan and everything is on schedule. God’s will be done. So take care of yourself and do your due diligence to follow your truth. Until the election, I’m gone fishin.
The Debate.
We watched the prosecution of Trump by Harris and the commentators. But it is now in the Court of We the people to determine our opinion of the facts. The fact Trump left us energy independent and Harris killed the XL Pipeline thus causing inflation because of gas prices. Trump built the best ecomony in our history only to see it destoried by Biden and Harris. Trump position on abortion is correct, it is a matter for the states to decide, Harris wants a federal mandate that says a baby can be killed if it is an undesirable. Harris is a communist who talks a good talk, all whores practice the art of telling you what you want to hear. What Harris fails to say is taxes will be increased on all to pay for her social programs. Harris refuses to distance herself from Biden who ran our country into the ground who supports supporting communist like Iran to conduct terrorist attacks funded by Biden. 6 billion to Iran that performed these attacks. Trump rebuilt our military that Biden Harris left hundreds of Billions of equipment behind with their withdrawal. The issue of racism is played by Harris who has flip floped on being black. This talking point is a favorite of democrats claiming to give money to new businesses and for first time home buyers. What she fails to say taxes will increase to pay for it. These things are all public knowledge but truth is hidden in the details. Trump has a track record of successfully building a strong economy, securing the border and no wars during his presidency. Harris lacks a positive track record that shows success of her policy. The bad economy, the open border and foreign wars we are paying for shows the position of Biden Harris. We all know Biden is not our President, Obama is in control and has installed Harris as his proxy for his 4th term. Obama divided our nation with the LGBTQ agenda, divided our nation based on race and stated the march to communism with ObamaCare. The track record speaks for itself on one success on the other failure. We must put aside our hate and join in the spirit of love for our country and what is best all of us. In my opinion my vote is Trump 2024. Harris wants communism where she has total authority to dictate policy without accountability. It is time we ended the power of attorneys to prosecute without probable cause Harris showed us clearly lawfare in practice by lies not truth. Courts have become the enemy of the people by violating our God given rights, Harris supports these crimes of judges and our only hope to restore justice in our society is Trump. Where criminals are equally prosecuted for their crimes not allowed to continue in the interest of Democracy and lawfare of attorneys. We cannot afford 4 more years of government run America, where our Constitution is violated daily. I say we must unite to end Communism and Obama’s control of our government. We the people are the voice of this nation and it must be loud and clear we reject communism in all it’s forms of democracy. As sovereigns of our Constitutional Republic we must be heard.
The problem with truth.
We all claim to want to know the truth, but in our world of disinformation, truth is hard to find. Once you know the truth you see all the lies of government and cannot go back to believing them. You try everything you can think of to show truth to the people but they reject it in favor of lies. When the media become complicit in lies, you are bombarded with lies by many different news stations who act as mockingbirds to spout the same talking points. This is present because those who lie are not held accountable, it is acceptable for government to lie to us, but if we lie to government we go to jail. We can never be great when our elected leaders are immoral, deceitful and dishonest individuals who seek power regardless of who suffers under them. Deep down in our souls we know truth from lies, right from wrong and good from bad, but we are swayed by lies to believe that which is against our morals, ethics and principles. When we share truth, we find God.
Irrefutable Law.
God’s law is clear, “Evil deeds ought not to remain unpunished, and impunity affords continual incitement of wrongdoing.” “An evil custom is to be abolished, because in customs, not length of time, but solidity of reason, is to be considered.” Reason dictates our society, the BAR promotes they are the most reasonable to govern our Courts and its members control our politics, media, banks, education, intellegence and economy. Their control of these things are being rejected and protested by society and attorneys know their crimes of treason. We have lived under the Democrat Socialist Party who have lied to us about their true intentions to bring communism under the elites of the BAR. Attorneys are desperate to convince us they are right, because if they lose they know accountability is coming. They have hurt many in their quest for power and their crimes carry lengthy prison terms, but the most feared punishment is their loss of power over the people. In God we trust.
Lies and Truth.
All truth is of God, all lies are of Satan. We see the attorneys uniting to support their leader Harris, Bush refuses to support Trump, Dick Channey and his daughter Liz have supported Harris, all attorneys are supporting communism because they will be the ruling class of elites. These attorneys are one election away from total control of our society. Attorneys lawfare will be the law of the land and our Constitutional Republic will end with all our rights, privileges and immunities. They will rule our society with the iron fist of communism, where the elites can take your life, liberty and property as they desire. The precursor of communism is the Biden Harris administration controlled by Obama who have showed us what is to come. The attorneys get richer while the people are driven into poverty. While there are many liars in our media, I believe the children of God will stand united to restore justice in our society by rejecting communism and its supporters of the BAR.
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