435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
In our current state of lawfare we are being denied that which the law requires. Our Constitution created a Constitutional Republic where the people retain sovereign power. It takes two generations to establish sovereignty, those without this heritage are citizens. Sovereigns have all rights, Citizens have none. Those born in the United States to a parent born in the United States share the birthright of Sovereignty. Only a sovereign has the right to occupy a “Public Office” to represent Sovereigns. Citizens have no right to vote or occupy a public office. Kamala Harris is a citizen, Donald Trump is sovereign. November is a test of who we are, a nation of sovereigns or a nation controlled by foreign citizens. Biden is a foreign agent of the BAR who by our original 13th Amendment cannot legally hold public office. It is up to Sovereigns to determine if we are a nation of laws or a corrupt society, this is an opportunity to determine our future by our power to vote. In God we trust
How illegals are registering to vote.
Under the Biden/Harris Administration the Social Security Administration is issuing Social Security Cards to illegals without Birth Certificates. They are using their Social Security number to obtain a Driver’s Licenses from the State. Once they have a Driver’s Licenses they are being registered to vote. This is the system being used to give illegals the ability to illegally vote. As Americans we are required to produce our Birth Certificate to obtain a Social Security Card, by bypassing this requirement illegals are being given citizenship without due process of law. There is only one way to beat this corruption is to require a photo ID and a Birth Certificate showing you were born in the United States to a parent born in the United States establishing sovereignty. Only Sovereigns have the right to vote in our elections Citizens do not have this right. Illegally voting should carry a 20 year prison term for all illegal votes allowed by government.
Fraud of court.
The DC court has been found guilty of treason by operating judicial process without authority of law. https://americansrepublicparty.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/enforcementusd.pdf
This court filed document stands as truth of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS lack of jurisdiction to conduct judicial process. Jack Smith is responsible to prove the court has jurisdiction to proceed with the case, should the court proceed without jurisdiction constitutes treason by the judge. God’s law is clear, “Whoever is once bad is presumed to be so always in the same kind of affair. Jack Smith is a fraudulent special counsel fraudulently appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to get Trump by any means necessay. For the courts to allow Jack Smith to operate as a prosecutor without standing is an act without jurisdiction with malicious intent of treason. God’s law, “What is beyond possibility cannot exist, and the reverse (what cannot exist is not possible).” No Article IV court can be given jurisdiction of Article III courts. Fact -
Public Persecution of Trump.
Everyday we see some new attempt to lable Trump a criminal. These lies are slander, libel and defamation but because they are made under the false pretense of news these liars claim immunity under freedom of the press. Fraud is fraud no matter what circumstances it is generated under. To restore truth in our nation the liars must be held accountable as a detourant to those who lie and create misinformation among us. These liars are present in our courts, our public offices and churches where individuals profit from disinformation. Pure and simple removing facts to create a false narrative is fraud and conspiracy by those who promote the narrative. Democrats have made fraud the common practice of the news, but they fail to realize their lies are documented and can be prosecuted at any time. There are no statutes of limitations on murder or fraud. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and even FOX NEWS have allowed lies on their networks to defraud the people of truth.
Ophra needs protection of Democrats to protect her child trafficking. 300,000 children have been brought into the United States and just disappeared. Why is the “Border Czar” not held accountable by the media for these children? Are the media complicit in this organized crime? We know Harris and the Democrats are for the woke LGBTQ in our society, but what is her plan for the rest of us? She has none or she would be doing it now. We must see the communist in her true light and know she will say and do anything to obtain the power of the highest public office of our land. She is dedicated to obtaining the title not doing the job that comes with it. Only fools and sheep will vote for her, the rest of us will vote for Trump in November. Our voice will be loud and clear in the United States of America We trust in God, not government to provide our needs, communism is rejected along with all those who promote it. Time for us to unite as, “One Nation under God”. Time to stop the corruption.
Media has lied to us over and over again. The Democrat talking heads have hidden the condition of Biden from us for 4 years. They are now running the campaign of Harris, allowing her to ignore policy and claiming she is in a tie with Trump. The media has become political hacks who are creating false narratives to get Kamala elected. These liars are responsible for the state of our nation by not forcing Biden or Harris to address the issues the people need to make their decision to vote for in November. Harris is not competent to be President and media is covering up for her to maintain control of our news. When she loses all these hacks should be fired never to be allowed the trusted position of journalist again. Lies are lies and truth is the truth, there are miles between them in our society. It should be a felony for any media personnel to lie to the public it is for us to lie to government. In God we trust.
My Heavenly Father;
Please heal the hearts of our nation and stop hate from dictating our society. My voice is small Lord, but you speak to all in their conscious of thought. Please lead all your children who support MAGA and its principles to register and vote. We are at a point where Democrats have corrupted our society and believe they are superior in number to your children. If it be thy will please persuade your children to stand on the values they believe and support those of us who are working to restore our nation. In God we trust is our belief and it needs to be shown in numbers where it can no longer be ignored. Let your children stand united in one voice of support for our Constitutional Republic. In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord I pray, Amen.
Good and evil.
Democrats claim MAGA is evil. MAGA is those who love God, family and country and just want our nation to be great again. We don’t care what color you are or who you love, if you love God, family and country you are welcome among us. These are good moral principles upon which we stand and are the common belief among us.
MAGA believes Democrats are evil because they use race to divide us. Democrats preach hate and lie to us about facts that are important to us. Democrats use riots, demonstrations and violence to silence anyone who opposes them. Democrats have no plan for us, all their plans are to empower them. The homosexual Obama, by controlling the Democratic Party, has created hate, division, crime and caused the loss of empathy for your fellow man. These are all evil things to stop MAGA from uniting all sovereigns of our Constitutional Republic.
God stands with good Satan leads the army of evil. Each can choose where they stand and what is right or wrong for them.
I believe love and hate cannot live in the same heart. One of these emotions will dominate and kill the other. It is all about you, do you love or hate yourself? When love wins let us know. When we trust in God we love all He created and ignore all hate. Love has always been God’s way. God’s law is clear, “The old way is the safe way.” “The beaten road is the safest.” “The beaten way is the safe way.” “Truth, by whosoever pronounced, is from God.” “Truth is mother of justice.” “Truth fears nothing but to be hidden.” “By too much quarreling the truth is lost.” “One who does not speak truth freely is a traitor of the truth.” Love is all you need is truth. In God we trust.
Friend or Foe?
Those who love themselves are friends of themselves. Those who hate, hate themselves and are a foe to themselves. Those who love themselves treat others with respect and kindness. Those who hate themselves treat others with disrespect, anger and violence. Your true self is known to others by how you act, those who hate need the help of those who love to see hate hurts noone but yourself. I don’t care if you hate yourself, unless it hurts me or mine, I protect me and mine by keeping those who hate out of my circle of friends. We can all change, I am living proof of change from hate to love. I love me and mine and hate noone, I have tried so hard to show attorneys the errors of their ways, but their hate is so strong that they refuse to change their ways. The Beatles taught us, “You are good when everybody knows you, you are great when you cannot be ignored.” Trump is great because he is loved by all families who love God and Country. Do you love or hate? In God we trust.
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