444 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
The VP Debate.
While most people ignore the VP Debate, they fail to realize if something happens to the President, the VP becomes President. Knowing this we must consider the Presidentail Candidate’s choice to replace them. Trump chose JD Vance a family man who believes in the America first agenda. Harris chose Walz a globalist who has direct ties with China. Tonight’s debate is an opportunity for our nation to see these choices in action and determine who we want as President, if something should happen to our choice for President. Personally I see many flaws in Walz, stolen Valor, support for LGBTQ, ties to China, burning of Minnesota as governor, but most of all his arrogance to ignore answering questions or addressing these issues. Vance on the other hand has conducted many interviews in hostile venues and has acted with integrity in all. To me my choice is clear but others must make that choice for themselves. Communist or Nationalist? This is the choice we face. In God we trust.
President of the United States of America.
In a few days we will go to the polls to elect our President. We are in very dark times in our Nation’s history and our choice will determine the fate of our Nation. To succeed in the Public Office of President one must possess many skills. He must be a person of honor so his word is trusted around the world. He must have a clear understanding of international relations and the ability to speak for all Americans when necessary. He must understand the economy, how it works and what is necessary to improve its functions. He must be a jurisconsult willing to learn from all and base his decisions on what is best for the whole. He must love God, his family and our nation to truely represent the majority of We the people. Two Presidents in our history refused to take a salary John F. Kennedy who said it is an honor to be President I will not accept a salary for that honor. The other was Trump who gives his salary to charity every month.
TRUMP 47 -
Organized Crime of treason by UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS.
DC District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan is fraudulently conducting judicial process as an Article IV Court without jurisdiction or authority of law. It is impossible for Jack Smith to establish the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS have jurisdiction or authority of law. These fraudulent Courts are lawfare’s last hope to maintain power of operating fraud under the color of law. Attorneys by their “Fiction of law” claim the authority to prosecute without personal or subject matter jurisdiction. The traitors of the BAR are uniting in a last stand against our Constitution and laws. They have been exposed as criminals engaged in treason for their acts without jurisdiction. They know accountability is coming under Trump and are stooping to further treason to avoid life in prison or the death penalty. The stage is set to restore justice to the American People and punish those who have swindled us into believeing they are honorable.
All sovereigns are equal.
All those born in the United States to a parent born in a state of the United States, share the birthright of Sovereignty. As sovereigns, We the people united in sovereignty to create our Constitutional Republic by creating the Constitution of the United States of America and our Bill of Rights. In our Declaration of Independence We declared God’s Law that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. These are the beliefs of our founding fathers who created a system of government where We the people share sovereign power over government. Attorneys have united, under Obama to fraudulent claim our Constitution is obsolete, referring to it as that damn peice of paper. These are the beliefs that united We the people to form the greatest nation in the history of the world. One Nation under God.
Yes there is good and bad in our history, if we forget history we are doomed to repeat it. Attorneys and Democrats use all the bad of our history to turn the people against our nation, but their intentions are condemned becuse they seek to remove sovereign power from the people and establish communism where government has total power over the people. This was done by fraudulent creation of “fiction of law” that is unconstitutional lacking due process of law better known as Codes, Rules, Regulations, Statutes, etc. that are for government authorities only, not human Creators in accordance with God’s law. In God’s law we are all born equal into the birthright of Sovereignty.
Democrats are telling us, give up your Rights and trust government to provide all your needs. This is the never ending promise that never comes to fruition. Every four years we are divided by hate, fear and racism to allow those who despise us and our nation to remain in power. Today they believe they have become powerful enough to take total control of our nation. But that damn peice of paper stands in their way and limits what they can lawfully do. Democrats have allowed an invasion of our nation in violation of Article IV Section 4 of our Constitution. Democrats have united those who live against God LGBTQ by limiting free Speech of Sovereigns about their conduct. Democrats have removed due process of law from our judicial branch that has allow many to be labeled “convicted felons” without complaint or injured party. Who is to blame for this downfall of our nation? We the people are for allowing ourselves to be lied to over and over again until we find ourselves under threat of losing our nation.
Every sovereign is born equal, we equally share the foundation of our nation as a Constitutional Republic. We have all been violated under the color of law, that allows us to be violated, Extorted and deprived of that which the law requires. We have been divided by those who have protection of law and those who don’t. Our forefathers made us all equal under God’s law, we all share the same Rights under God’s Law, we all have the same authority under God’s Law, we are all equally accountable to those we injure either criminally or civil, these are all things attorneys are asking us to give up and allow them to control our society. My question to all of us is why would we give up Sovereignty to be led by foreign agents of foreign state? These citizens Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, Harris, Bush and all other attorneys are warring on our Constitution and have been since removing our original 13th Amendment. None of them are legally qualified to hold any public office. It is time we stood united in the land of the free and the home of the brave against the tyranny of Democrats.
In God we trust. -
Promises and Deeds.
We are in the season of liars who promise us the moon to get elected to our Public Offices. Kamala promises us she will fix our southern border, that she and Joe destoried, allowing some 20 million illegals in our nation and now giving them citizenship to vote in our elections. Kamala has been indocrinated into the Obama Plan to bring Communism to the United States of America, making government in control of everything. It all sounds great until the time of implementation comes and nothing is done. This common practice has been played over and over again by Democrats. Trump’s track record is much different, he kept his campaign promises and done all he promised to do while defending himself from the kaous generated by Democrats. All the attacks of Russia Collusion Impeachment, lawfare, racism and media attacks show the true character of Democrats. Trump wants America Great Again and his deeds show it. Dems hate this concept and seek power to stop this goal for all.
Housing problem.
As a carpenter I can build my own house but the problem is the materials are too expensive. The Biden policy of stopping oil production has many negative effects on the economy. It has caused housing costs to skyrocket because materials have been inflated so much that those who live on wages cannot afford to buy a house. There are many empty houses but most are in disrepair, again the cost of materials is the reason these houses are not bought and renovated. By regulating oil Biden Harris have inflated the cost of everything and have no plans to increase oil production. The cost of getting materials, food and gas to your area has greatly increased, that cost is being passed on to us. So we cannot afford to fix our houses, put food on the table and pay the utilities that have doubled by price gouging of Evergy. For the last 3 years our Electric Bill has doubled in the summer, while government gets theirs free. I agree with Trump drill baby drill to fix the ecomony.
Who is running our nation?
The entire Biden Harris administration is made up of Obama flunkies. The failure of the United States is the success of Obama. Lawfare was considerably advanced during the Obama reign. LGBTQ advanced to allow same sex marriage thus justifying Obama’s homosexual relationship with Michael. Obama got Iran the money they needed to restart terrorism of Iseral. Obama’s green energy deal is being put in place, killing oil production and increasing profits to fund wars for globalists. While Obama is winning on every front, the American people are suffering higher gas prices, utilities doubling, food increased dramatically and inflation that is killing our nation. Biden has shown us his debilitating state, Jill Biden is now running cabinet meetings as an unelected authority. All these policies were done by Biden Harris, now Obama wants an installed candidate to continue his legacy. The difference is Trump puts America first and fires incompetents. In God we trust.
Control over business.
Harris laid out her plan to force businesses to do her bidding. Trump has laid a plan to bring back manufacturing by incentives to return to the United States. Harris has shown she plans to force businesses to comply with her orders. With Trump it is always business first because by companies beinging deregulated they can expand and profit from doing good business. This was clearly shown in his first administration where many returned to the United States with their assets. Harris has picked a commie as her vice presidential candidate who is in China’s hip pocket. Communism is government control of everything with a dictator as President ordering their conduct and punishment for any failure to comply. Lawfare has been tried on Trump and Biden Harris have lost in the Court of public opinion, with every indictment Trump has grown stronger. I believe all should do right by others as a moral value, but Harris wants to dictate the conduct of others. In God we trust.
Those who want war.
Harris is a Zelenskyy puppet to finance the war against Russia. We know the Biden family has profited from Hunter’s acts as an unregistered foreign agent of Ukraine. Zelenskyy has certainly profited by buying a 30 million dollar mansion at American taxpayer’s expense. Those who support this war have all visited Ukraine to collect their participation fee for supporting Democracy around the world. The elites all want war, because in war they all profit from kickbacks. This is all acceptable among the Democrats, where money is laundried through a foreign nation by American taxpayer’s support of war, visited by our politicians who receive their kickbacks for their support as one of the elites. This is the single most motivation for the elites to hate Trump because he will not play the game of war that allows elites to profit. Of course this is the crime of profiteering 18 U.S.C. 209. I ask, “Is this acceptable to you as a taxpayer?” No one but elites profit from war.
God’s will.
God gave me knowledge to fight the corruption of our judicial system to protect Trump. I have exposed the treason of attorneys’ lawfare and challenged this treason all the way up the chain of command to the United States Senate. Throughout our history Christians have fought and died to establish right and defeat those who prey upon the weak and feeble minded. Of course there are many fake Christians who claim to believe in God but will not risk anything. This election is the battle of good and evil, God’s law has been presented to protect Trump, Satan is working through his menions to establish communism where attorneys have absolute power over the people. While Harris knows she cannot beat Trump in a fair election, her supporters have tried twice to kill him but God has stopped the plots. This is the “War of Votes” and will determine the fate of our nation. All God’s children will register and vote for God or against God. Finally, there will be those who turn their backs.
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