435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Obama is the threat.
We all know Joe Biden is a puppet of Obama. We all know Obama is supporting his new puppet Harris. The state of our nation is in peril because Obama who has led the LGBTQ community to be unburdened by what has been. Obama stole the 2020 election and succeeded in destorying all trust of government in just 4 years. Obama wants to remain behind the scenes acting like he is a savior of democracy, when he and his henchmen have led lawfare against Trump opened our borders and allowed our nation to be invaded stopped oil production to increase inflation and drive up costs of living on everyone. These can all be proven Obama acts against the American people by his followers in the Biden Administration. I was conned into voting for him in 2008 as a silver tongue devil I am ashamed to admit. Democracy has been exposed as a communist plot to overthrow our Republic. This election must be loud and clear we reject Obama and Democracy in the United States of America. God’s will.
Government against the people.
Government has become the dictators of our lives. It has grown to the point it believes it can do as it pleases without accountability. If the Constitution does not give the power specifically government does not have it. Many fraudulent courts, institutions and departments have been created by democrats that are unconstitutional. For example, the Constitution allows an “Attorney General” no where does it allow a Department of Justice. All these fraudulent departments have no lawful authority, but brandish unlimited power over the people. These Departments are a burden on taxpayers who must pay the salaries of all the attorneys employed by them to act against us. We should abolish the Departments of justice, homeland security, education and all federal law enforcement agencies. The Constitution only gives the federal government power to enforce immigration law, secure our borders and protect the rights of the people. The rest is unconstitutional. Wake up
Unburdened by what has been.
This is the communist’s favorite mantra aimed at destorying all the beliefs of the people. Obama and his minions want us to believe the Constitution is obsolete and the new society is unburdened by what has been. The Constitution is a contract between the people and government that clearly states what can and cannot be done. Lawfare is clear evidence what our government will become without the Constitution, no-one has rights, no-one is allowed due process of law and no law limits the power of government. This is the treasonous plot of Democrats. The Constitution was Devinly Inspired by God to be the foundation of life liberty and freedom of one nation under God. The game of these communists is to turn the people against God by claiming you are unburdened by what has been. Obama’s 3rd term has shown us those of the LGBTQ are warring against God making America unburdened by the morals ethics and principles that have been our religion since our founding.
Kamala and her supporters have given our resources to foreigners who have entered our nation illegally. FEMA is our Nation’s desaster relief program, that was created to help Americans in times of need. By reallocation of these resources to illegals our brothers and sisters are being deprived of life’s most basic necessities food and water. But this is the Democrat way, create a desaster, fail to provide assistance causing a public outcry and promising to fix the problem, while doing nothing but news conferences. To these liars the illusion of help is more important than help itself. We are suffering because government wants us to look to them for solving the problem. The truth is our current government is the problem. They are too busy to do their jobs of serving those who elected them. They have the public office and see no reason to help those who do not support their party. All of this tells me it is time to bury democracy in our Constitutional Republic. In God we trust
If it’s not right don’t do it.
Kamala and her dominion have no moral compass, those who act against God have no problem acting against you and me. We have allowed a very small minority of our Nation better known as LGBTQ to dictate what we can and cannot say. We are not allowed to say we are not ok with men dressing up like women. We are not allowed to say fags should not be allowed in women’s restrooms. We are not allowed to say proper pronouns or proper English. We are forced to accept LGBTQ under threat of cancelation if we speak out against them. We fear being labeled Racist, transphobic, zeniphobic and homophobic, but in truth they use these terms because they are ashamed of who they are. It is time for all the lies to end and truth to become our guiding principle. We must stop supporting the feelings of the woke who play upon our emotions to accept their mental illness. There are only two genders and God created them both, so how you were born is who you are male or female.
Social Security.
As a retired carpenter, who can no longer work in his profession due to health problems that must live on $963.00 per month, I ask is this the best our government can do?. Only by the grace of God I have survived. Social Security was established as a retirement program, that allows the elderly to retire to a peaceful life after providing labor and paying into the system. Their payment is based upon their wage, but their retirement allocation should be based on the cost of living with all receiving the same amount. But it has become a slush fund for politicans who steal our retirement for their pet projects. All the elderly living on Social Security are living in poverty, are looked down upon as welfare cases after earning their retirement and forced to live the indignity of no longer being able to help their families. Trump give the elderly back their dignity by making Social Security equal to all, not a system that crushes the elderly, this will cause a boom in the economy. In God we trust.
Public perception.
We are being fed the slander of attorney Jack Smith for an October surprise he is hoping will get Harris elected. It’s the last chance for lawfare to bare fruit, all the other cases have shown the criminal conduct of judges and prosecutors who are now required to justify their treason. Jack Smith has been tasked by the DOJ to stop Trump by any means. Of course this release of allegations are the work product of Jack Smith, DOJ, FBI, etc… who have been named co-conspirators in a Common Law Court of Record, lawfully served on Chuck Schumer Majority Leader of the United States Senate. Lawfare is legally defined as organized crime of judges acting without jurisdiction or authority of law. Any evidence presented against Trump will be further evidence of this treason by the co-conspirators which carries the death penalty. Jack Smith is tasked with saving lawfare and corruption of attorneys and judges by election interference that will be examined after the election.
VA Benefits.
In 1976, I enlisted in the Navy, part of my enlistment was guaranteed healthcare for life. Healthcare includes many things other than treating an illness. For example, my eyes are failing and I requested glasses, but VA does not do glasses so I must continue to ware broken ones or do without. I suffer to eat everyday because I need dentures, but VA does not provide dental as part of our benefits. I am experiencing breathing problems, I believe, from exposure to asbestos while in the Navy working to remove it from my ship. Because of this I applied for VA disability, completed all the examinations, but VA claims it take a minimum of 6 months to make a determination. I did the written application, because I could not get it to work on line. There are many corporations available to do the process for 5 months of your benefits. These corporations get government funding to operate then fleece Veterans to get the benefits they need. This is the mountain of red tape every veteran must climb to get that which they are entitled to. It seems all the money allocated to veterans affairs is used to pay those who claim to provide services, not the services themselves. I believe we can do better by those who have served in our military and suffer under bureaucratic red tape.
The VP Debate.
What I seen was a demonstration of freedom and communism. Vance presented a view that Trump will allow the private sector to fix the problems by deregulation. Walz presented the idea of government controlling everything. In my opinion freeing up money by reduction of taxes and regulation will lower inflation. Walz claims traffs are going to be a tax on Americans, in truth traffs are a penalty on companies manufacturing in third world countries and bring products back to the US. These traffs are an incentive to bring jobs back to America. Of course CBS democrats allowed topics of Democrat talking points and acted in favor of Walz. No where does our Constitution use the term democracy, Article IV Section 4 guarantees a republican form of government where the people retain sovereign power and elect representatives who exercise that power. In a Democracy the mob rules and all citizens are subject to control of the mob or government. Biden showed us this in action.
I receive a minimum of 15 calls a day promising to give me money to sign up for Medicare and Medicaid. Some $6,400 others a grocery allowance of $1,800. To do this I must give up my Veteran’s Benefits and join ObamaCare. This is clearly socialized medicine that allows government to determine if you get medical treatment or not. They can give or withhold treatment. This communist system is contrary to the real principles of socialized medicine. I lived in Tokyo for 5 years and paid 1% of my income for national Health insurance. This system of socialized medicine allows you to visit any doctor or denist of your choice and your insurance covers all costs. The problem is for medical professionals who must charge the same price for the same procedure. This limits doctors to provide care equally to all patients at the same price. Poor and rich get the same treatment. I will not join ObamaCare and no bribe is worth losing my healthcare through the VA and neither should you.
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