444 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Taxes are defined as a contribution (gift) imposed (trick by deception). Jackson County, Missouri has doubled real-estate taxes to extort revenue from the public to finance their organized crime. This system of corruption violates all laws governing the conduct of government, but the people are shackled by the lack of lawful federal courts. If we had lawful “District Courts of the United States of America” the court would have jurisdiction to prosecute these crimes under 18 USC 3231. But we have “UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS” of no lawful authority to conduct judicial process. This conspiracy against rights 18 USC 241 is supported by all BAR membership to deny lawful courts to the American People. This is the corruption of our Constitutional Republic because there is no lawful authority to hold corrupt government accountable. When Trump takes the Office of President he will be presented this problem of our nation and be asked to restore Article III Constitutional Courts.
Democrats want us to believe Trump will be a dictator on day one. This is not so, Biden was the dictator on day one by implementing policies that the vast majority disagreed with. Opening our southern border, killing the pipeline and implementing the green deal to battle fake climate change. A dictator implements policies against the majority, Trump will not be a dictator, he will be a leader implementing policies the majority agrees with. Closing our border, removing illegals from our nation and making America energy independent again are policies supported by the vast majority. Democrats have tried to gain support for the dictatorship of Obama by establishing government control of everything, they have failed miserably. America needs a leader who will do what is best for the American people not support illegal criminals and deny Americans their birthright. Democracy is the threat to our Constitutional Republic where Biden’s dictatorship has failed the people. In God we are
The Immigration Bill.
Like all bills created by Congress, it is titled as something good but does things bad for us. The Immigration bill would have allowed 10,000 illegals in every day and would have given Billions to Ukraine. So Trump exposed this corrupt Bill, expressed his opposition and I agree. Now we have Clinton fraudulently claiming the Immigration Bill would have vetted illegals but Trump killed it. But of course all the 20 million illegals should have been vetted anyway, but Biden’s open border policy does not allow vetting. Trump had secured our border, but Biden killed all Trump’s policies on day one that opened the border, stopped oil production and caused infation to skyrocket. Now the polished liars of the Democrat Party want you to believe it is Trump’s fault, when in fact Harris is the Border Czar responsible for all the illegals in our Nation. Remove them and we will have plenty of housing, fema will have plenty for desaster relief and only Americans are allowed.
Attacks of Trump.
Everything God has shown me tells me our government is corrupt. Harris has made the issue of abortion her rationale to vote for her for President. Harris has clearly stated she stands with Biden and would change nothing to lower inflation. She has no plan because Obama has not told her yet. Because Harris like Biden cannot stand alone, they need the mob to support their policy. Soon Obama and Clinton will start campaigning for Harris, of course these are foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations. The polished liars are great at making us believe they have the interest of the people at heart, they all sing such praises about themselves but once elected screw us everytime. I was screwed into believing their lies in 2008 when I voted for Obama. But you know the saying, “Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice, shame on me.” We must learn from our mistakes and not make them again. We must stop believing the lies of polished liars and trust God to lead
Our government will give hundreds of billions of dollars to foreign nations, but make loans to Americans who have lost everything. Government has become a dictator of policy that is detrimental to the vast majority of the people who they fraudulently claim to represent. Harris says it is time to turn the page, I agree. Turn the page on Democracy and restore our Constitutional Republic. The RINOs like Channey who have a vested interest in keeping the January 6th Committee from being held accountable, has come out in support of Harris. That should tell you all you need to know, when elites are united against the montra Make America Great Again they are losing the power of government. Trump has all the power he needs for his life, Harris has no power outside her public office. It is time we put democracy out of our society and removed all those who support it from our government. Globalist want power around the world, Trump wants authority to stop the globalist. In God we are
Christ Consciousness:
A state of awareness of higher self, true nature, and birthright as a child of God.
By connecting with Christ Consciousness, I have connected to God’s Law that has shown me the corruption of our government.
My wife put it in simple terms, she said when Jesus Christ was crucified He Transferred himself into all of us. We are each connected with eachother through Jesus Christ. We all have that little voice inside that talks to us and suggests an action is good or bad. Our forefathers knew of this connection and created a Constitutional Republic where all the people are sovereign and united as “One Nation under God”. Today that Nation is under threat. Those not connected with God are in control of our government and seek power over those they are paid to represent. I believe Trump is connected, will be our 47th President and we can all connect in our Christ Consciousness against the evil of this world, democracy. Our forefathers rejected democracy and so should we
Obama the mastermind.
We all know the 2020 election was stolen, we also know Biden was not capable of this treason, Obama is the true mastermind. Obama got his flunky Biden installed as President and filled his Administration with Obama loyalists who in 4 short years have destoried our Nation. Most of the corruption of lawfare began in the Obama term and were escalated during the Biden term, by creating Trump is a criminal tried and convicted without due process of law by Soros backed prosecutors and corrupt judges of the Democrat party. Obama is in the pockets of the elites and is stupid enough to believe he can dictate policy of United States of America. By opening the borders allowing criminals of communist nations to invade our nation, he believes he can impose his will of communism on the people. His problem is God stopped the elites from killing Trump. We are one Nation under God, not under Obama. His reign will be done on November 5th by rejection of Harris and communism by God
End all foreign aid.
It has become normal for the United States to give money to foreign leaders who enrich themselves while their people suffer. This practice is common among globalist of our government, who receive kickbacks for the money they allocate. Of course this is criminal money laundering of tax dollars. Since we have 87,000 new IRS agents they should be tasked with auditing all foreign aid and every member of the United States government for the crimes of bribery, extortion, insider trading, child trafficking, human trafficking and organized crime. For example, large deposits of judges or their spouses, should be compared to the time line of their court cases. I’ll bet many bribes are discovered. We have to establish a consequence for our government to do wrong and stop the wealth of our nation being stolen by foreign actors. The America First Agenda puts the needs of all other nations at the bottem of the list of needs. Americans help our own first, then others maybe. It is time the gravy train of government ceased, those who have profited by theft of taxpayers’ dollars are punished and Americans receive the help they need from our social programs that were created to serve this purpose. In God we trust.
Periodically I check into MSNBC to see Joe Scarborough and the band of liars who chime his lies. Today he talked about Trump talking with Putin as a violation of the Logan Act. But of course we know there was no Russia Collusion, but these liars have kept up their lies to date. These commentators should be tried for treason and face the death penalty. This should be done as a detourance to all news media who lie to the American People. The evidence against them is by their own mouths on public networks where they repeatedly lie and fraudulently claim immunity under freedom of the press. Fraud with intent to mislead the public show the support of treason conducted by the BAR in our nation. But we all know BAR members do not hold BAR members accountable. In the new Trump administration we need an Attorney General who is not a BAR member who prosecute the public figures who have committed crimes in plain sight. Truth must lead our nation back to greatness and the liars punished.
We have a very violent history of racism. Blacks want us to believe it still exists today in America, but it does not. We have made it socially unacceptable to use the word “n*****” in the white community it should be so among blacks as well. We have ended the lynchings that were common in the south by the KKK. We have ended slavery and declare all are equal under the law with the same rights. We have ended discrimination by making it a crime to deny anything because of race. We have ended segregation and accepted all within our circle. But none of this is enough for the racist who struggle everyday to keep racism alive. Black racists use violence to create fear among those who will not bow to their superiority. They are allowed to use racists’ terms against whites, use violence as a means to win arguments and not be held accountable by their peers (other blacks). The racists want the rest of us to join their hate of others, it is our choice to do so or not. In God we trust.
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