436 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Let’s kill another democrat talking point that the 2020 election was free and fair. The talking heads of democracy tell us there was no voter fraud and no court has found any evidence of it. Truth is in “Lawfare” no evidence was allowed to be presented. Thus allowing Democrats the talking point there was no voter fraud. When a state has 200,000 more votes than registered voters, fraud is present. When video evidence shows multiple counting of ballots, fraud is present. When evidence voter machines can be hacked to not record votes correctly, fraud is present. When courts refuse to hear this evidence treason is present in our courts. Under God’s law part fraud is all fraud. But this is just one more lie of many by Democrats. Remeber Russia collusion, the riots of 2016 through 2020 by democrats that caused billions in damages, the Trump trials and Biden is competent to be President that the debate proved wrong. God knows the truth and so do we. The election was stolen by democrats. Fact.
Today we need to examine life under the Bidens and democrats. Foreigners can illegally enter our country and get free healthcare, $5,000 a month and live in luxury hotels all at tax payer expense immediately. Me on the other hand am a vet who lives on $940.00 a month on social security. I have 5 stents in my heart and was diagnosed with severe COPD. Because I am no longer able to work as a carpenter, today I am starting the process to receive disability, I am told it will take six months to complete. Biden and the Democrats have no compassion for the American people, they serve illegals they have imported to expand their voter base, of course it is illegal for anyone illegally in our nation to vote. But in democracy everything is ok because law is not enforced and there is no justice. We are paying the salaries of democrats to deprive Americans assistance they need, while they pay bribes to foreigners inticing them to vote democrat from our tax dollars. God knows this is not right.
The woke has come to use the act of “Canceling” as retribution on those who speak truth. The latest victim of their scheme is Harrison Bukner. The kicker for the Chiefs. He gave a speech that pointed out the vitues of being a mother and raising a family. Of course he was widely attacked by those professionals that put money before family. He thanked God for his wife, we share that feeling, my wife is God’s greatest gift to me. Those who chose right over wrong are singled out to silence their voice against those who chose to do wrong. While Harrison was not judgmental, he did step on the toes of those who put career over family. We must all respect the career of raising a family and respect those who chose family over corporate interests. I see Harrison as a role model for young men to pattern their life after, much better than the thug life of Travis, the Chiefs need to maintain the standards of a Chief to think of the good of all his
tribe. You cannot go wrong with God. -
All I have is words to fight for what I believe. I believe every man should be respected as a creation of God. God does not make mistakes. I believe all men should be equally accountable to the law. In God’s law all are equal. I believe all judges are required by God to provide all men with just judgments. Lawfare has diminished this moral obligation to God. I believe all men should share in the future of our nation and work together to be the example of hope for the world. In God we trust is our creed. I believe truth matters and liars should be held accountable for the lies they spead. God’s law says he who does not speak truth freely is a traitor of truth. I believe God has prepare me as an authority of God’s law to restore justice to the people by blessing me the ability to make words understandable to all. You may not agree with my words, but you understand. I believe in God’s world we live in truth, in satan’s world we suffer in darkness of lies. In God we trust truth over lies.
Faith is the hardest thing because we must believe without seeing. My Lord Jesus Christ said blessed are those who believe without seeing. I have fought this fight based upon faith that my quest is rightous and restoring justice is in the interest of all. What is justice? It is enforcement of law by making the violator suffer consequences for their unlawful deed. Today’s system of “Lawfare” lacks this accountability because in class warfare the poor have no power over the rich. Attorneys have been made nobels with the title of nobility of “Esquire” and believe they are an elite group above the people they serve. Nobels control our government and courts to maintain power over all of us. In God’s law he with the least licenses has the most power. The problem is in our Republic no government can issue a title of nobility it is prohibited by our Constitution. Therefore, all power of attorneys is based in fraud. Sovereigns are superior to these citizens by God’s law. In God we trust truth.
What is this?
Biden’s preseidency has shown us the true character of Democracy. Democrats are not leaders they are dictators. They will lie, cheat and steal to retain power over the people at any cost. We must remember Hitler was a “Democrat Socialist” whose quest for power led us into WWII. Democrats practice the old system of divide and conquer, by keeping racism alive. Dems hate blacks but need their vote to retain power. All their systems have but one purpose to make us believe they have our best interests at heart but they do not. When elected they start their reelection process on day one, using the democrat loyalist to attack anything or anybody who threatens their reelection. They are kanivers who only care about power. The vast majority do not serve this interest but are loyal to the party and will fight to the end to retain power. We must end this party in our Republic by our power to vote. Make America Great Again should be the goal of all Americans, we would all benefit, not just a few.
denny’s school of law is now available to all sovereigns free of charge. The purpose of this school is to provide an alternative to government’s teaching that distort truth. The websites provide written documents, video and written lectures on various topics. The lectures are available on .org “From the desk of denny” each provides a princple of law based upon God’s law. The most recent is at the end. The documents of the “Common Law Court of Record” and documents filed in the “Missouri Supreme Court” are available on .org. as examples and authorities relied upon in this “Public Record”. Videos are available on .com that provide an overview of the “Public Records” posted on .org these allow an unquic collaboration of laws from our founding fathers and God’s laws that defeats all “fiction of law”. Search is available for specific topics. Come learn with us and stand united in our God given rights supported by the Constitution.
In God we trust the truth not lies. -
Every sovereign is entitled to “Due process of law” based upon God’s law secured by our Constitution. The 5th Amendment secures the “right to a complaint” as a “presentment” of a claim by an “injured party. The complaint triggers the authority of jurisdiction, issuance of warrants, summon witnesses, prosecute crime and impose punishment. Without a complaint none of these acts are allowed. Attorneys in Trump’s cases were challenged for denial of due process of law because no complaint was produced. In “Lawfare” prosecutors have unlawfully created treason by issuance of indictments without a complaint signed by an injured party. The complaint is probable cause for an indictment, for issuance of warrants for search or arrest and to hold a sovereign accountable for an injury he caused to another. In God’s law all are equally accountable. In the unjust system of lawfare only sovereigns are accountable to “fiction of law” and denied their God given rights. Justice is for all under God’s law.
Sovereigns share “freedom” to be left alone to live our lives as we chose unless we cause injury to another. This God given right to freedom is secured by our Constitution in the 1st Amendment. Sovereigns all share “freedom of Religion” to worship God in their own way and to be free of persecution for what we believe. Sovereigns share “freedom of speech” to express our beliefs openly in truth of our convictions. Sovereigns share the “right to a free press” to present truth to public and be accountable for injuries they cause by lies they promote. Sovereigns all share the “right to petition government for the redress of grievances” and to hold those accountable within our government who violate our Constitution and laws of the United States that cause injury. These God given rights are shared by all sovereigns and cannot lawfully be taken away by any government official. Attorneys take these away individually because we are not united against them in our sovereignty. In God we trust.
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