435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
God’s will be done, Amen.
Today we have power over government.
Our Constitutional Republic elects our leader every four years based upon our Constitution. For the last 4 years We the people had no say in the conduct of our government who led a mob to work against us by destorying our nation. The intent of Democrats is clearly stated by Harris who sees nothing to change so if she is elected we will continue spiral down. Today We the people have total power over government and the choice of who we want to lead our nation for the next 4 years. Each of us share the right to express our opinion by our power to vote. Many will vote because they hate Trump, many will vote because they love Trump. None will vote because they love Harris. This election will determine if we are one nation under God or not. The people have the power to make this determination based on who the majority agrees with. Are We A nation of God, Family and Country or are we slaves to our government? There is no middle ground.
In God we trust. -
Today Democracy dies.
Today we must stand up for what we believe, God, Family and Country, and send a message to the mob of Democrats you are not welcome here anymore. Today is not the end, but the beginning of the hard work it is going to take to restore our Nation to it former glory. The first step is electing our leader who will represent us, speak for us and put us first in all situations. We have lived at the bottem of the barrel for the last 4 years and it is time to turn the page on Obama and his band of Democrats in our Constitutional Republic. Today we take back our sovereignty from those who tell us what to think, how to feel and who we are. We have lived the shame of being called liars for exposing the truth of government’s conduct that violates our law of the Constitution. God gives us rights and government was created to protect them. Today we are all equal with our power to vote and the majority wins. Too big to fail is the war chant of We the people. In God we trust.
Our power to vote.
God made all of us to be creatures of free thought, who share the right to choose by our power to vote. Each and everyone of us has the civic duty to make our voice heard by casting a vote for or against a candidate or issue. Your vote establishes you as one of We the people who share an interest in our Nation. As a sovereign, the king or queen of your life, voting is the only time your voice is shared by others with the majority winning, and the minority losing. I am biased and already cast my vote for Trump. My rationale was based on morals, ethics and principles of God’s law that condemns the LGBTQ movement of Democrats. Democrats have abandoned the American people to join the elites of the new world order by supporting both sides in foreign wars. Democrats have clearly shown this principle to further their green new deal by their treatment of people in North Carolina to steal their land for mining of lithium. Democrats support Ukraine not the people of America.
Liars for Harris.
All the Democrats are trying to make us believe this is a toss up election. No one I know is voting for Harris, Trump has all their votes. But the media want us to believe it is close so if they can cheat to win they will. I believe Trump will take all 50 States only fools will be voting for 4 more years of Democrat control. The Country is sick of Democrats claiming the right to choose to kill your children is the only issue that matters. The godless of LGBTQ are at war for the soul of our Nation hoping they can continue their public display of immorality and force the rest of us to accept their vulgarity. Harris has the support of P. Ditty and his crowd of celebrities willing to lie to the American people to keep their Democracy in our Constitutional Republic. I may be wrong, but I do not believe the American people are going to allow Obama and his band of thugs to continue to destory our Nation for 4 more years. God saved Trump to save our Nation.
In God we trust. -
Executor of laws.
All the attorneys who have held our Public Office of President have failed their Constitutional Duty established in Article II, Section 3. The President, “shall take Care that the Laws are faithfully executed,” in our current democracy those tasked to execute our laws are the ones breaking the law. There are many names for these crimes, two tier justice system, lawfare, double standard, etc. but they all fall under treason. When a person abuses their power by violation of our Constitution he has the right to expect accountability. Those empowered with authority of Law share the legal duty to dispense justice to all equally and not show favoritism. American justice lacks this impartiality because of BAR Associations that allow its members immunity from prosecution for their crimes. This treason is rampant in our government. Lawful Courts and impartial judges are the corner stones of justice and must be restored to correct all injustices present in our society. Truth.
Trump will jail his enemies.
The mockingbirds, of the media, are spouting Trump will jail his enemies, but fail to say they are our enemies too. Every judge who has acted without jurisdiction is our enemy. Every politician who has abused the power entrusted to them is our enemy. Every doctor who has forced a vaccine on their patient is our enemy. Every newscaster who has lied to us in support of democracy is our enemy. Every teacher who spouts Critical Race Theory, DEI and transgender LGBTQ policies are our enemy. Every lawyer who failed to protect our rights, privileges and immunities is our enemy. Every Banker who has denied us access to our wealth is our enemy. Every law enforcement officer, of the FBI DEA ATF IRS who violates our rights is our enemy. Every prosecutor who has acted without a signed complaint or injured party is our enemy. These enemies are united in their hate of our Constitutional Republic and are a threat to National Security of We the People. Jail is justice. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. In God we trust.
Voter fraud.
Biden told us the Democrats had put together the most extensive voter fraud scheme in history. The only way Harris can win this election is by cheating just like in 2020. We have been forced to live the tyranny of Obama and his flunkies for 4 years we will not suffer under a Harris administration. I ask do we really need a Federal Government who does nothing for us? Why should we pay attorneys who hold Public Office by treason to our 13th Amendment? The federal government is less than a million strong in a nation of over 300 million. If Harris is able to steal this election, government will become our enemy. We have been indocrinated to believe we cannot fight city hall, but when tyranny is our government we all share the duty to oppose it by every means necessary. Free and fair elections is the corner stone of our Republic. Screw us once shame on you, screw us twice shame on us. Whether government is friend or foe will be determined on Tuesday by our power to vote.
Kamala the terrorist.
Harris has created a campaign of fear and hate that says you must stop Trump from Making America Great Again. When We the People live by fear it is because we have lost our faith in God. If your vote is for fear or hate then you are attracting these negative energies to your life. Kamala wants you to abandon your faith in God and trust her to fix all the problems Biden and her created. Democracy is the party of doom and gloom that only cares about winning to retain power over the people. Republicans believe in the power of the people over their government this is positive energy that can be shared by all. Trump invites all to join in the joy of restoring our Nation under God. Kamala asks all to join her in the right to kill your children, live an immoral life against God, join our hate and we will rule the world. The America First Agenda looks to reduce costs of living, aid Americans who are in need and promotes liberty justice for all under God. Don’t vote hate. In God we trust join us.
Biden clearly stated what all Democrats think of Republicans we are garbage. This is how we have been treated for the last 4 years of the Biden Harris administration. Harris needs garbage to be elected but believes we are garbage as well only necessary to vote for her. But her time in office is garbage she has done nothing for the garbage she is paid to serve. Democrats view all of We the people as garbage along with our Constitution they believe is trash to be thrown away just like the garbage. Democrats have been able to make sovereigns feel like garbage for the last 4 years by destorying our lives by putting us in poverty and making us struggle just to survive. Blacks have woken up to the fact Democrats only come around at election time then treat them as garbage until the next election. Whites need to see this system of oppression as well. Government needs our vote to survive. They need garbage to retain their paycheck from our public money. Garbage controls their fate.
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