435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Fundamentals of law.
Step Two: Jurisdiction of the court to hear the case must be established by the Prosecutor. The Prosecutor must submit the Complaint and Indictment to the Judge to establish personal and subject matter jurisdiction over the Defendant. Where a Complaint is not submitted the court has no lawful jurisdiction to proceed with any prosecution. The Supreme Court of the United States of America determined for a judge to proceed without jurisdiction is an act of treason. U.S. vs Will, Cohen vs Virginia. Every case where jurisdiction was challenged and not established is evidence of treason by the judge of Record. Every appeal based upon challenge of jurisdiction not overturned is evidence of aiding and abetting treason by the appeals court judges. Every Writ of Habeas Corpus challenging jurisdiction denied by the Supreme Court of the United States of America is evidence of aiding and abetting treason of the judge by the justices. Federal courts have no jurisdiction. Truth
Fundamentals of law.
Due process of law:
Step One: Complaint signed by an injured party. The Complaint establishes a Defendant who allegedly caused injury to the injured party who signed the Complaint. The Complaint must be submitted to a magistrate by the injured party under the penalty of perjury. The magistrate then assigns a prosecutor that investigates the allegations and can obtain warrants based upon the Complaint as probable cause in compliance with the 4th Amendment. Based upon the investigation of the Complaint the prosecutor can present testimony of the injured party to a Grand Jury to obtain an Indictment. The Indictment allows the magistrate to issue a warrant for the arrest of the Defendant. Upon arrest the Defendant is given a copy of the Complaint to mount his defense. This process is known as due process of law required of all courts of criminal prosecution by the 5th Amendment. 95% of all prisoners in prison, federal and state, were denied this due process of law.
False profits.
The election of Trump was a resounding reputation of the Attorneys running our nation. Now Attorneys are seeking positions in the Trump Administration to regain some of the power lost in the election. Every position controlled by a foreign agent of the foreign state of BAR Associations will work against the American people and will act against any attempt to dominish the power of BAR members to engage in lawfare. The problem Trump faces is false profits that will look him in the eye and lie about their loyalties to gain access to the power of government. These are professional liars that work in unison to elevate “Fiction of law” making others believe the Codes, Rules, Regulations, Statutes and Ordinances are law when in fact they are not. The tools of lawfare are these fictions of law that allow persecution of the people by attorneys under the color of law. Key to due process of law no injured party no crime and no authority to prosecute by any court. In God we trust.
Deed: Blue State Governors plotting Treason.
Parties: Healey, Walz, Newsom, Murphy, etc…
Evidence: Public Statements on National Media that they will oppose President Trump in the performance of his official duty by giving illegals aid and comfort.
Constitution of the United States of America
These acts constitute treason as stated in Article III, Section 3, “…or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
Article II, Section 3 gives the President authority and duty by, “…he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,”
Article IV, Section 4 “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government , and shall protect each of them against Invasion;…”
Article VI states, “The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution;…”
Violation: The Governors by their “Treason” 18 USC 2381are engaged in “Insurrection and Rebellion” 18 USC 2383 in clear “Obstruction of Justice” 18 USC 1503. By uniting as “Democrat Governors” to oppose the President in the performance of his official duties constitues “Conspiracy against rights” 18 USC 241 and are attempting to deprive the President of his right to powers of the Constitution constituting “Deprivation of rights under color of law” 18 USC 242.
All Governors of Democrat Blue States are ordered to cease and desist all treason in their public office and return to their Oath of Office to support the Constitution. Failure to do so will cause a “Bill of Attainder” to be issued to Congress to
remove you from public office and seek punishment under Article III Section 3 for your crime of treason.In our Constitutional Republic the treason of public officials acting under the cloak of Democracy will no longer be tolerated they will be prosecuted and punished for their crimes against our Republic under God’s Law. By this REMONSTRANCE you are given notice and can only act with malice, intent and knowledge with malicious intent to engage in criminal conduct.
It is so Ordered.
denny ray hardin, tribunal
Veterans last.
As a vet, we have been denied all benefits of ObamaCare. Everyday I get calls to offer money to pay my bills, to qualify I must have ObamaCare. As a vet we are not qualified. I apply for Veterans disability and have been waiting 5 months to learn my fate, while illegals get $5,000 when they cross the border. I live $940 a month of Social Security, when I go to the store I buy what is on sale, watching an illegal buying stacks of steaks with a food allowance of $1,800, that vets are not qualified for. As vets, we don’t go to the Veterans Hospital until we are deaths door because their cure is worse than the illness. Vets have no dental care, no eyeglasses or hearing aids. Those are ObamaCare where vets are not qualified but illegals are. Trump is always talking about the middle class, what about us lower class who are the victims of government programs. We deserve life too, but not in America. But we are the least among you elites, we don’t count except on election day.
It seems all my post are blocked on Truth Social. When I post on Facebook I hear feedback from many people. But none from Truth Social. It may be blocked by Devin Nunez an attorney hoping to oppress the truth about his BAR Attorney co-conspirators. My post are posted on Instagram and X as well. Sooner or later the truth will be heard and accountability will come. The posts are all posted on the Desk of Denny on the Website https://Americansrepublicparty.org
This website is a public record of the Common Law Court of Record showing all the steps taken to fight corrupt government and their courts. The charge of treason has been levied and sooner or later it will be heard. There are not accomplices in treason only principals. Time will show us all the truth. The Desk of Denny provides over 400 entries of thoughts on many subjects of interest to We the People. New ones are added everyday.
Power to correct.
President elect Trump has received a Revocation of Sovereignty that exposes the fraudulent UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS and the treason of the United States Supreme Court to allow them to operate. Today We the people have no lawful federal courts to petition for our redress of grievances. Lawfare is operating these fraudulent courts of no lawful authority who act without rules, deny Constitutional rights and inflict punishment for violations of their fictions of law. The first step of due process of law, is a complaint signed by an injured party. Today 95% of those prosecuted have no complaint against them. The complaint is probable cause for the judge to issue warrants, prosecute and punish, without a complaint the judge has no authority to do anything. We the people require Constitutional Courts with impartial judges acting under their oath of office. Today we lack this system of justice. Trump has power to correct this by restoring Article III courts to us.
The new Elites.
In our Constitutional Republic our Constitution in Article II Section 3 states our President shall take Care that the laws are faithfully executed. As our President elect, Donald Trump has inherited a system of corruption called lawfare that has allowed attorneys to evade prosecution for their organized crime in our courts. Attorneys are all foreign agents of a foreign state required to be registered as such under FARA 22 U.S.C. 611. Attorneys are all loyal to the BAR Associations they serve and it protects them from accountability for the crimes they commit. No attorney represents the interests of We the people, they all support a hidden agenda that keeps them in power. Trump is setting up the new cabinet of elites who will all chime the same interests. Of course the working man will have no voice at the table we must depend on the elites to do what is best for us. Time will tell it always does. There are many things Trump cannot say that needs said.
In God we trust. -
Correction of past wrongs.
Lawfare created many convicted felons who were denied due process of law of which I am one. Of course I am a nobody in the scheme of things, but deserve to be vindicated from the fraudulent conviction that stole 13 years of my life. I am but one, there are millions who have suffered my fate by BAR Attorneys engaged in organized crime called lawfare. Judges have committed treason by allowing prosecution without personal or subject matter jurisdiction established by a complaint signed by an injured party. 95% of prisoners in federal prison have no complaint against them. This was done to take men out of the families and must be addressed to restore the family unit. God’s Law, “Postliminy (restoration of rights) imagines that a person who has been captured has never left the state. A person captured by the enemy, who later returns, is restored to all his former rights.” “In the same manner in which anything is bound, it must be loosened.” Today we have fraudulent UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS operating without authority of law as Article IV Courts to create convicted felons. We must restore Article III District Courts of the United States of America and force them to review every prisoners’ case to determine if an injured party signed a complaint, if not they must be released. Justice demands correction of past wrongs in order to move forward. As prisoner 22264-045, I have standing to speak on behalf of all those unconstitutionally imprisoned as one who has suffered their fate. This problem should be made too big to ignore by We the people demanding justice for their loved ones who are unlawfully incarcerated. The courts should be put on blast, by We the people, to expose their organized crime and the treason of judges to make criminals of us without due process of law. We have a voice, it is time We joined in support of our husband’s, fathers, brothers, sons and daughters, sisters, mothers and wives rotting in federal prisons without rights, privileges and immunities secured by our Constitution. The Supreme Court denied habeas corpus 7 times in my case, they had no authority to deny it at all. We have chosen our sovereignty over our government and must make our voice heard to correct the wrongs of the past. If you agree with this right to justice, please share it with all of We the People. Together We can make a difference.
God wins.
The people have spoken and Trump will be the 47th President of the United States of America. Kamala has failed to accept her defeat, and CNN and MSNBC are refusing to confirm the defeat but we know. They are hoping for a miracle that somehow the votes are wrong. A blowout of the swing States is unheard of and a hard pill to swallow, the media is learning the people no longer trust their bullshit that paints Trump a racist, natzi, Hitler, etc. Now the hard work begins to restore our Constitutional Republic as created by our forefathers. The people have claimed their sovereignty and will stand united against the corruption of our government. Our voice matters and that has been shown loud and clear by giving Republicans control of the house and Senate, to clean up the government and make it serve the interests of the American People. Any criminal act of government must be prosecuted and punished to restore justice to our society. Lawful courts must be restored. In God we trust.
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