444 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Merchan and Bragg.
These public officials have been found guilty of treason in a Common Law Court of Record. The delay of justice by Merchan is further evidence of treason for acting without personal or subject matter jurisdiction. By refusing to sentence or dismiss the case blocks due process of law to the appeal process. Bragg is a co-conspirator of the conspiracy against rights to deny rights under color of law. Congress has been lawfully served with request to impose punishment under Article III to date they have refused to hold these individuals accountable for their treason. Because there are many appeals being denied by unlawful seizure of the case, where Trump is the beneficiary, an injunction should be filed in the United States Supreme Court to force Merchan to dismiss because he legally has no injured party to punish Trump for injury. Merchan needs to be made an example for detourance of this conduct in the future by public officials state and federal entrusted with justice
Mass Deportations.
The open border policies of the Biden Administration must be corrected by removing all who entered our Nation illegally. All these foreign nationals came to America because they did not like their nations, so by being sent back they are given the opportunity to fix their nation. They have seen the sovereignty of the people in the election of Trump, they need to take that knowledge back to their home nations and seek to empower the people of their country. We should all be proud of where we come from and not rest until it is a place to be proud of. We have much work to do to make our world a better place, not by some “new world order” but by empowering the people of those nations by what is best for the people. Different folks have different need if you try to fix a problem and need help ask. Making governments rich is not the answer, making governments serve the interests of their people is the goal. In this way cooperation can be achieved. Good or bad is up to you.
Tobacco is not addictive, it is all the chemicals they put in it that makes it addictive. This is done to cause us to purchase more Tobacco products and increase Tobacco Companies profits. RFK is appointed as Health and Human Services Director and will soon have the ability to take on the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). The FDA was created to get food and drugs to troops in WWII. But assumed the leadership of what can and cannot be done in our food and drugs. This opened to door to extortion and bribery to have products approved for the public, approval by the FDA has become the gold standard to determine whether a product is good or bad for you. Too bad the endorsement is bought and paid for without regard for the nutritional value of the product. Every manufactured drug has some ingredient that cause you to need some other drug. Big pharma became rich by creating illness among us. When we are healthy we do not need their drugs. It is in their interest to keep us sick.
Non Disclosure Agreements.
Today the Ethics Committee of the House of Representatives will vote to release the smire campaign of Trump’s Attorney General. This is the same old bull shit Washington is known for of identity politics. Since the Ethics Committee wants to stop the Trump train by refusing him members of his cabinet, I say they should release all NDAs against every sitting member of Congress. We the people have the right to know the character of every representative and senator who has conducted themselves badly and paid to keep that information quiet. Stormy Daniels has set the Presedence by making public her NDA against Trump, therefore every victim of abuse paid to remain silent should expose the dirt they have on our politicans. We should know the bad character of those we pay to operate our government. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, then let the flood gates open that exposes their true character. The eyes of America are upon you and will judge you.
Untried crimes.
Since Senators want to mount condemnation of Trump’s cabinet members for untried, uncharged or unadjudicated crimes, we should look at their crime of treason. Based upon the original 13th Amendment no member of the foreign state of BAR Associations can hold public office. This means every BAR member in the Senate is guilty of treason and could be punished by the death penalty for their uncharged crime. These Senators forget they are representatives of the people limited by our Constitution. But they want us to believe they can limit Trump’s cabinet as a power of the Senate to provide Advice and Consent. Given the corruption of our government I believe Trump could ignore their advice and consent as biased and prejudicial to the Constitution. Of course that 13th Amendment could be used to remove all BAR members from the Senate and prosecute their crimes. Senators should take care not to start this fight all the chips are in Trump’s pocket, he has many tools on his side.
Meet the press.
Kristen Welker is a great manipulator of facts and truth to condemn Trump and protect dems. MSNBC should have their license revoked by the FCC for engaging in treason to our Constitution. This so-called journalist is great at got you moments to get our representatives on record supporting their anti-America agenda. MSNBC has become the Democrats station of convicting people without trial in the Court of public opinion. They were the leaders of the coup to oust Biden and staunch supporters of the Harris agenda, thank God they failed to get her elected. Now they have become the attack dogs of Republicans while elevating democrats. MSNBC led Russiagate, impeachments of Trump, criminal cases against Trump to create the narrative that Trump is not qualified to be President. The political hacks of MSNBC have proven they are corrupt and their narrative has been soundly defeated with the 2024 election, now they are intensifying their lies to become relevant again and must end.
Separation of church and state.
Many want to believe God has no place in our government and fraudulently claim the Constitution established the separation of church and state. This is done by immoral people who cannot stand the test of their moral values based upon our religion. This is very well explained in the mock trial conducted against a teacher in the movie “God’s Not Dead II”. Our creed of “In God We Trust” was created in our land by our forefathers and the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ can be applied to all walks of life of our nation including government. Those who see government as a source of power to abuse others, when challenged for their moral conduct claim the separation of church and state so their conduct cannot be condemned by universal values. God’s Law is superior to man made fictions of law created to allow violations of rights, theft of property and immoral conduct of those we pay to represent us. Those who hate our Constitution hate God as well. God’s will
MSNBC promoting treason.
“Governors Safeguarding Democracy” is attempting to keep their mob rule alive in our Constitutional Republic. These governors claim the authority to oppose Trump Policies that the vast majority of We the people agree with. As long as democrats have a foothold in our nation and can obstruct justice, advocate treason and limit our President by rejecting his appointees and refusing Constitutional authority. It will be business as usual in our government. The time has come to get these traitors out of our government off our news networks and hold them accountable for their treason. Every government official serves at the pleasure of We the people time for those who oppose the America First Agenda be removed and replaced. Their own words establish their intent to war on Trump and the people by hostile conduct to the rule of God’s Law. Taxpayers should not be required to pay these individuals to act against us. Either you are friend or foe there is no middle ground.
Abuse of power.
The trial of Daniel Penny is further evidence of abuse of power by foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations. New York is trying to strip the people of our God given right to self defense. We the people all share the right to use deadly force in defense of ourselves or another. Lawfare of attorneys says this right does not exist, only attorneys can determine if a homicide was justified. When a person can claim they are going to kill others and does not care about the consequences, the people have the right to eliminate the threat. But in today’s system of justice, attorneys can not make money unless a trial is conducted. Attorneys like politicians have lost touch with reality that the people no longer trust their intentions are honorable. Penny had the balls to stand up and protect others on that train and is now facing time in prison for doing the right thing. But the system of lawfare is making money from the trial so it acceptable or is it? Our choice.
Power over Attorneys.
These foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations have created the deep state of government where they control our nation. These foreign agents created the system of lawfare that allows them to violate our Constitution without accountability. Their treason has created the downfall of our nation by stealing the 2020 Election and trying to implement Communism with them as the Nobel class ruling our nation. Obama through his puppets Biden and Harris have failed to obtain support of the people, but still have power by their loyalists in Congress. Trump has the power to end the deep state by restoring the original 13th Amendment that prohibits titles of nobility to hold public office. This was unconstitutionally removed without repeal from our Constitution and stands as unspoken law today. By restoring this Amendment all foreign agents of the foreign state would be removed from our government and prohibited to hold any public office. In God we trust.
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