444 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Vanity is a sin.
Vanity is the desire to be front and center with no other purpose than to be seen by all. This is the sin of many in our government who see themselves as the most important person on the planet. They will lie or make outlandish statements to get attention of the corrupt media then claim they don’t want the attention. These have no useful purpose and buckle quickly under pressure of the spot light. Gaetz was appointed as Attorney General but withdrew when confronted with his past in the media. But the biggest vanity is the refusal to give credit to truth out of fear it will take away some of the spotlight on you. My Bible told me a prophet has no honor in his own land, I guess this is my fate, because people around the world are following the desk of denny that is being ignored by Trump and his loyalists. I believe God speaks truth through me and all I can do is keep writing and pray someday it will make a difference. I cannot believe I have been given all this for not
Rights of illegals.
The talking heads of media are trying to make the case Trump cannot use military to deport illegals. 10 USC 333 gives the President the use of military to enforce laws and stop states that are refusing to protect the rights of Americans. The President has the legal duty to stop an invasion of our Nation under Article IV Section 4. Democrats are crying the blues for illegals who have no right to be here, entered our nation without a legal right and fraudulently claim rights under our Constitution when they have none. Democrat state governments have refused to provide protection of law to Americans to support illegals. Biden allowed this invasion by illegals and it is now Trump’s legal duty to correct the problem. Democrats are engaging in “Insurrection and Rebellion” 18 USC 2383 by warring upon the laws of the United States of America. Some have already been charged with their treason and it seems many more will follow their bad examples. Prosecution will come.
The “Desk of Denny”.
https://Americansrepublicparty.org is public access to the “Common Law Court of Record” of all the filings to restore justice to our Nation. The facts, law, evidence remain unchallenged and many have been charged with crimes but allowed to remain in government by those who refuse to do their job to enforce our Constitution. For example the United States Supreme Court has been served law that proves the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS are Article IV Courts of no authority to conduct judicial process. This is the corruption of our government where there are no rules regulation or codes that hold those accountable who are engaged in treason because all attorneys are engaged in this treason by denying due process of law. Lawfare allows attorneys to violate rights and proceed with persecution without authority of law in treason of judge prosecutor and defense attorneys. The 450 entries on the Desk of Denny are “Common Sence” based upon the truths established by the Court of Record.
Department of Jusice is an Oxymoron having no virtues of God’s Law that establish justice. DOJ is an organized crime syndicate operated by BAR Associations and their members who have created fraudulent power by lawfare. All attorneys support this organized crime and bow before their God of Attorney General. Lawfare is the ability to violate all rights, privileges and immunities of We the people without accountability for their crimes. This is the power structure of attorneys who know they will be protected from punishment for crimes committed in the pursuit of so-called justice. To restore justice the DOJ must be abolished and all its attorneys fired. The FBI is the co-conspirators of the “Conspiracy against rights” 18 USC 241 by the DOJ to attack those who threaten their corruption. As long as the DOJ is allowed to conduct lawfare corruption will rule the government. This is the deep state that must be stopped to restore credibility to our government. In God we trust.
Vetting Pam Bondi.
How many defendants did you prosecute without a complaint signed by an injured party?
95% of We the people in prison have no complaint signed against them. These 95% were all denied due process of law required by the 5th Amendment. As AG will you release these prisoners?
How many fraudulent warrants did you obtain without probable cause in violation of the 4th Amendment?
The complaint signed by an injured party establishes probable cause, personal and subject matter jurisdiction for a court. Every warrant issued without probable cause is a violation of the 4th Amendment. How many fraudulent warrants did you obtain under color of law?
As Attorney General you will be tasked with prosecuting corrupt attorneys and judges for acting without jurisdiction in treason, will this create a conflict of interest as one who has engaged in lawfare?
Lawfare is denial of due process of law a common practice in the United States of America today. It is the power of attorneys.
The power of corruption.
The Attorney General is the master of corruption and Pam Bondi will lead it as such. She is a master of fictions of law and will provide all the traitors of the BAR Associations protection of accountability for their treason. She will lead all the foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations and maintain lawfare in clear denial of due process of law. The corruption of the Department of Justice was saved today from accountability for their treason. It seems only those who will accept treason of our government will be confirmed by the Senate and all those who oppose corruption will be denied to Trump for his cabinet. Attorneys are maintaining control of our government to protect their power to conduct lawfare against We the people. A career politician as attorney general is like a fox guarding the hen house. We the people will suffer under the corruption of the Trump Administration as well, gone is the hope of justice and accountability of traitors.
Opportunity to correct.
Those currently charged with treason are given until January 20th to go back within their Constitutional authority. They have all been informed of their violations of our Constitution and chose to continue their treason to date. Now their defiance is leading to a trial of their conduct before We the people to determine if their actions constitute the death penalty or life in prison without parole. These are the only two penalties allowed under God’s Law for the crime of treason. I believe in redemption, God forgives my sins that I confess and ask for forgiveness. God forgives me as I forgive others. I am willing to forgive all the wrong done to me, but not until the record is corrected. Those in government have committed the crime of treason that carries the death penalty they are accountable for their crimes. The list shows treason is present in both the Democrat and Republican Parties and all will be held accountable. Keep believing you are above the law.
Currently Charged with Treason.
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.
Charles Ellis Schumer
James E. Boasberg
Governor Kathy Hochul
Arthur Egnoron
Jaun Merchan
Letitia James
Alvin Bragg
Brian Kemp
Scott McAfee
Fani Willis
Michael Lynn Parson
Mary R. Russell
Zel M. Fischer
Robin Ransom
Paul Wilson
Kelly C. Broniec
Ginger K. Gooch
Merrick Garland and Department of Justice
Christopher Wray and
Federal Bureau of Investigation
All judges and magistrates of UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS
All justices of the United States Supreme CourtThese traitors must be brought before Congress and We the People in the Common Law Court of Record for examination under oath for the crime of treason. In this situation Tribunal denny ray hardin will act as a private prosecutor to seek confession in open court within Article III Section 3. Should guilt be established the death penalty will be sought of Congress within their legal duty under Article III Section 3. To kill treason we must cut off the head of the snake
Private Prosecutor.
As defined in Black’s Law a private prosecutor is, “A private person who institutes and carries on a legal action, esp. a criminal action.” Trump has the political power of government, but a private prosecutor has sovereign political power, “Power that is absolute and uncontrolled within its own sphere. Within its designated limits, its exercise and effective operation do not depend on, and are not subject to the power of any other person and cannot be prevented or annulled by any other power recognized within the constitutional system.” Private Prosecutor is a protected activity, “Conduct that is permitted or encouraged by a statute or Constitutional provision, and for which the actor may not legally be retaliated against.” The punishment for treason is declared by Congress under Article III Section 3 of our Constitution, many have been charged and given aid and comfort by Congress refusing to convien. In treason there are no accessories only principals. God’s Law
You who oppose our Constitution.
There is a major problem in our nation, it is traitors publically opposing our Constitution without consequences. All of these wannabes in their quest for power, act like they are more powerful than Trump and can stop the America First Agenda with their fictions of law. Traitors claiming authority to deny consent based upon a smire campaign with no lawful convictions or any evidence. Soon a new Era of law and order will be restored and those who engage in treason will be held accountable. Many have been lawfully challenged and failed to prove their abuse of power is Constitutional. These individuals are individually accountable for their personal conduct. On January 20th I will seek recognition of Donald Trump to act as a “private prosecutor” with authority to conduct state’s business. As a private prosecutor I need no consent of the Senate, because I represent We the People by prosecuting our Constitution. Justice is coming, you can’t hide anymore.
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