434 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
The enemy of sovereigns.
The treason that removed the original 13th Amendment also seized the sovereign power of We the people by making them 14th Amendment citizens to be ruled by government. In our Constitutional Republic We the people, as sovereigns, share sovereign power over our government. The enemy of sovereigns are citizens who are ignorant of who they are and deminish the voice of We the people. Musk threatened, by being primaried, accountability of House members who voted for the continuing resolution. I agree with this in principle, but would have used a different method, I would have filed a “Bill of Attainder” declaring them “outlaws” and asked their States to recall them and appoint someone more in line with our values. To be great We need great government, to be great our government must function based on the values of We the people to truely serve our interests. Those who don’t share our values should be replaced with someone who does. The 2024 Election clearly showed the sovereign power of We the people over media, attorneys lawfare and politicians smire campaigns, for the first time We the people voted our values and Elected Donald Trump as our leader. Those who disagree with the choice of the majority of We the people should have no voice among us. Our Constitutional Republic created under God’s Law where our rights, privileges and immunities are enrolled in our Constitution and every member of government is required to enforce it whereever challenged.
BAR control of government.
Mike Johnson, Chip Roy and Hakeem Jefferies all share the “Title of Nobility” of “Esquire” as BAR attorneys. Since March 3, 2023, “Bills of Attainder” have been pending in the “Chancery Court of Jackson County, Missouri” where “Remedy” has been denied to date. God’s Law says noone shall leave a Court of Chancery without remedy. A Bill of Attainder is a public indictment base on Remonstrance of public officials. Pending:
“II. All “B.A.R. Associations” within the United States of America.
All B.A.R. Associations are a family compact of “Nobles” that are engaged in “Organized Crime” to fraudulently conduct judicial process without authority of law and inflict harm upon “Sovereigns” of the United States of America. This treason, by foreign agents of a foreign state, has monopolized the law fraudulently claiming only they have the authority to adjudicate the law. By these fraudulent methods they have defrauded the American People of their life, liberty and happiness by clandestine means to elevate themselves above the “Public” by conspiracy they have developed a “Noble Class” prohibitted in the United States of America. No foreign agent of a foreign state has any authority (standing) to enter any court of the United States of America or any state of it. This “Noble Class” has utilized this fraudulent position of authority to rape the American People of their life, liberty, freedom and property without authority of law. They have conspired to deprive the American People of their dignity, honor, pride, faith and rights under the Constitution to maintain their fraudulent position of authority above the American People. Therefore, to stop this “Organized Crime” and protect all the American People, Plaintiff now exercises his right reserved to the peopleto issue a lawful “Bill of Attainder” declaring all B.A.R. Associations within the United States of America are dead in law.
Note: Effective by date stamp of filing this document.”
Either the Constitution supported by common law is recognized and all “Titles of Nobility” are revoked or all “Esquires” are holding public office in violation of our 13th Amendment and are subject to the death penalty for treason under Article III.
Also Pending:
Missouri Supreme Court.
Supreme Court of the United States
United States Senate
United States House of Representatives
Public Office of President of the United States of America.
To date all these “Public Offices” controlled by attorneys are refusing to enforce law and are engaged in conspiracy of insurrection and rebellion to the Constitution. Today attorneys are holding government hostage by the public spectacle of Continuing Resolution. They all claiming to act in the interests of the people but none are.
God’s Law says he who fails to deny, admits.
Truth. In God we trust.
Traitors of Congress.
Mike Johnson is a RINO working with Democrats to protect their organized crime. I believe We the people need to demand Congress cannot be paid unless they pass a balanced budget. Who believes Congress deserves a pay raise? Noone I know. But Congress has just passed fiction of law that they are above the law and cannot be investigated. Mike Johnson was informed of Biden’s treason and refused to convene Congress to determine the punishment as required by Article III of our Constitution. Because we have allowed foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations to unconstitutionally seize our Public Offices, the interests of We the people are no longer considered in government. If we fired every BAR member on the government gravy train taxpayers would save hundreds of billions of government waste. But of course We the people have no say in what government spends, Congress controls the purse strings as their personal slush fund to fund their pet projects. We the people voted out attorney control of our government in the 2024 Election, but left attorneys in government. Until we remove all these traitors from our government We the people will be persecuted by their organized crime of treason. Democracy of mob rule by attorneys has corrupted our government and until it is stamped out of our Constitutional Republic We the people will be subjected to their tyranny. We the people must unite in one voice to stop the treason of both Democrats and Republicans.
We the people vs Elites.
The stage is set for the battle of good and evil, God stands for good and Satan represents evil. We the people stand with God against evil of Elites who represent government, corporations and fictions of law. Satan has created an army of loyalists who will lie, cheat, obstruct and abuse We the people to retain their fraudulent power. Trump has surrounded himself with a cabinet of these loyalists who will seek to control him by chiming in unison what he can and cannot do under their fictions of law and because there will be no opposition to their advice We the people will be stuck with their policies. The priorities of government are geared toward serving the interests of Elites, but isn’t government supposed to serve and protect all of We the people? As long as Elites can violate the rights, privileges and immunities of We the people the war for power will continue, when due process of law is restored to We the people that limits the power of attorneys the conflict will end. There are many traitors within our government on both sides of the isle, they fraudulently claim to represent We the people, but act against the interests of We the people to retain power over those they are supposed to serve. They are liars, pirates and traitors working together to keep We the people from uniting against them. Until our sovereignty is restored in our Constitutional Republic We the people will be divided by the Elites who oppose our Constitution. In God we trust.
RINOs in control.
A true Republican supports the Constitutional Republic, under God’s Law, created by our forefathers. But the RINOs support the mob rule of attorneys who have established the ruling class of BAR Associations where foreign agents of foreign states control our Public Offices. Democracy is treason to the Constitution and those who spout democracy must be held accountable. Lawfare has been created to give power to the mob of BAR members to use the fraudulent courts to enforce fraudulent law that allows them to profit by the persecution of We the people. The United States government has become the largest organized crime syndicate operating under fraudulent color of law. Until the organized crimes of
attorneys are stopped corruption will rule our land and no law will protect We the people from their persecution. Democracy as communism was soundly defeated in the 2024 Election, establishing there is no ruling class in our Nation, but democracy lives on in violation of our Constitution. The mob bosses of Democracy are uniting to obstruct justice by blocking termination, criminal prosecution and accountability of their treason to our Constitutional Republic. RINOs always talk about the treason but never take action to stop it because they are part of it. Josh Hawley is a RINOs mouthpeice to spout treason of democracy, while refusing the Constitution and God’s Law, to end it. RINOs use deception, deflection and misinformation to maintain fraudulent power over us. -
God’s Justice is free.
Today in America justice is for sale. If you are rich you get millions for slander of your character, but if you are poor you get nothing. Of course if the law was followed all would receive justice equally. This is all done by the foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations, who control the vast majority of our Public Offices. The goal of these traitors is to keep We the people in debt, worried and submissive to government. By dividing us by class, race and economic status, We the people are controlled by lawfare of attorneys. The purpose of government is to serve and protect We the people, but that fundamental principle is long dead in our Nation. We the people are kept in constant turmoil, dispare and isolation while those in power get richer and more powerful. They tell us their lies, that they are serving us but we know they are using our Public Offices for self dealing. God’s law is clear, “Accepting anything of value for doing justice is extorting, not accepting.” Man’s justice is bought and sold by those with the legal duty to enforce our law, but justice is denied to all who cannot pay attorneys. But God has total control and can dispense justice in many different ways. Those who claim to serve God and hurt We the people are in for a rude awakening. Their power is an illusion that they cannot be held accountable. God can end their life any second of a day only by God’s grace do they still have life. God’s justice is free and true.
I feel lost, defeated and sorry.
I have spent the last 30 years fighting for my country and the Constitution upon which it was founded. I have tried for 30 years to appeal to the conscience of bad men who see power and greed as the only things that matter. I have been defeated in my quest to restore justice to our society, when good men remain silent bad men will rule our Nation. I am sorry to God for losing faith in the promise of restoring our Constitutional Republic as One Nation under God, but love for my country is not enough to stand alone without resources to battle evil. I am thankful to God for always providing my needs, allowing me to fight from poverty and the people who have stood beside me in this fight. I feel defeated because the light of truth is so small in this world of darkness. I thank God for showing me the knowledge that I am right and all of them are wrong. I am at a loss to find the words that will show We the people who We are and the power We share as sovereigns. Those who desire to be our dictators are too powerful to defeat by me alone. So Lord I ask for you to keep your promise to me to fight for those who believe in you. I am bone tired, defeated, lost in the wilderness and place my life in your hands to do with as you will. I seek peace of mind that the United States of America will be restored to its former glory and all will be served justice as they deserve. I relinquish my life to you Lord and pray you will show me grace and forgiveness.
The deception of elites.
We the people of the United States of America live in a time when the vale of lies has been lifted. Our watchdogs of government, the media, has become elites to protect the crimes of the noble class. But they have been replaced with members of We the people who are using social media to expose the treason of our government. Trump has been chosen by We the people to be our 47th President to restore our Nation to “One Nation under God”. Our opposition is the foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations who utilize lawfare to maintain power over We the people by the fictions of law created by them for their profit. These BAR members control the government, the courts, the banks and the education of our children. These elites have created a system of corruption that makes them untouchable and they believe they cannot be prosecuted for their crimes. SATAN (STATE AUTHORIZED TACTICS AGAINST NATION) has become a foe of We the people who have suffered greatly under their control. The leaders of these foreign agents is the recent Democrat Presidents who held the public office in violation of the original 13th Amendment. But lies will not prevail, because the truth will be known by all. To right our nation the crimes of the past must be punished and those injured by the corruption compensated for their injuries in the form of personal damages and punitive damages that will serve as a detourant. Penal liability must be enforced to restore justice.
Morals, Ethics and Principles
While I am self taught in law, I was educated in business by mentors in Japan. On one side were the elites of American Education, PhD from Columbia, MBA from MIT and Harvard, etc. and on the otherside was the elites of Japanese system of business. It took me a long time to understand the difference of the two. The American elites operate the system of dog eat dog, meaning winning is everything no matter how you do it. The Japanese elites operate the morals ethics and principles of our forefathers. Yes that’s right they operate our system of good business that We the people established long ago and we have abandoned in favor of politics. You see at the end of WWII when Japan surrendered McArthur gave the Japanese our textbooks from Universities on the morals ethics and principles of business. Japan is a society of morals, ethics and principles that operate the system in business where all must profit to be good business. The Japanese worker is hired for life and well taken care of by their employer. Japanese companies share their wealth by giving their employees 3 months salary twice a year as bonuses. All employees receive bonuses to the benefit of the companies who reduce their profits and the amount of taxes they pay to government. In our system corporations pay hugh taxes while their employees suffer. Sharing the wealth means just that sharing with employees who in return are loyal to their companies. Our system of business long forgotten.
Autodidact of Law
An autodidact is a person who teaches themselves a subject without formal education or the help of a teacher. The word comes from the Greek word for “teach” and the prefix “auto-” which means “self”.
Some characteristics of autodidacts include: Being self-motivated and driven to expand their knowledge, Being resourceful, Being disciplined and committed, Knowing their learning style and using it actively, and Being curious and creative.
Some examples of famous autodidacts include:
Jimi Hendrix: An influential self-taught electric guitarist and singer-songwriter
Kurt Cobain: The lead singer and guitarist for Nirvana, who was self-taught on guitar
Albert Einstein: A devoted autodidact who was fascinated by science and the forces of nature from an early ageMy education of law is the school of hard knocks, attorneys used rule, statutes, codes and regulations to steal my girlfriend’s Corvette with the fraudulent claim it was bought with drug money and therefore subject to seizure by a private corporation posing as a law enforcement agency. The car was bought with an insurance settlement from a car wreck that almost killed her. I have long ago proved this unlawful, illegal and unconstitutional, but those in government refuse to enforce the law. Thus my reason to fight the corruption of government since 1991, learn true law of our Constitution and its support by Maxims (God’s Law). I have silenced every court of this land and stand alone to say it is wrong.
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