444 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
We must get our priorities straight in the United States. We will send millions to a Billionaire to seek the office of President, but there is no help for those working everyday to make a difference. Sure there are plenty of government programs to assist the illegals but few to assist the poor or homeless. Paying taxes to support corrupt corporations that are supposed to provide a public service but steal the money and provide nothing to the people. These are acceptable, but someone standing against corrupt government trying to restore justice is ignored until their resources run out, and it becomes just another sad story. Attorneys and judges are engaged in organized crime but they are allowed as elites, if one of us spit on the sidewalk we go to jail. There is no justice in America anymore, there could be but that would require effort by the people to make the problem known. Instead the people bury their heads and claim there is nothing we can do. We are defeated without even trying.
If Trump will not end lawfare and restore our republic, republicans need a new candidate for Presisent. I like Trump I voted for him in 2020, but my first loyalities are to God, Family and Country. Trump is below these if he will not support them. Right is right and wrong is wrong, no one is above the law.
So under real law, we are all sovereigns, unless we pledge to a corporation as a citizen. Democracy needs citizens to support its mob rule. A republic protects the rights, privileges and immunities of our Constitution as a sovereign. We have all been indocrinated into democracy by instilling citizenship upon sovereigns. I myself was guilty of claiming to be a citizen. But I am a citizen no more, I have claimed my sovereignty under God’s Laws and am entitled to all rights, privileges and immunities our Constitution provides just like every other sovereign. When you accept employment by government you become a citizen of that corporation and lose your sovereignty. As a citizen you are accountable to any sovereign who challenges your conduct by the Constitution you operate under. This is done by common law because you cannot determine the Constitution without the common law of sovereigns that created it. We are descendants of creators if our Constitution and entitled to all. In God we are
Here is real law.
Laws of Maxim
Also known as “God’s Laws”.
These laws come straight out of the Bible and are the highest laws of the land; They are RIGHTS given by “God” to all beings and cannot be taken away by anyone.Sovereign
(Human Being) A being that is master of self; operates under “God’s Laws”; Has the ability to create laws and constitutions for itself and corporations that it creates.Contract Law
A set of laws which sovereigns world wide adhere to in commerce.
Offer + Acceptance = ContractConstitution
Laws created by a sovereign that governs a corporation created by a sovereign.Corporation
A “dead” fictitious entity; Operates under laws of the Constitution developed by the sovereign; Does not have the ability to create laws; Can only create Codes, Statutes and Ordinances.Citizen
A slave of the corporation to which it pledges; Does not have rights; Only has privileges which are given to it by the corporation to which it pledges.In God we trust law and justice.
So you want a democracy or more commonly known as majority rule. Democrats want to bring back “lynching” which is majority rule as pure democracy. The mob says hang um, the only decent is at the end of the rope. Now you say no, you want a democracy without violating rights of others. Now you are talking about a Republic. You take a peice of paper write “Constitution” at the top and list rules all must live by. When this is done you now have our “Constitutional Republic”.
Today in the United States of America we have “mob rule” by the mob of attorneys and judges who ignore our rights, privileges and immunities and do as the mob thinks is right. Justice requires the end of mob rule to establish individual accountability to the Constitution and law of the United States. I believe in the Republic our forefathers established and do not support the lynch mobs of democracy. But I am only one, what do you believe are we a republic or a democracy? -
The talking heads have control of our nation, truth does not matter, only what gives them power. My voice has no power so it is ignored. All I have done is in vain hope of restoring justice in our nation. People don’t care, but I do. The true criminals ware black robes and make us “convicted felons” without due process of law. They steal our life, liberty and freedom to fill their prisons for the kickbacks. Our doctors prescribe the pills of pharmaceutical companies who pay them kickbacks. Our preachers claim to help the poor but build monuments to themselves and are rich off the donations. Money is satan’s tool that can buy all their souls. Truth doesn’t matter in satan’s world of lies. I am wasting my life trying to make you see the folly of your ways. So I will end my efforts to restore justice and prepare for the downfall of our nation, the strong will survive and the weak will perish. Know you had the chance to follow God’s truth and restore justice to all and you failed as I did
Well said.
Since the President has immunity for his official acts, the question arises do fraudulent judges of UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS have immunity for treason of proceeding without lawful jurisdiction? Only a lawful judge acting within their jurisdiction under Article III Constitutional authority have “Judicial Immunity” all others are fraudulent with no immunity. We the people must demand restoration of our Article III Constitutional Courts and the removal of all those who have impersonated a judge to conduct fraudulent judicial process. We the people need Constitutional Courts with Constitutional Judges acting in their proper jurisdiction. Only by restoring Constitutional Article III Courts can “judicial immunity” be restored to lawful judges conducting lawful due process of law required by the 5th Amendment. Lawfare is no longer acceptable to conduct fraud in our courts, only justice based on due process in accordance with God’s law will do. In God we trust justice will be again.
Today the Supreme Court will decide the question of “Presidential Immunity”. They should be very careful because if the highest “Public Office” has no immunity then no office under it has any immunity either. No more immunity for judges, senators or representatives. All can be prosecuted for their crimes in our “Public Offices”. No immunity would reestablish common law where all are equally accountable under God’s law. If courts can prosecute by “fiction of law” and remove immunity, then We the people can prosecute those who have caused us injury, without the defense of immunity. I pray the Supreme Court rules there is no immunity, and opens the flood gates of litigation against those in government who have caused us injuries. If trump can be prosecuted for official acts, so can all other officials. We the people await lawful courts and accountability of public sevants for official acts in violation of our Constitution and laws of the United States. In God we trust justice will be.
As a “Tribunal” I lawfully challenged the Trump trials by due process of law required by the 5th Amendment on behalf of the sovereign donald john trump. These trials were conducted in treason by lawfare of democrat loyalist who prosecuted a former president without a complaint signed by an injured party. This fraud of acting without authority of law raises to the level of treason, by its participants. Because lawfare does not allow real law in our courts, donald was fraudulently convicted by rules, statutes, cases, codes, regulation, etc… that allowed fraudulent convictions for the talking point of democrats that trump is a convicted felon. In real law, there is no conviction until sentence is imposed and appeals are exhausted. But truth does not matter to democrats, they will use this lie to spread disinformation to those who believe their lies. Operation “mockingbird” requires all democrat talking heads to spread the same lies and they do. In God we trust truth over lies of dems.
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