444 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
FBI Files of Senators.
The FBI is an investigative service of the Department of Justice under the President as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer. The crooks of the Biden Administration utilized the FBI to carry out its lawfare against Trump. Now the Senators are utilizing the FBI to vet Trump’s cabinet to oppose their appointment. All of these tactics are all unconstitutional depriving sovereigns of their right to be confronted by witnesses against them. To restore justice and truth to our society, all allegations of an anonymous source must cease, all allegations considered must be sponsored by a witness subject to cross examination. Foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations have created lawfare that allows lies to be spread without evidence, if there was no trial there is no evidence. The professional liars of government must be forced to tell the truth by placing them under oath and penalty of perjury to testify against a cabinet appointee. Because the vast majority of the membership of the United States Senate are foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations, holding public office in violation of the original 13th Amendment, We the people must examine these individuals to determine whose interest they serve. As foreign agents these individuals are well versed in the arts of lieing, manipulating, coercing and intimidation of We the people fraudulently claiming powers not delegated them by our Constitution. We the people have watched the Biden Crime Syndicate utilize lawfare to weaponize the Department of Justice to violate our Constitution, now the FBI and DOJ must serve Trump to enforce powers delegated by our Constitution. Of course Democrats who believe in mob rule currently control these public offices and are principals of treason that must be prosecuted to restore justice. If there is no complaint signed under penalty of perjury, there is no crime. Truth must be established by a witness under oath and penalty of perjury, testifying and subject to cross examination to fulfill the due process of law requirement of the 5th Amendment. Trump should demand all FBI Files on all United States Senators, all NDAs and an audit of all their bank accounts to determine who is paying them. The Senate has become a master manipulator of facts, law and evidence generated without due process of law to create the illusion of wrongdoing without accountability of Senators engaged in this fraud. Truth and lies exist together in our government because liars are not held accountable, when liars are punished for their deception lies will cease and truth will prevail. Until then lies and Truth will be used by attorneys to create division among We the people. We the people must unite on the principle that government is accountable to us and start seeing these corrupt individuals in their true light. Senators must have term limits imposed to stop the organized crime from corrupting the next generation of Senators. In God we trust.
It’s not all about you Trump, millions have suffered under lawfare. By exposing yours you also expose the crimes against us. The fix must be clear, consiss and stand for centuries as law. To correct this problem Trump should order every case federal and state, must be reviewed to determine if due process of law by the 5th Amendment has been provided. Easy no complaint = no due process, prisoner released. When past wrongs are corrected, then forgiveness can begin, until then the wrongs stand challenged and are allowed to continue to cause further injuries. Without justice there is no law at all, we are all at the mercy of others. The patients of We the people that government will fix this is running out, time will tell it always does. Government has a chance to change their ways. Don’t waste it on infighting, if you do not serve We the people you will be sent home. We are saying nothing but watching everything. In God we trust.
Public Notice of
Insurrection and Rebellion.The Democrats have concocted a scheme to keep Trump from taking the office of President under the 14th Amendment, Section 3. But their problem is 18 U.S.C. 2383 clearly shows dems are engaged in insurrection and rebellion against the Constitution. Based upon facts, law and evidence of the “Common Law Court of Record of We the people of the United States of America” this crime is present in the Supreme Court of the United States where aid and comfort is being given to outlaws. In Congress where Bills of Attainder are pending for punishment of the crime of treason by Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland, all U.S. Attorneys all Magistrates all Judges of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS and the United States Supreme Court. These government entities are clearly rebelling against the civil authority of the Constitution of the United States of America Article III, Section 3 that delegates Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason 18 U.S.C. 2381. By refusing to convene Congress to determine the punishment for their conduct outlaws of government are being given aid and comfort, in clear insurrection to the lawful authority of a delegated power within the 10th Amendment. With the delegation of power comes the legal obligation to enforcement of law by Congress. This insurrection and rebellion is punishable by permanent disqualification from holding any government office in the United States. 18 U.S.C. 2383 can be Google to view the whole law. “Bills of Attainder” are filed with the proper authorities who are given until January 20th to enforce Constitutional law presented. On January 21st Congress as a whole will be charged with Insurrection and Rebellion under the law of Commerce as follows:
Notice to the agent is notice to the principal.
Notice to the principal is notice to the agent.
All are with knowledge without excuse.All facts, law and evidence are available for examination and challenge at https://Americansrepublicparty.org
All are deemed competent in law, otherwise there would be no end to the claims of ignorance.
Ignorance of facts is excusable, ignorance of law is not. God’s law. -
My understanding of a disciple of Jesus Christ.
To be a disciple of Jesus Christ one must make the choice to live by the 10 Commandments. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I speak truth as I know it, based upon facts and God’s Law. As a disciple of Jesus Christ I state truth as needed to correct lies. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I forgive all past violations of me and allow Jesus Christ to serve vengeance. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, my knowledge is given freely to all those who are in need of my assistance, by the website at https://Americansrepublicparty.org
As a disciple of Jesus Christ I support truth and condemn lies based upon facts, law and evidence by God’s Law, Common Law and The Constitution of We the People of the United States of America. Combined these are the Supreme Law of the Land. As a disciple of Jesus Christ I claim my birth right to the titles of sovereign, private prosecutor and Tribunal to correct wrongs and protect rights in accordance with the Supreme Law of the Land. As a disciple of Jesus Christ I choose to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ and live by his example and ask in advance for forgiveness for all my shortcomings. Because I am a sinner like all the rest none are above me and none are below me We are all equal in God’s eyes under God’s Law and under our Constitution. Whether I am friend or foe is determined by your support of the Supreme Law of the Land. I welcome all disciples of Jesus Christ to please correct me if I am wrong. In God we trust. -
Disciple of Jesus Christ.
My Lord Jesus Christ was a rebel against the corruption of those in power at that time in history. Jesus Christ has spared me death many times and has promised eternal life at the end of this physical life. I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ and give the remainder of this life to him to serve and protect the people against those in power who abuse their authority. Not by vengeance that belongs to Jesus Christ, but by showing truth to the people in defense of our sovereignty. God’s Judges have abandoned due process of law in favor of corruption that allows them to become rich. True due process of law requires the following:
1. COMPLAINT – Every court is required to give due process of law, required by the 5th Amendment, that begins with a Complaint signed by an injured party. For any judge to proceed without a complaint is treason subject to the death penalty.
2. PROBABLE CAUSE – The Complaint is probable cause for issuance of warrants for arrest or search based upon the 4th Amendment. To issue any warrant without probable cause is treason subject to the death penalty.
3. CONTRACT – When a judge asks you for a plea, he is creating a contract with you to be the surety of the case. All contracts are only legal by consent. You have the right to refuse to contact, by refusing to plea, with the judge by stating the following:
a. I do not consent.
b. Your offer is not accepted.
c. I am not the surety of this case.
d. Please bring forth the bond so I will know who will indemnify me for my injuries.
For a judge to proceed without consent is an act of treason subject to the death penalty. Treason has become the common practice of our judges who fraudulently claim authority to deny due process of law. When a judge violates a Constitutional Right We the people have the Right under the 1st Amendment to petition for the redress of grievances. This is done by filing “Remonstrance” in the case giving the judge the opportunity to correct his behavior within a deadline date for compliance. Should the judge refuse to correct their behavior, We the people have the Right to file a “Bill of Attainder” charging the judge with treason and demanding his removal from Public Office. This is filed with the Chief Judge of that Jurisdiction who must remove the judge from the Public Office without pay until a trial can be conducted. Every sovereign has the power to enforce this due process of law against every corrupt judge of our society. When We the people exercise this “sovereign power” no judge will dare to violate our Constitutional Rights and those who do should be given the death penalty as a detourant to future conduct of this nature. Attorneys fraudulently claim to be our protectors when in fact they do nothing to protect our rights, they work in conspiracy to violate our rights. As sovereigns We the people have the sovereign power to enforce our Rights and hold those accountable who violate them. This is the age old system of justice, abandoned by attorneys to operate treason under the color of lawfare. We the people have the sovereign power to restore justice in the United States of America. Our God given rights enrolled in our Constitution are the Rights of all sovereigns and the legal duty of all government to enforce under penalty of treason. United We the people stand against tyranny. In God we trust.
The trash of society.
We the old are the trash of the United States of America. Most of us are suffering health issues created by Doctors who prescribe medications for kick backs of pharmaceutical companies. We are no longer a source of slave labor for corporate America and therefore have no value to society. We have survived the many years of persecution and are ignored by those elites who are paid to serve us. Because We are not allowed to win, We are losers among our family and friends. We are told by the elites that America is a fair and just society of law and order, but We are forced to deal with corrupt individuals of government who are never held accountable for their crimes against us. We the old gave most of our lives struggling and fighting for survival in a nation that throws away those they look down upon with contempt. We are forced into poverty by the elites who take away our dignity to help and support our family as one of their leaders. We are put in the position of trash, by those who use us up and throw us away. We paid all our lives into a system of social security that fraudulently claimed to be for the purpose to take care of the elderly, but politicans have turned it into a slush fund for their personal projects lobbied for by corporate America. We the old have been denied access to our accounts in the Federal Reserve Banks as the “Beneficiaries” by the “Trustees” who have seized our accounts to embezzle the funds to finance debts created by politicans. We the old have the right to access our accounts and audit them for any debit not authorized by us. We the old have the right to live with dignity and honor but those who represent us claim they know what is best for us. Every decision they make causes us harm, We the old see this but have no source to petition for redress of grievances. We the old have lived our whole lives being persecuted and violated by attorneys who get rich by forcing us to pay them for our defense of fraudulent law, that has no authority to be prosecuted. We the old are all entitled to due process of law, but this is a farce, because sovereigns are only accountable to an injured party who signed a complaint against them. We the old have been defamed, belittled and condemned by corrupt judges operating fraudulent Article IV legislative courts, issuing “Bills of Attainder” in violation of our Constitution. On January 20th Trump will become accountable for all the corruption of government and responsible to stop it. We the old are respected and honored in every other Nation, but are trash to the government of our Constitutional Republic. We the old must unite to save our children, grand children and great grand children from the persecution endured by us for our life times. We the old must show the next generation of sovereigns by example what can be achieved by We the people. Let’s not forget Trump was a Democrat that admitted to paying politicans to do his bidding. A tiger does not change their stripes.
The light of hope.
I am grateful God has shown me the wisdom of hope. Hope is the American Dream that someday all my hard work and effort will be recognized and compensated. When I walked among those who had lost their lives to the corruption of lawfare I spread the message it would be defeated. Many thanked me for giving them hope. I have been blessed with leadership of the fight for justice among We the people. Many have seen the conduct of our public servants who mocked, humiliated and attacked my character for arguing the Constitution against their treason. We all hoped this would be the judge to enforce our law and would change everything, but our hope was always denied by every court. The facts, law and evidence of every case shows the criminal conduct of government officials, but those who can make a difference extinguish hope by their silence. We the people have been living on hope that someday there will be someone to change our government from the system of persecution to a system that serves and protects the people. For over thirty years I have dedicated my life resources and energy to fighting government with the hope I could prove them wrong and restore justice to We the people. It has been a tough life of mocking belittling and ridicule but I am thankful God has always sustained my hope that someday it will all change. This little light of mine shines in this world of darkness as a beacon of hope for justice for all. I am grateful all my needs have been met.
BAR Associations.
We all hear about BAR Associations as a mythical organization that issues titles of nobility to its members and are the source of corruption that violates our Constitution. The truth kept from We the people is the State Supreme Court Clerks control all members of the State BAR Associations and issue their fraudulent licenses to practice law in their State. The very people we pay to uphold our Constitution are violating it by issuing a fraudulent license to practice law and the title of nobility of esquire prohibited by Article I, Section 10 to be issued by all States. The corruption extends to the United States Supreme Court where the Clerks control the American BAR Association and issue the titles of nobility prohibited by Article I, Section 9 to be issued by the United States. The Clerks are the source of corruption that act as a buffer to dismiss all claims of Constitutional Rights violations and protect the organized crime of BAR members. We the people are violated, persecuted and defamed by the very people charged with the legal duty to enforce our rights, privileges and immunities. This results in denial, dismissal and rejection of law that constitute treason by all courts for acting without jurisdiction to deny due process of law. Justices and Judges are personally liable under penal liability for the conduct of their courts. But who hold these Justices and Judges accountable for their treason? Article III says Congress determines the punishment of treason but to date they have refused this Constitutional obligation. Since we are a Nation of laws government is lawfully, morally and ethically bound by their oath of office to enforce our Constitution and hold all accountable to the Constitution regardless of their perceived judicial immunities. When a judge acts without jurisdiction to violate the Constitution all judicial immunity is lost and they are subject to accountability for their treason. The crime of treason is the responsibility of Congress to punish but the judges are given aid and comfort as enemies of We the people by those in government who refused facts, law and evidence of treason. This issue is pending in the House of Representatives, United States Senate and before President Biden who has refused to enforce the Constitution and Laws of the United States in violation of Article II, Section 3. Soon Trump will inherit this obligation and the legal duty to enforce our Constitution in all courts of this land. A nation can never be great without justice, justice must come from accountability of those who claim to be above the law and violate our Constitution. When justice is dealt, law and order will be restored in “One Nation under God”. Every sovereign shares the right to protection of law and accountability of those who have violated their God given rights, privileges and immunities enrolled in our Constitution. Justice is blind to the fraudulent claims of immunity, no one is above the law.
In God we trust. -
Time to get involved.
Today I would like to offer my research of law to the Office of Government Efficiency to clean up the Courts within the United States of America. The waste, fraud and abuse are present in every court of our Nation and cannot be restored by any attorney who are all incompetent in Law. Attorneys have been provided deceptive indocrination into a system of corruption based upon fiction of law that have no authority of law. I have fought all the codes, rules, regulations and ordinances and find them lacking due process of law. Since these are the only knowledge of attorneys concerning due process of law their education is severely lacking the fundamentals of our Constitutional Republic. As autodidact my knowledge of law is superior to all BAR Association’s fraudulent fiction of law that was created, taught and enforced as law under threat of BAR Associations to disbar all who refuse to comply. I believe our judges are forced as bankers, to create debts owed to society for the profit of those who own prisons. I believe our judges want to do right by We the people, but their hands are tied by BAR Associations and Legislatures who control them as Article IV courts. Their shackles must be removed and their Article III powers restored. They must become proficient in due process of law required by the 5th Amendment. I offer my services to train these judges and give them the tools they need to be restored to a respected position among We the people. Forgiveness
Who are you?
Those who hide themselves behind a corporate vail are usually corrupt and ashamed of who they are. A corporation is a dead fiction that has been fraudulently given rights by corrupt BAR Associations. A corporation only has agents and thus has no principal to speak on its behalf. Only principals can speak, write, contract and be represented by an attorney. Principals have the ability to establish “Agency” by signing a power of attorney or standing in a court of law giving an attorney the authority to speak on behalf of the principal. Every case that names a state or the United States as Plaintiff is fraud of attorneys claiming agency that does not exist. The vast majority of corporations are engaged in corruption and hiding behind the corporate vail to evade accountability. Of course, no corporation has any rights, privileges or immunities under our Constitution, because only a principal can claim rights, an agent acting on behalf of a fictitious entity has no standing to claim anything. With accountability, all corporate CEOs are personally liable for every act of their corporation that causes damage to a principal. This gives We the people the power of a sovereign principal with the ability to contract, sue in a court of law and voice rights secured by our Constitution. No corporation or agent of a corporation legally has authority to act as a principal. BAR members have perpetuated this fraud for profit on We the people claiming to act for corporations as principals when they are not.
The Constitution prohibits this by the 5th Amendment Right of due process of law, in criminal cases. All court cases are criminal prosecution of a wrong done to principal. The accused is given the 6th Amendment Right to be confronted with the witnesses against them. Civil or criminal is determined by the penalty that can be imposed civil is personal liability and criminal is penal liability. But only a principal can claim injury, corporations have no authority to claim anything. All those who claim to represent a corporation and testify are guilty of “Perjury” by fraudulent claiming a corporation is a principal, claiming they speak for a dead fictitious entity that has no ability to speak and cannot claim any injury. BAR members have distorted the common law to give corporations power when in fact they have none. Only a principal can lawfully claim an injury and establish personal and subject matter jurisdiction based upon a signed complaint as probable cause. No agent has any right to appear in the courts of We the people without agency with a principal. We the people as sovereigns are all principals, government is all agents with no authority over any of us without a complaint signed by a principal. As citizens we must bow before agents of government as sovereigns agents of government must bow before us as our employees hired to perform within the bounds of our Constitution as our forefathers created. Sovereigns share sovereign power, agents have no power that our Constitution does not expressly delegate to them. Agents utilize fictions of law to claim authority to violate We the people, but our Constitution gives all of We the people the sovereign power to hold agents accountable. Time to take back our power from government and see these agents in their true light. All corporations and their agents are liars for profit.
In God we trust.
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