444 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Traitors of government.
Democrats are quick to call Eric Snowden a traitor for exposing the deep state. But Congress is full of traitors (foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations) holding Public Office in violation of our 13th Amendment. Of course no one in government will hold them accountable because they are all conspiring together against our Constitutional Republic. As long as there are Democrats in our government, treason will be the common practice of government. We cannot trust government to police itself and they all lie claiming they are serving the interests of the American People. Trump is just one man faced with the power of attorneys manipulating every office of government. Soon We the people will know if We must act to fix this state of affairs and stop these criminals within our government. Time will tell, it always does. In God we trust. God’s will be done.
Traitors of democracy.
Senator Coons claims freezing federal funding has stopped the promotion of Democracy around the world. I say great, mob rule by government should cease to exist on our planet. Only globalist seeking power over others support a democracy. Communism by the democratic party failed in 2024 now these traitors are seeking to derail the Trump Administration, trying to holdon to the little power they have left. Until this treason by government, media, banks and foreign agents of the BAR Associations are held accountable, treason will continue to divide, only justice by enforcement of law and punishment of dems for their treason, will unite our nation under God. Those guilty of treason are the ones yelling Trump is out for revenge and condemning accountability for those who are conspiring to destory our nation. We don’t need government to hold them accountable, government needs that to restore credibility among We the people. Unless government is all corrupt as we believe, justice will come soon. God’s Law is clear, “Let punishment be inflicted on a few, dread on all.” I have suffered greatly at the hands of government for which compensation is owed under God’s Law, “The liability follows the head or person. Liability to make good an injury caused by a slave attaches to the master.” Trump is the head of government and the master of all the slaves within it. Either he will make good or we can take care of justice without government. Put up or shut up, nothing you can say will justify your treason in our nation for which the death penalty is required by law. This can be imposed with or without Congress under our Constitution and Common Law. We don’t need government all government does is take from us, it has no useful purpose in our society and could be abolished by refusal of we the people to support it. If government does not serve and protect its sovereigns, in my opinion it is worthless and lacks all authority of law. We the people have all power over our government of limited power. The eyes of America are upon all of you in government, all of you are suspects of the crime of treason, you are guilty until proven innocent by today’s standards of lawfare.
In God we trust. God’s will be done. -
Ready to get started.
COPD almost killed me. I quit smoking cigarettes and pot. Now that I am focused on my enemies in government, I am ready for the fight. I tried to tell Trump but he is not interested, he will be fighting in the fraudulent courts again real soon. His problem is he is listening to foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations engaged in treason to our nation. He is ignoring God who saved him to Make America Great Again and allowing those power who intend to destory our nation. It’s in God’s hands now, all we can do is wait to see what action God takes to correct the problem. God’s will be done. In God we trust.
The biggest lobbyist: Attorneys.
Trump told us the biggest lobbyist are the lawyers, then joked who wants to take on the lawyers? I do. Attorneys are foreign agents of a foreign state engaged in treason to our original Constitution created by the continental Congress that ended with the original 13th Amendment. These Attorneys have created a system of lawfare that deprives We the people of their God given rights secured by our Constitution in our Constitutional Republic. I have lived the years of incarceration without Bail or trial, which gives me standing to challenge the conduct of Attorneys. I have served a 13 year sentence without due process of law, without a competent fact witness of a crime, without a complaint signed by an injured party, by fraudulent law created by attorneys to deny rights. These show extensive evidence of “organized crime” by Attorneys of the Bench, Prosecution and Defense who work in “Conspiracy against rights” to carryout “Deprivation of rights under color of law”. These criminals have been lawfully challenged in every court and acted without jurisdiction in treason to dismiss, deny and/or ignore the law governing their conduct. These criminals are found in every court including the United States Supreme Court who dismissed Habeas Corpus 7 times to protect the criminal conduct of Attorneys acting as judges without authority to law. God’s law is clear, “Let punishment be inflicted on a few, dread on all.” For these reasons I have created a “Common Law Court of Record”, where facts, law and evidence stands as truth unchallenged to condemn our Courts, Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys. I believe God made me to bring justice back to our Constitutional Republic. This Public Record is perfect to show the crimes of Attorneys and hold them accountable for violation of their “Oaths of Office”, but of course there is no challenges allowed by Attorneys using fake law, I ask are Attorney challenges allowed in the Trump Administration? By the facts, law and evidence, my God has silenced all Attorneys, magistrates, judges and justices who cannot legally justify their conduct, accountability is required for justice to restore law and order. To date justice has been denied.
In God we trust.
Authority is the right to act. Authority to act is the right to exercise the Authority the Constitution gives you and denies you all acts not delegated to you. This is established by the 10th Amendment. The 11th Amendment strips all citizens of foreign states to suits in law or equity. Therefore, all government are citizens and citizens are denied common law. Government is limited to the powers it has been delegated, and if it is not in the Constitution government does not have the power.
We the people are not limited, We possess sovereign power as per Article IV Section 4 “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;…” Republican is used to describe a “Constitutional Republic”. In a Republic the people retain sovereign power and elect representatives who exercise that power. Therefore, Sovereigns are the superiors of all Citizens employed by government, their job is to serve us, not profit at our expense, not abuse us under fraudulent law and not tax us into poverty. Their job is to make our lives better.
All Citizens are paid to act within their Oath of Office, an employment contract, required by Article VI. Sovereigns have the right to remove any Citizen who acts against their Oath of Office by due process of law of common law;
1) Remonstrance
2) Bill of Attainder
3) JudgmentWe the people are the superiors of our government, all We the people have to do is have courage to challenge them for their “Breech of Contract” for failure to act in support of our Constitutional Republic. The Constitution is the rules of the game, all Citizens are duty bound to act within its mandates. As Sovereigns, We the people possess the common law power to stop all criminal acts of government by holding them accountable, but the opposition of law is government who uses “fiction of law” to terrorize, persecute and usurp powers not delegated by our Constitution by traitors and pirates within government.
In God we trust.
Pardoning January 6ers.
By the pardon of Trump the January 6ers must be released from fraudulent courts acting without jurisdiction or authority of law. By allowing these Article IV Courts to continue to conduct fraudulent judicial process, Trump is aiding and abetting their treason under Article III by giving them Aid and Comfort. The facts, law and evidence are filed with the proper authorities, including Trump who is now President responsible to take care the law is faithfully executed as required by Article II Section 3.
This law has been ignored by those paid by us to enforce our laws. Perhaps they will do their job to enforce our law, after all it is only day two, a short time will be given to act in support of our Constitution before action of accountability is taken before Congress. Leaving corrupt courts in operation will not be tolerated. In God we trust.
Democrats’ treason.
Hakeem Jeffries is trying to make us believe he is leading the opposition against Trump. By promoting Democracy in our Constitutional Republic Democrats are hoping to maintain mob rule, by the attorneys working together behind the scenes to undermine Trump. Republicans cannot vote against Trump without being primaried. But I ask why aren’t Republicans now campaigning in Democratic States to flip seats of corrupt politicans spouting mob rule in our Constitutional Republic? As long as Democrats are allowed to lie on national news without accountability our Constitutional Republic will be threatened. Of course the racist Democrats are working to keep the lie of racism alive to support their hate agenda. The polished liars of news shows us that much work is left to be done to restore the sovereignty of We the people. Because we can be divided on issues kept alive by hate and fear of those promoting our demise, we must stop listening to the lies and ignore those spouting them. All news anchors rely on ratings to keep or promote their agenda and the loss of viewership cause that anchor to lose their slot to promote their unpopular agenda. Media is losing control of the narrative and cannot promote lies without accountability. Many have been sued for their lies, many have lost viewership and many have been fired, many more need to go for the lies they spread. Truth and lies cannot exist together we must stand on truth and condemn the liars publically so all will know their true character. When the liars are exposed and punished, our nation will start down the road of mutual trust where our dreams and desires can be expressed freely without reservation or purpose of evasion. Democrats are the promoters of the hidden agenda where they claim to be serving the interest of the people while screwing us by their true conduct. Globalist seeking power for themselves have created the current divide of our nation, we must expose them and make them irrelevant in our society. All tyrants need support of others to exercise power true power is the ability to cause change without hurting others. We must stop the hate and start learning from eachother. A good idea can come from anywhere and bad ideas are sold by those who support them, let all be known for their deeds. If a character is good or bad is determined by their actions we can all change but change requires agreement of the solution that was once disputed. In God we trust.
Where am I wrong?
The above Exposition of law
is pending in the Missouri Supreme Court to hold UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS operating in Missouri accountable to the law. But those paid to enforce our law refuse to hold government accountable because all government is corrupt. So I ask you to judge me and tell me where I am wrong. Read the Exposition learn what was done to me and many others and judge our government for their conduct. If you believe I am wrong please tell me why. If you believe government is wrong join me in my call for an investigation of the facts, law and evidence. Justice requires accountability. God’s law, What has been done cannot be undone. It must be examined, condemned and those who done wrong must be punished to show justice rules our society. Otherwise it is just more of the same corruption. I sware before all that what I have said is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me God. -
Soon Trump will become President of the United States of America, responsible to take care the laws are faithfully executed and accountable for failure to do so.
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