434 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Waste, fraud and abuse.
Democrats who have ripped off the tax payers to support and promote LGBTQ interests around the world. All these grants of public money, has a sponsor in Congress, who produced the Bill. Of course tax payers view this conduct as waste because it does not serve any interest of We the people. These are special interests of the Democratic Party, that is supported by fraud and abuse of We the people by the media, courts and fellow democrat politicians. All of them have their hands in the pockets of tax payers’ for their profit. Crockett (D TX) said she would welcome an audit, the IRS should audit every member of Congress and rid our government of those who support special interests, at a price, over the interests of the majority. Sale of a vote of a public office is the crime of bribery by the one seeking the vote. This is public knowledge of every sponsor of every bill who has received the tax payers’ money and subject to audit of how the money was spent. The Court determined Trump has authority over the money within the guidelines of the law.
Democrats want mob rule where they are the undisputable authority of government, but they lost and are no longer the leader of anything. Elections have consequences, in this case the Democrats ability to steal from tax payers is exposed and now they are crying the blues. But those who have sponsored such misappropriation of tax dollars must be held accountable, then We the people will really see them explode into claims of self rightousness. Every Bill has a Sponsor time to investigate their conduct, if every sponsor is accountable only quality Bills for the people will be put forward. All lobbyist should be held accountable for bribery of any member of government for public money. Of course this is how government has always worked, by bribery and extortion. To Make America Great Again We the people must have common sense and stop the madness of NGOs stealing all the funds they get appropriated to serve a need of the people.
Waste, fraud and abuse is present in every office of government. To fix the problem those engaged in these crimes must be held accountable, but who will prosecute the Attorney General? Not likely.
God’s will be done. In God we trust.
Constitutional Crisis.
Our Nation is in a Constitutional Crisis, not because of Trump, but because of the foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations. Attorneys have created a fraudulent system of “fiction of law” that allows them to act in violation of our Constitution. The rules of federal courts are made up, the written rules are ignored, denied and dismissed. We the people have no court to petition for redress of grievances, all federal courts are corrupt engaged in treason under the color of law. All acts of a judge or justice without jurisdiction or authority of law are acts of treason as stated in Article III Section 3 and Codified in 18 U.S.C. 2381 supported by Supreme Court Presedence. Judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys are all engaged in “Conspiracy against rights” 18 U.S.C. 241 and “Deprivation of rights under color of law” 18 U.S.C. 242, establishing criminal conduct in public offices, by public servants, for the profit of BAR Attorneys.
These foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations are required to be registered under FARA 22 U.S.C. 611. The Attorney General Pamela Jo Bondi has declared she will not enforce FARA. Is it because she is a foreign agent required to be registered as such and not eligible to hold public office under the original 13th Amendment? It is hard to enforce law when you are one of those breaking it.
Violating due process of law is the common practice of the judges and magistrates of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS. The 5th Amendment as stated in Rule 3 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, requires a “complaint” signed under penalty of perjury, to establish probable cause, personal and subject matter jurisdiction, in an Article III Constitutional Court. U.S. vs WILL and CHOEN vs VIRGINIA establish all acts of a judge without jurisdiction is an act of treason. Of course this is ineffective assistance of counsel, by attorneys, who refuse to demand due process of law or challenge the fraudulent jurisdiction of these fraudulent courts. This is a “Constitutional Crisis” by courts who are not acting within the limitations of law. This is what is hidden from us by the chatter of foreign agents in our government. To end this by Executive Order require all News Media to identify all attorneys as foreign agents. Thus establishing accountability for all foreign agents lying to the public.
Those corrupt individuals within our government cannot be allowed to continue lies, deception, coercion and manipulation of truth, to divide We the people. Racism, political party, gender, etc. are all tools of Democrats to turn us on one another. We the people must stay focused on our government and the corruption government is trying to hide, DOGE is exposing the waste, fraud and abuse that media, courts and politicans are seeking to hide. That done in darkness will come to light. We have an opportunity to restore our Constitutional Republic for all.
God’s will be done. In God we trust.
Fraudulent Courts.
The “Bill of Equity By Affidavit” was filed “In the Chancery Court of Jackson County, Missouri” a “Court of Justice” where “due process of law” has been denied to date. This Bill of Equity challenged the jurisdiction and lawful authority of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS to conduct judicial process. To date, no authority of law has been shown by any court State or Federal, that these are lawful courts with judicial authority to conduct due process of law required by the 5th Amendment. God’s Law is clear, “It is the duty of justices to administer justice to everyone pleading before them.” A duty violated by the Supreme Court of the United States 7 times by dismissal of “habeas corpus” without jurisdiction in acts of treason.
God’s Law continues,
“Unwritten law is that which custom has sanctioned.” The custom of lawfare, has created the unconstitutional UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS, “Conspiracy against rights” 18 U.S.C. 241 by all foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations have united to create an unjust system of corruption without authority of law. This matters to all members of We the people who all share the right to lawful courts.Either, all I have said is wrong or every word is truth. The duty to determine this legal question and administer justice is the responsibilty of the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Glover Roberts Jr. He is responsible for the conduct of all Courts with jurisdiction and required to close all courts without Article III Constitutional authority.
John Glover Roberts Jr. is hereby lawfully challenged to immediately produce the Law that gives Article IV legislative UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS jurisdiction and lawful authority to conduct judicial process, either it exists or it does not. All the Law presented says it does not.
Mr. President,
Today your attorneys are telling you these fraudulent courts have the authority of law to tell you what you can and cannot do. I say your attorneys are liars.
These fraudulent courts and their imposter judges are assuming jurisdiction from Article III Constitutional “District Courts of the United States of America”. These courts were abolished and allowed fraudulent courts to operate without jurisdiction or limitations of law. They are allowed to do as they please without proving their legal authority to do so. It is time the Chief Justice prove their authority by producing law that gives them judicial powers as a legislative court.
I say all your cases should be brought before John Glover Roberts Jr. With the lawful challenge of jurisdiction of UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS. Either your attorneys follow the Law or they do not. As a Beneficiary of Law, We the people of which you represent have the right to challenge the authority of all public servants, even judges.
I ask you to challenge these courts by law, Chief Justice show We the people the law.
God’s will be done. In God we trust.
Why all the bull shit of New Orleans at the superb owl? We should not have to listen to all these gays spreading their shit. Teams involved should host the game, not to be exploited by the LGBTQ community of New Orleans. I am not impressed.
Make America Great Again, great for who?
The rich don’t suffer in today’s America, they are doing just fine. The attorneys and judges are getting rich by their system of lawfare conducted by fraudulent courts engaged in organized crime in our public offices. To them America is great they have total power to destory lives with the stroke of their pen, without accountability for their treason. Those in the trades of carpenters, electrical, plumbers, etc. are staying busy and making ends meet but no body is getting ahead. Their total lives are work and pay the bills, to some the ability to do this is enough to believe America is great. But the majority of We the people are unhappy because our government has put us in poverty, while sending Billions to foreign states, but it is OK because government believes America is great while selling their public offices to foreign interests and getting rich at tax payers’ expense. But the most unhappy are those who have worked their who lives as productive citizens who are now elderly who have a home and family, only to be kicked to the curb by Social Security who steals us blind and makes us live in poverty. But yet politicians live lives of luxury on retirement from screwing us in public offices. You want to Make America Great Again, stop all government retirement and pay all on Social Security equally. The promise of Social Security was that we would pay into the system and it would take care of us in our old age. But government has robbed the system so much that now the people suffer on limited funds that paid into the system their whole lives. Because this is a public program, everyone who participates is required to be treated equally, which means the government must care for the retired equally, whether politican or carpenter there monthly Social Security Check should be equal as thanks from our Country for supporting the system all them years. This is a fair system that gives dignity and respect back to the poor who need it most. Equality means all are treated equally in all things at all times. It is better a few greedy rich bitch over loss of Social Security, than a elderly carpenter is living in poverty as example me, $962.00 per month. Compare that to Joe Biden, a career politician who lived 50 years off the tax payers’ dime. I am sure Joe is getting rich off Social Security, and I would bet he never paid a penny into the system. How government keeps its word to We the people will determine if America is Great Again in God’s eyes We are all equal and should be treated the same, anything less is discrimination, oppression and exclusion. All those who make it to retirement age should be compensated equally, let all those who believe they are above us come forward and be recognized. Let all of our superiors come forward and tell us why we do not deserve the same as them in our retirement. The system is broke because the rich are stealing more than their fair share. God’s will be done. In God we trust.
Democrats’ war on change.
What is occurring at a very fast pace, is a clear understanding of the deep state’s corruption, how our tax dollars are stolen and misappropriated for DEI, trans and democrat interests around the world. The purpose of these funds is promotion of the “New World Order” of communist with the Democrats as the Elites of our world. Democrats are warring on Trump to stop his actions to remove their slush fund of their pet projects. Trump is leading the war upon the deep state of corruption that control our public offices and deny service to the American People. Democrats loss of control of government agencies and loss of bureaucracy is making our government more efficient and accountable for the tax dollars they spend. Musk is doing We the people a great service of exposing Democrats as the thieves they are as the underhanded manipulators of government. By stopping funding for the immoral, unethical and condemned by God the true character of these politicians are being exposed. Democrats need DEI, LGBTQ, and criminals to justify their criminal conduct against We the people. Their theory being the whole world is corrupt so I am getting mine, by laundry of tax dollars through foreign states, Democrats are able to get rich at tax payers’ expense. Of course this is criminal conduct of embezzlement, that all Politicians conduct. It is how they get rich on a public servants’ salary. The common practice conducted by Pelosi is to hide your kickbacks under your spouse’s name, while conducting a conspiracy of insider trading to grow your wealth. Of course these are ill-gotten gains of criminal activity subject to forfeiture under the Criminal Activity Forfeiture Act. The democrats have used it against us for Decades, time to return the favor. Every member of the House of Representatives and Senate should be audited by the IRS to examine all bank accounts to determine if the Politicans are profiting from our Public Office. To serve in a Public Office is a contractual position that says you will serve the interests of We the people for your term at the paid salary. Bribery, kickbacks and extortion are common practices of today’s Politicans, these must be exposed and prosecuted to end the corruption of government. This is the legal duty of the Trump Administration, through his Attorney General Pamela Jo Bondi. We the people believe all government is corrupt, We the people know the truth and demand justice, but corruption stops accountability of criminals in public offices. The government has lost all credibility among We the people and accountability by prosecution is the only way to restore justice to the American People and restore faith in law and order. Until then it is all bullshit to make us believe the illusion of justice that does not exist. This is the war of Democrats to make us believe their lies over the truth we see with our own eyes. God’s will be done. In God we trust.
The stupidity of Democrats.
Democrats, You are all blindly following and producing “hate” in our Nation. You hate donald trump, you hate all those who believe in making America Great Again, you hate law, you hate all Trump supporters and you hate anything that limits your power. You are living the illusion that you are great and can do as you please without accountability. You justify your hate by claiming all of us MAGA people supposedly hate you, this lie is spouted by your leaders on their soap boxes spouting their hate to all who will listen. MAGA people do not hate, they feel sorry for you because you are so full of hate, that no love can penetrait your heart, your brain refuses to consider any possibility that you could be wrong. The Law of nature is clear, “Love and Hate can not live in the same heart (ones self), one will kill the other. To hate all love must be killed. To love all hate must be killed.” It is easy to see those who hate, because it comes out of their mouths all the time. I pity those who live their whole life in hate, because they can not accept those who believe in God, Family and Country, in that order, among these hate is rejected. Let me break it down for ya, in the words of Eric Church, “I know where I come from, how about you?” We the people of the United States of America come from God and pray His will be done. We love God, because God still loves us no matter how much we have sinned by hurting others with our hate. We all fall short of the glory of Jesus Christ, who lived a sinless life and died for our sins, so we would all have eternal life. Those who love walk with Jesus Christ and follow the 10 Commandments to determine when they are doing wrong. These are family, that We the people love, cherish and will protect with our dieing breath, among family we live the golden rule to love thy brother as thy self. We all have issues and We have all made mistakes, so all of us are learning from our mistakes and being a better person. Most of us are the “black sheep” of the family. But we all share the dream of America, a land where We are free based upon our God given rights, made law in our Constitution and supported by those who want to Make America Great Again. Our opposition is the hate of Democrats working to destory our Nation. 2024 was notice to you Democrats that We no longer believe your bull shit and will not accept your hate as our guiding principle. We the people live our creed of “In God we trust.” The stupidity of Democrats is the belief they can stand against God and win. Trust me you can’t win against God, so continue your futile fight against God, so when you lose, join the rest of us who have won peace of mind. All things are in God’s hands,
In God we trust.
I can prove Trump eligible for a third term by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Dems fall from power.
Democracy has no place in a Constitutional Republic. Democrats are “Citizens” while Republicans are “sovereigns”. Democrats promote mob rule and up until 2024 Democrats as the deep state acted as a mob against sovereigns, by lawfare, character assassination and abuse of power they attempted to destory our Constitution and nation. Now these same Democrats go on national news and declare war upon us, which constitutes treason by Article III, Section 3. By their words they are condemned to their treason, subject to the death penalty to be imposed by Congress a legal duty imposed by Article III, Section 3, Clause 2 “The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of Treason,…” this has been Codified as Law of the United States as 18 U.S.C. 2381.
God’s Law is clear, “Enemies are those whom we declare war, or who declare it against us; all others are traitors and pirates.” [120] “Felony is implied in every treason.”[102] “Let punishment be inflicted on a few, dread on all.” [497]
Democrats have declared war upon us, which poses a legal question, can We the people use deadly force, to protect ourselves from these enemies, without fear of criminal prosecution? Our Constitution makes Congress impose punishment for treason to protect We the people, but if Congress will not protect us, We the people have the right to protect ourselves. “Self defense” gives us the right to kill, by the 4th Amendment “The right of the people to be secure in their persons,… shall not be violated.” This treason is the responsibility of the Trump Administration to prosecute, by and through our Attorney General Pamela Jo Bondi.
God’s law is clear, “Acting and consenting parties will be subject to the same punishment.”[23] “From justice (as from a fountain) all rights flow.”[24] “What is proved by the record ought not to be denied.”[164] “Records are vestige of antiquity and truth.”[698]
The Public Records are clear for all of We the people to see, now is the time for action to purge our government of the Democrats who hate We the people and seek power over us. By their loss of 2024, dems have sought civil war and openly declared war upon We the people in public showing of treason, now comes accountability to the law for their conduct. Holding government accountable is key to Making America Great Again. God’s law is clear, “Whoever is once bad is presumed to be so always in the same kind of affair.”[768] “To know the laws is to observe not their (mere) words, but their force and power.”[758] If assistance is needed by the Attorney General, Pamela Jo Bondi, I offer my “Executive Services” to assist. God’s will be done. In God we trust.
Pam Bondi is Attorney General responsible to restore justice to We the people within the Constitution of the United States of America. The following Bill of Attainder has been pending in the Supreme Court of the United States, USPS Tracking Number RC 055 740 219 US, Received August 16, 2023 and to date has been ignored. Thus denying due process of law required by the 5th Amendment, in treason for acts against their “Oath of Office” under Article VI. A “Common Law Court of Record of We the people of the United States of America” now submits the facts, law and evidence of treason by the “Judicial Branch of the United States” to the Attorney General of the United States Pam Bondi as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the Trump Administration. God’s will be done. In God we trust.
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