446 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Life after Democrat.
Democrats are blind followers of the Democrat Socialist Party without a true understanding of their goals. Democrats seek total power as government with We the people under their control without any protection of law. Most Democrats don’t agree with this but lack courage to stand and be condemned by their peers. Democrats are limited in knowledge, but are so afraid of looking stupid, that they refuse to question what they are being told by democrats. This is by design, dictators must silence the voice of their opposition, all must accept their view unconditionally. When a Democrat is challenged they instantly attack, solicit their followers to join them and the followers agree even though in their hearts they know they are wrong. Democrats need the crowd to justify their conduct that goes against the majority, this was clearly demonstrated by the state of the union address of Trump, where not one democrat had the courage to stand up in support of members of We the people who had overcome challenges praised by all except Democrats. It was necessary to show We the people that Democrats condemn all acts of Trump no matter how good they are for We the people, they are the opposition to Making America Great Again.
We the people have overcome our fear of what others think and can stand alone to argue against wrong. We the people do our best to live the morals, ethics and principles our parents, grandparents and family taught. Sometimes as we grew older we questioned the conduct of those we knew were doing wrong, but coward when challenged by the supporters of wrong. Those who do wrong need support of others to justify it is acceptable. Like, attacking Trump, Democrats have sat in opposition of great accomplishment of Trump. They are singing the songs of victims to shame We the people to have empathy for their cause of hating Trump. We the people know the Democrats are wrong and give them no sympathy anymore.
You see, I was once a follower of the Democrats, by the promises to restore our Constitution by Obama he won my vote in 2008, but then I met Obama’s “lawfare” in 2009 and learned the true character of Democrats. I challenged “lawfare” by the Constitution as a sovereign and suffered the hand of the master (Obama) of all Democrats. I learned Democrats hate sovereigns, our Constitution, our Nation and our law, because it limits their power over We the people. All Democrats have been brainwashed to believe they are right on everything and that view is supported by all democrats. The problem is We the people have challenged them and found them lacking any policy that serves the interest of We the people. All Democrats of Congress have violated the public’s trust by waste, fraud and abuse of power to receive kickbacks, bribes and payments of our tax dollars to support gays, trans and LGBTQ their personal interests around the world. We the people say they are wrong and all Democrats oppose us. God’s will be done. In God we trust.
The hidden power of a Magistrate.
magistrate “1. The highest-ranking official in a government, such as the king in a monarchy, the president of a republic, or the governor in a state.” [Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th Edition, Page 970.]
Now let’s consider this. Attorneys act as magistrates in courts throughout our Nation. But by definition there is only one and he is the highest ranking official in our government. According to the definition the President of a Republic is the “magistrate” of our Nation and the Governor of a State is the “magistrate” of that State. All other “magistrates” are fraud acting without authority of law.
In our modern times we have been coerced to accept the magistrate has authority of law to issue warrants without probable cause in violation of the 4th Amendment. The magistrate Robert E. LARSEN, in my case, entered a plea of “not guilty” on my behalf in clear denial of the 5th Amendment Right to due process of law without my concent. These foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations, have acted as We the people’s masters, as in my case, held without trial for two years, denied bond, denied habeas corpus repeatedly to support Robert E. Larsen’s treason who put me in solitary confinement for 7 months with no phone, no mail, no visits and no commissary, in clear cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the 8th Amendment. Now some 15 years later no jurisdiction has ever been stated on the record, but the treason is allowed by a fake magistrate by every court petitioned for the redress of grievances within my 1st Amendment Right in our Constitutional Republic.
These facts, law and evidence are now brought before the only “magistrate” of the United States of America, the President of our Republic, donald john trump. He has authority to review the conduct of the government and determine if the Constitution was violated. If he finds probable cause he can empanel a grand jury to indict the accused or refer the case to his Attorney General for prosecution or appoint a private prosecutor to present the case to Congress to determine the punishment of treason.
Attorneys have hidden the power of our President and created a system of corruption for their financial profit. Attorneys control the courts and until Trump our government. Now these courts are attempting to claim authority over the magistrate of our republic, to tell him what he can and cannot do in exercise of his Constitutional powers. They are using “fiction of law” to limit our Constitution in fraud under color of law. Donald John Trump has all the powers of a king of the United States of America, as President of our republic. He holds the power over all the magistrates of the several States, to hold them accountable to their “OATHS of office” to support the Constitution of the United States of America and remove all those who don’t.
All of our complaints are ignored by the courts, We the people now have the right to petition Trump as our magistrate. This will allow him to see the true character of our government and correct the wrongs done by them. There is no statute of limitations under God’s law. God’s will be done. In God we trust.
The hate of Democrats.
The law of the Universe is you get back what you put out. Thoughts make things is the guiding principle. We all have the choice of who we are and what we support. In the state of the union last night, Democrats showed they offer no support to anything Trump is doing for our Nation, even though the majority of those they represent, support stopping waste, fraud and abuse. Democrats sit in the House of We the people with no support for anything but themselves. These entitled elites, elected by We the people of their State, paid as a representative of We the people of all States chose to not support Trump and his policies that benefit We the people as a communist block of dictators that say we don’t have to work for our pay, you will pay us to do nothing. I ask We the people do you agree with your Democrat Socialist Party representative that the Policies of Trump should not be supported? Because they lost the election, their effort to impose communism by mob rule failed and the majority support Trump. If the majority support something, isn’t that democracy in action. I ask all Democrats to look within yourselves and see if the hate of democrats is right for you, do you agree with the lies and hate they have for anyone who does not agree with them. They can only have mob rule empowering themselves, if We the people support them. The 2024 Election showed them the majority of We the people supported Trump and the Republicans, and rejected Harris and the mob of Democrats engaged in lawfare. If the hate does not feel right to you among Democrats, join the love of God, family and country Republicans share. You will find peace of mind where you can trust God’s got this. You are the hater that keeps you an outcast, when you stop hating you will find acceptance amongst We the people. Our creed is, “In God we trust.” Our Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land in our Constitutional Republic, the majority of We the people do not believe in mob rule of Democrats, We the people support life, liberty and freedom for all. We the people are working to restore justice by holding those accountable who have abused their authority. We believe Trump was saved by God to restore our Nation. Democrats are jealous of Trump’s power because the majority of We the people support him. There will always be those who hate, but you don’t have to be part of that hate. Love and hate cannot share the same heart. For me love killed hate, I used to hate my government for what they did to me, but I realized give it to God and trust love will defeat hate. It is easy to join hate and hard to share love with those who hate, but there are far more who love our Nation than hate it. Your love is always welcome among We the people, leave your hate behind it has no useful purpose. In the words of the Monkees, “Take a giant step outside your mind.” Democrats can find no joy in our land, Republicans are restoring our Constitutional Republic.
In God we trust.
Every member of Congress serves at the pleasure of the State they represent. I am hearing much talk that members of Congress plan to disrupt Trump during his “State of the Union Address”. That could be viewed as grounds to expell for “Conduct unbecoming” by a member of Congress. We the people will be watching, we hope our government can act with proper decorum. God’s will be done. In God we trust.
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