436 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
What can we do to change the course of our nation? I believe the key to change is within us all. I believe we must start trusting our fellow man or woman and stop believeing the word of government. Those convicted by lawfare and made convicted felons are pretraied as criminals who are not to be trusted. Government tells us these criminals are not to be trusted or believed. This is necessary to protect the corruption of government. Those made criminals have seen lawfare in action and know the wrong of judges and attorneys. So by indocrinating the mob to believe these falsehoods they are able to divide sovereigns into two factions those who know and those who don’t. Among inmates it is common understanding if you hurt someone you deserve to be in prison, if you did not hurt anyone you were railroaded by lawfare. 95% are railroaded. America was great when we could trust eachother and truth was respected by all and lies condemned by all. In God we trust knowledge will unite us all in truth
What we have in our Constitutional Republic is a war of inferiors. Conservatives and democrats both inferior to their superiors (Sovereigns), keep us focused on their petty causes that serve their interests or those who pay them under the table to establish fiction of law that serve their interests. All our politicians are being paid by taxpayers to manipulate, coerce and deceive us that they are all powerful. When in fact they are all accountable to every sovereign for their conduct that violates our Constitution and Laws of the United States. Democrats and media have created “mob rule” that allows them to appear to be the masters over citizens. The script is flipped when you claim your sovereignty and demand they justify their conduct that has violated our laws. These public figures only have power over you if you allow it. God’s law is clear the power of an inferior ceases in the presents of a superior. A public official is inferior to a sovereign who is his/her superior, by God.
Why is the United States of America failing in our modern time? The answer is simple the rules of what can and cannot be done are not being enforced. These rules are written in our Constitution and Bill of Rights as enforcement of God’s rights given to all sovereigns of our Nation. Those with the “legal duty” to enforce the Constitution have joined forces to deny the people protection of law that all are entitled to. The leaders of this “Insurrection and Rebellion” 18 U.S.C. 2383 hold the highest “Public Offices” of our government and are the authorities who determine our cases against corruption. Every person is entitled to due process of law required by the 5th Amendment, because our leaders refuse to do their jobs, lawfare has been allowed to violate our God given rights. All these leaders have one thing in common they are BAR members. They make their laws, argue their laws and determine their laws 99% against sovereigns. The one percent are elites. In God we trust justice prevails.
The power of a nation is determined by its “Chief” based upon the support he has of the whole tribe. In our history we see many examples of great Chiefs who were wise and honorable men who led their tribes against many hardships. Loss of battles, loss of lands, loss of dignity, loss of honor, etc,… but the good of the tribe as a whole was always the determining factor of whether the Chief remained or was replaced. Today in our nation our Chief is a weak and feeble man whose only interest is power. To give power to one who is not worthy of it, is against the tribe as a whole that causes the decline of life among the people. The advisors of the Chief were the voice of the tribe who spoke truth based upon their knowledge of the people’s thoughts of his performance. These advisors, whether pro or con, all acted on behalf of the people to honorably advise the Chief for the good of the tribe. Today we are faced with a weak Chief who is not capable of leading our nation. His advisors (family) needs him to stay in power so they can enjoy their status of the first family. These family members are not elected representatives of the people and should not be allowed in the decision making process for the good of the nation. Our nation is being put at risk because our Chief’s family are making the decisions that affect our nation as a whole. The Biden Crime Family needs the office of President to carryout their many criminal enterprises. The whole tribe knows it but are helpless against the advisors who have their interests at heart over the interests of the tribe. When the Chief became incapable of leading, the leaders of those for and against the Chief would be allowed to speak their opinion before the whole tribe and the thoughts of the majority would prevail. This was the system of Native American Tribes before our nation was founded and was adopted by our forefathers when founding our nation. But the system in those days was based on truth, honor and integrity that respected all voices of truth and condemned lies that were presented. In our nation we are living under the lies of the left, that Biden is capable of leading our nation, when in truth he is not. The tribe’s voice will be heard in November and should remove all those who have lied to us to restore truth to our nation. We cannot be honorable, when our leaders are liars. Democracy is the enemy of the people who are deceived by the lies they tell and those who support those lies. We all know these government officials and the media who spout Democracy in our Constitutional Republic. In God we trust truth will prevail.
Yesterday was a turning point in my life. By forgiving myself and accepting those things I suffered were a necessary part of the preparation for what is to come. I felt peace within myself for the first time in decades. In the short time since the realization I have obtained clarity of thoughts that allows clear understanding of my quest for justice. Everything I have done was a necessary step to restoring justice to our Constitutional Republic. Democrats want mob rule and they allow their mob to attack the White House, chant death to America and burn our businesses in protest of police. If Joe Biden is successful in November, we will become the mob, if the mob believes you are guilty hang you. Justice will be restored to the mob. We cannot trust our courts to enforce our laws so we must take matters into our own hands to dispense justice. We are the majority and in a democracy the majority rules. Right? The anti-American faction of democracy can be delt with, no problem at all. To the mob their rights will no longer matter. Justice is the only thing that is important. The mob will cleanse our nation of all undesirables to restore justice in our society. Of course this is all against God’s law, but if America wants mob rule so be it. There must be consequences to those who reject God and support mob rule. The majority support God’s law and the rights of others, but if our Republic fails and democracy prevails, mob rule it is. God’s will be done.
Today is our Independence Day. But for me it is of a more personal nature. I have been fighting the corrupt government so long, it has consumed my life. My wife tells me the things coming out of me are negative. Because she has my repect when she says something I listen. She believes in the law of the Universe what you put out comes back to you. Letting go of hate and anger against attorneys, judges and politicans is a new thing for me, but I realize my hate is only hurting me. My Lord Jesus Christ says I must love my enemies and vengeance belongs to Him. So today I let go of my anger and have hope in my heart for a better day ahead. We can not unite in anger without desaster, love of all those created by God must be the way. We have all sinned, we have all made mistakes and none of us are perfect in God’s eyes, but we all have the power to change who we are and become better than we used to be. When we unite in love of ourselves America will be great again. God’s way is only way.
On this 4th of July we should reflect on the power of sovereigns in our nation. Government wants us to believe they are all powerful but in fact they have no power without the support of the people. Many of our forefathers fought and died in 1776 to defeat the most powerful army of that time, England. Government of that time knew they could not force the people into submission to their authority, so they created a Constitutional Republic where the people retain sovereign power over government. Today our forefathers would be ashamed of what our government is doing to us through their fraud, misrepresentation and deciet. The Constitution and bill of rights are trampled on by attorneys and judges who engage in organized crime in our public offices. The Constitution of 1789 was enacted by the Continental Congress with the original 13th Amendment passed in 1819 ending our Constitution. With the assassination of Lincoln our 13th Amendment was removed allowing attorneys to fill our public offices. Since 1865 our government has been overthrown by attorneys who control our government, courts, laws and banks to keep the masses struggling to survive in their dictatorship. God knows the truth of these diabolical individuals whose quest for power has killed their compassion for their fellow man. I may be poor but at least my soul does not have the sin of hurting others for power. Attorneys are the downfall of America because they operate on fiction of law that allows them to violate God’s law and the God given rights of the people. God’s land has become corrupt by those we allow power over us. What a shame we are not what we could be a Constitutional Republic.
Credit ratings are all fraud. Every sovereign born in a state of the United States has a million dollar bond in the Federal Reserve Bank, with the sovereign named as the beneficiary. This account is used by government to secure loans with you as collateral. The fraud of the federal reserve banks is allowing corporations access to your account while denying access by the beneficiary. Lawfare prevents this fraud being exposed because we have no courts in America that enforce our Constitutional rights they all serve corruption. Government and corporations are united in this conspiracy to deny all sovereigns their birth rights. They need our signatures to access our accounts. We can defeat this by refusing to sign any promissory notes until they are restored to the beneficiaries of those account. Every sovereign has one of these accounts and all credit scores are discrimination by allowing some credit while denying it to others. This corruption of our banks is universal across our nation, but we have the power to deny all of them access to our accounts by refusing to sign any promissory notes. Only by our signatures as beneficiary can they enact their fraud on us.
Many have been dealing with fraud on the court by third party debt collectors. These attorneys and judges have created a system of corruption to steal from the people. As a sovereign all debts are paid by your signature on a promissory note. Whether credit card. Student loan or mortgage attorneys fraudulent claim these are debts you owe. But in fact when you sign one of them, banks receive 100% from your account in the federal reserve bank. This is done by running it through a machine that credits their account and places a stamp on the back that states it is non redeemable, meaning it is paid and cannot be collected again. Then comes the fraud that you must repay the loan. Fraud because no loan was made. Since 1929 no bank can make a loan and risk the deposits of their depositors. As the beneficiary of your federal reserve account your signature allows banks access to your account to pay promissory notes you sign. When you fail to pay the fraudulent debt, bankers sell the account to attorneys who go to court to make you pay the fraudulent debt. This can be defeated with one simple step you must demand the original promissory note. Attorneys bring copies because the original has the stamp on the back. You must demand the original, say things like the copy is a forgery you need the original to compare it to. Say you are willing to pay any debt you owe but need your original note to determine if it is a true debt. Court only has jurisdiction over an original contract and cannot accept a copy if challenged. You by challenging the copy will defeat this fraudulent process every time. You should look at the “Fair Debt Collection Act” 15 U.S.C. 1692.
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