436 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Part two: I challenged three of Trump’s cases, two in New York and one in Georgia by the common law principle of due process of law. Every criminal case must start with a complaint signed by an injured party. This complaint is probable cause for issuing warrants, obtaining indictments and prosecuting a crime. Without a complaint these acts are treason by the attorneys and judge acting without jurisdiction. The signed complaint gives the court jurisdiction over the person named in the complaint and jurisdiction over the subject matter of the complaint. Without a complaint the judge has no jurisdiction and by law must dismiss the case. This was challenged by “Remonstrance” in all three cases to all parties involved. Because they refused to produce the complaint and dismiss the case treason was established by all three courts. Because of the treason and other high crimes committed in the case the Governors were served Bills of Attainder to remove and jail the judges for contempt.
Part one: What is a dream? A dream is something you want to do that could benefit others. In my lifetime I had many dreams that benefited others. I lawfully established a private bank and paid off peoples debts all over the country. The Obama FBI used lawfare to stop that dream by putting me in prison. I asked God to let me do something that will help the people. I thought the private bank was God’s answer, but it was not. God sent me to prison to learn of the misery created by our government. I came to understand justice does not exist in our nation by learning 95% of prisoners was denied justice and sent to prison by attorneys without due process of law. I asked God to let me restore justice to America. I promised to have the faith of a mustard seed justice could be restored if God would remove the mountain of corruption. By reading Black’s Law Dictionary 8th Edition I learned common law and God’s law that condemns lawfare. I applied this law to Trump’s cases.
It is too bad Trump is too busy to help those who are fighting for him. We have a president Biden who is refusing the law of our land. We have a candidate Trump who only cares about beating lawfare for himself. Yes he has the support of attorneys who he is paying to keep him under threat for their profit. Money is the root of all evil and Trump has plenty of money, but is he serving God or money? We need a President who will enforce law to stop the lawfare of attorneys. This organized crime is hurting the American people everyday, it can be stopped and Trump can have the credit, but we who fight get no assistance, just ignored by elites. So what interest is Trump serving? Is he really for our Constitutional Republic or just another power hungry democrat who believes in his mob ruling. The time is coming when words will no longer be used to settle our differences, it is my hope that law can be restored and justice provided to all. But I am just one man, it will take us all to achieve.
The “Revocation of Sovereignty” is an exercise of a “Common Law Court of Record” to enforce the Constitution and laws of the United States of America. By the exercise of the right of We the people to issue “Bills of Attainder” to remove any politican from our Public Office who has engaged in criminal conduct in that office. This includes the Office of President of the United States. This has already been lawfully done but those with the “legal duty” to enforce our laws have failed to do their job. These corrupt politicans have been captured in the “Common Law Court of Record” and must be held accountable to restore justice to We the people. Trump must choose which side of the fence he is on, the God given rights of We the people or the corruption of BAR Associations. There is no middle ground either we are a Constitutional Republic with God given rights or we are a lawless society of “Mob Rule” by foreign agents of the BAR. By your deeds you are known. In God we trust justice and law.
Trump has been led to believe he is the only victim of lawfare and it began with him. This is the con job of attorneys who are complicit in the crimes against the people. Lawfare is the denial of due process of law in fraudulent courts with no jurisdiction or authority of law to conduct judicial process. This began during the Truman Administration when courts were allowed Admiralty jurisdiction (law of the sea) where the judge is the captain of the court and allowed to violate the law of the land (our Constitution). In current times 95% of prisoners in state and federal prisons have been presecuted without an injured party, evidence of a crime or due process of law. This common practice is conducted by all attorneys, judges and politicans to seize power from sovereigns and act against our God given rights. Either Trump will make public the “Revocation of Sovereignty” delivered to him as a contract or we have no more law in the United States and the people must deal with these criminals.
News Media is the enemy of the people Trump is right. The conduct of a news media is a reflection of the honor of their superiors. We have all seen liars spout lies to the dishonor of their Network. They are able to lead dishonorable men and women to follow their lead and by stating the lie over and over again by operation mockingbird, they believe they are believed. But in fact they are not. In God’s law part fraud is all fraud. Changing one little fact changes the narrative of the story allowing a false conclusion to be reached. This is a tactic of the dishonorable to make honorable men believe their lie. Those who have not done their due diligence are manipulated by the lies, those who know are not. We must share truth amongst ourselves and stop allowing ourselves to be decieved by media. This will cost those dishonorable men controlling our news to lose viewership because their honor is suspect. When we see a lie we must challenge it by the truth. In God we trust truth of news.
All sovereigns share the presumption of living by God’s precepts of law. Sovereigns must live an honorable life, cause injury to no one and give every man his just due. The first is live an honorable life, this means in all situations you speak truth or remain silent only a dishonorable man lies. Cause injury to no one is as an honorable man you must address a complaint filed by an injured party, you are accountable for the injury you cause. Dishonorable men refuse responsibility for the injuries they cause. Finally is the duty to give every man his just due, an honorable man keeps his word and pays for services he receives. Dishonorable men swindle other men out of their just due. Honorable men stand with honorable men to condemn the conduct of dishonorable men. By your deeds you are known as an honorable or dishonorable man. Only you can cause injury to your integrity and honor. Only you can act in a dishonorable manner. We all make mistakes and can make amends. In God we trust honor
Lawfare being conducted under color of law by attorneys and judges is criminal conduct as follows:
Treason 18 U.S.C. 2381
Insurrection and rebellion 18 U.S.C. 2383
Conspiracy against rights 18 U.S.C. 241
Deprivation of rights under color of law 18 U.S.C. 242
Fraud 18 U.S.C. 1001
Perjury 18 U.S.C. 1621
Involuntary servitude 18 U.S.C. 1584
Kidnapping 18 U.S.C. 1201
Forced labor 18 U.S.C. 1589
Hostage taking 18 U.S.C. 1203
Obstruction of justice 18 U.S.C. 1503
R.I.C.O. 18 U.S.C. 1951
Contempt of court 18 U.S.C. 401
Foreign Agent Registry Act 22 U.S.C. 611
Fair Debt Collection Act 15 U.S.C. 1692
The above Federal Codes are codes which govern corporations within corporations. Includes UCC’s. The corporate government is allowing attorneys and judges to violate these codes by allowing lawfare to be operated in our courts in clear organized crime. The rights, privileges and immunities of the people are violated on a daily bases. No one is above the law. In God we trust law will restore justice -
God tells us we can not serve God and mammon (money). We all know money is a necessary evil to survive in our world at present. Those with money rarely do any good with it and those without money rarely achieve anything that matters. God has told us it is easier for camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. These things are important to understand our relationship with God. Job taught us that we are tested to see if we will abandon our faith and give in to those who doubt God. Those who don’t and remain faithful will prosper from their faith in God. Therefore I put my faith in God that if I am properous it is God’s will, because my faith remains after all persecutions God has helped the through. I am blessed with the knowledge of God’s grace and his never ending love for me. Everything to come is just icing on the cake. This is my truth and why in God I trust all things are as they are meant to be and all good that comes my way is of God
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