436 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
Just another puppet of attorneys, he wins we lose.
What about justice? It is not allowed by the elites. They are so focused on their thunder they fear they might lose it to truth. What Trump fails to realize is he is the star witness of the Common Law Court of Record. The case created can only be adjudicated by a full session of Congress under Article III to determine punishment for treason. Truth will come to light and when it does those engaged in treason by act or silence in acquiescence will be held accountable for their crimes. God’s Law requires justice be restored to We the people. This matter needs to be settled prior to our election and there should be no greater interest than public safety and national security. All those named are defendants to be called to be prosecuted for their crimes. As Tribunal I will prosecute as a “private prosecutor” to present the case of treason on behalf of “We the people of the United States of America”. The time has come to show the world American justice based on God’s Law and truth.
Let it be -
We have many questions about our future.
What about justice? Congress has passed an act to require proof of citizenship to vote. When in fact only sovereigns are allowed to legally vote in our elections. Every sovereign can establish sovereignty by a picture ID and their Certificate of Live Birth showing their parent was born in a state of the United States. Illegally voting in our elections should carry the death penalty as treason to our Constitution. Those who illegally enter our country should have no say in our elections whatsoever. Democrats have imported these illegals to vote for them, we all know it but nothing is done to protect the integrity of our elections. Democrats have shown us they clearly only crave power and will support a mental incompetent Biden if they believe power can be retained. But I ask what is best for our country? Since Obama our nation has been moving further away from God and the morality of our nation has deminished. I believe God has a plan and everything is on schedule. In God we trust.
What about justice? Our downfall is our courts where justice is denied to the people by attorneys who fraudulent act as judges. All our courts have been seized by attorneys to be operated as Article IV Legislative Courts of no jurisdiction or authority of law to conduct judicial process. This fact is established by Supreme Court Precedence presented in the Public Record of the Common Law Court of Record. These legislative courts cannot not provide due process of law required by the 5th Amendment because they cannot lawfully conduct judicial process. Therefore, due process of law has been denied in every case since 1865. The steps necessary to take back our justice system is in the hands of Trump who has allowed it to continue to date. The “Revocation of Sovereignty” forces the Supreme Court to restore Article III Constitutional Courts allowing the people to seek justice before an impartial judge acting under his/her “Oath of Office”. Today this right is denied to the people. God’s will.
What about justice? We need to get back to the foundation of our nation. Our forefathers created the Constitution of the United States of America that ended with the original 13th Amendment. This stood as the law of the land until the assassination of Lincoln in 1865 where attorneys took over our government to seize power from the people. The 13th Amendment prohibited all attorneys to hold any of our “Public Offices” state or federal. Since 1865 the power of attorneys has risen unchecked by the people who today have become slaves to their system of corruption. They tax us into poverty to support their organized crime, they claim authority to make law, by changing our Constitution, when the have none. Attorneys have unconstitutionally seized our government and used its power to advance their agenda to rule us as an elite group. Of course this is pure democracy of mob rule that has no place in our Constitutional Republic. In God we trust liberty and justice will be restored to the people
We face tyranny of our government who are all sworn to support our Constitutional Republic. The reason Trump is raising is because we thought since he personally experienced lawfare he would shut it down. But that does not seem to be the case. It seems he has made a deal with his attorneys to allow their lawfare in exchange for giving him immunity. Trump is becoming just another politician that will lie to our face to get elected. Justice should not even be an issue in our nation it should already exist, but attorneys are diabolical and able to make even Trump fear their power. But their fiction of law is their downfall because God’s law will prevail. In God we trust establishes our priorities to honor God, Family and Country. Many have given their lives in support of this creed. There seems to be a reckoning coming in our nation, one where government is no longer supported by the people. In God we trust truth, justice and the American way will prevail, regardless of who is president.
Part five: Trump’s ego requires only he can achieve greatness for America. By knowing this God given aurhority of the people and remaining silent he is acting in support of treason. His attorneys either have convinced him they are on his side or he is being kept in the dark by those around him. Either way he is against God’s Law and in the hip pocket of his attorneys. God says what is done in darkness will come to light. I stand in the light of truth of God’s Law and ask all those who believe in justice as I do to join in this fight. Our battle cry is “What about justice?” Each and everyone of us have the God given right to due process of law, secured by our Constitution by the 5th Amendment. This God given right is being violated by all attorneys, judges and politicians to maintain power over us where in fact they have none. As sovereigns we live the precept of law, live an honorable life, cause injury to no one and give each man his just due. In God we trust truth and not lies to be.
Part four: Because treason to our Constitution is present in all Public Offices, Trump was served with a Revocation of Sovereignty declaring all these public servants outlaws who are dead in law and ordering the Supreme Court to restore Article III Constitutional Courts the “District Courts of the United States”.Today we have no lawful Constitutional Courts they are Legislative Courts conducting lawfare. In these courts the elites are always right and the people always loose. This fight was fought without any help on behalf of Trump and the January 6ers. My best friend helped me do this by creating a “Public Record” of these acts on the website for examination, challenge and evidence to support the common law presented. All Trump had to do is make the “Revocation of Sovereignty” public and that would force justice to be restored to the American People. I guess this does not matter to Trump. I ask does it matter to you our government is corrupt? God’s law matters to God’s children.
Part three: The governor is the chief law enforcement officer of the state. His/Her legal duty is to enforce the Constitution and Laws of the United States in all “Public Offices” of their state. Because the Governors refused to enforce law Biden was served a Judgment of treason to remove the governors from public office as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States. He refused. So a Bill of Attainder was served on Schumer as the Senate Majority Leader to remove Biden for refusal to enforce the Constitution and Laws of the United States. At the same time the Common Law Court of Record challenged the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS on behalf of the January 6th protesters. This challenged the common law principle of jurisdiction must be stated on the record. As Article IV courts they have no juridiction or authority of law to conduct judicial process, because the judge failed to establish jurisdiction Biden was ordered to release hostages being held for trial or sentenced.
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