435 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
We are at a Y in our nation’s history. The road to the right is our Constitutional Republic and the road to the left is Democracy. In a Constitutional Republic the people are all sovereign entitled to all protection of law secured by our Constitution. In a Democracy the mob rules and the rights of citizens do not exist. God’s word always leads us to the right and condemns the left as the path of fools. God’s law has given us all God given rights that each and everyone of us share and noone can lawfully take away. The mob of elites has created fiction of law that allows violations of God’s given rights by corrupt judicial process of no lawful authority. November is our choice of which road we will take. To the right we secure our Constitutional Republic and our God given rights. To the left we relinquish our rights and agree to mob rule without protection of law by the elite group of attorneys. I will vote for the right and follow God’s law, over mob rule, walk with me in God’s truth.
The hate promoted by MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS NBC and even FOXNEWS. These public institutions promote hate, violence and condemnation of Trump supporters without accountability for their conduct. These are the mouthpeice that promote injustice of the elite mob of attorneys, judges and justices who are engaged in organized crime in our public offices. We all know it, but have no lawful recourse to hold them accountable. We claim we are a nation of law, but the law only works for the elite mob of attorneys, who rob us as dispoilers, take our life, liberty and freedom without due process of law and villify us to protect their organized crime. We know the crimes of attorneys and judges but have no lawful authority to hold them accountable by law. We who believe in our Constitution and laws are running out of arguments against those who believe violence is the only answer to restore justice in our society. We have done every lawful thing to get justice only to be denied and ignored. God’s truth
To unify the nation you must restore justice. Justice is the enforcement of our law and accountability of all equally to the law. Democrats have created a pure democracy where the mob rules, people are persecuted for their beliefs and denied justice by law that holds their oppressors accountable. Justice will come by restoring Article III Constitutional Courts or by violence against those who hate our nation. Antifa, Hamas, Black Lives Matter, media and those who lead them can suffer the fate they tried to impose on Trump and failed. These are a very small minority of our population that have been allowed and promoted to preach hate of our nation and our people. We are at the point of an eye for an eye. Dems are scared because they promoted the assassination of Trump and know because it failed it could be used against them. There are some of us who do not believe violence is the answer but there are far more who believe violence is the only answer because justice is not available.
If the law was followed Trump would be President. The website presents a “Criminal Complaint” that shows the “Voter Fraud” of the 2020 Election. Lawfare of the courts by corrupt BAR members refused to allow evidence to be presented. This criminal conduct by imposter judges allowed democrats the talking point there was no voter fraud. Thus allowing a BAR member to be installed as the president. The Biden crime family has lied, cheated and stolen the “Public Office” of president. The corrupt FBI and DOJ being in charge of the investigation allowing them hopes it will elevate the status of their failing institutions. By God’s grace Trump is protected from false imprisonment, fraudulent acts to remove him as a candidate and now a failed Assassination attempt. There is no limit on our corrupt government’s plans to stop Trump. If justice was served Trump would be president. This is fact not fiction. In God we trust truth will be heard, determined and supported by a hugh majority.
By God’s grace the shooter missed. While I am a critic of Trump’s refusal to make public evidence that would restore justice, I do believe he is our best chance to Make America Great Again. Violence is never the right course to achieve unity among the people, but there are those who do not believe as we do. We cannot bring peace to our nation by violence, dems believe violence is the answer. I thank God the shooter failed to reach his objective of Assassination. I pray God will bless those innocents who lost their life or were injured. In God we trust. A sad day in America. Truth over lies will prevail.
What about justice? We the people depend on our courts to protect us from those who prey upon us. Attorneys have became hated persecutors who find pleasure in preying on the weak and feeble minded. They utilize false law to conduct fake trials that take peoples’ life, liberty, property and/or freedom. Of course this violates the God given rights secured by our Constitution and Laws of the United States. On Judgment day, what will you say in your defense to God who knows your every act. Everything I have presented is God’s Law supported by man’s law, that condemns attorneys’ conduct. Attorneys can only engage in treason with malice, intent and knowledge with malicious intent because they are trained and educated in the law and are deemed to know the law presented. Ignorance of law is no defense for any attorney of law. I challenge all attorneys to prove my website wrong.
https://Americansrepublicparty.org -
The problems of our Constitutional Republic are not the fault of the President the blame falls to those who allow it. The citizens (slaves) of democracy have lied, cheated and corrupted our society. Alec Baldwin’s dismissal for murder shows the elites can kill us and get away with it. Media creates the lies that drives the slaves of democracy to hate, riot, burn, assult and kill in the name of democracy as so called “peaceful demonstrations”. The closet republicans are really democrats believing in “mob rule” by the elite BAR Associations. We allow these enemies, traitors and pirates to walk free among us without accountability. Of course going to the courts of lawfare where justice is dictated by attorneys not law is a waste of time, it has been proven elites control all these courts. I see the anger raising and certain accountability on the harizon for those who believe they are above justice. I leave you to yourselves with contempt. I stand with God and condemn Trump who leads them.
We are only limited by our conception of what is or is not possible.
What about justice? The chief judge of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA was Ordered to release all prisoners held hostage for the January 6th protest. James E. Boasberg chief judge was given 10 days to establish his court’s jurisdiction and authority of law to conduct judicial process. He failed because UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS have no jurisdiction or authority of law. Boasberg was ordered to release all January 6ers for lack of jurisdiction they were all granted Habeas Corpus in accordance with due process of law required by the 5th Amendment. Boasberg refused this Lawful Order and has held the January 6ers hostage without authority of law by Biden’s lawfare. These Trump supporters are being persecuted by Biden’s DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, FBI and held by a fraudulent court. These sovereigns are being persecuted because they protested voter fraud of the 2020 election. God’s Law says this is wrong but lawfare says it is ok. I say restore their liberty God.
What about justice? The treason of attorneys, judges and politicans has been lawfully documented and presented to those who have the legal duty to enforce our Constitution and laws of the United States. My dream is to restore justice to all of We the people, not some all. This requires accountability of those tasked with public safety and national security. This can only be done by a full session of Congress (House and Senate) televised so the American people and the world can see the conduct of our government. Schumer was Ordered to hold a public vote of the legal question, “Is the United States of America a “Constitutional Republic” where the “Body Politic” of “We the people” are “sovereign” over our government?” Yes or No. This vote will tell “We the people” who in the Senate supports our Constitution and who don’t. Jash Holly and Eric Schmit were sent copies of this demand. A vote on this must be made before our election to see who serves us and who are our enemies. God let it be.
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