444 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
By the public notice issued yesterday Congress has been given 30 days until August 16th to convene a full session of Congress with all members of both House and Senate manditory attendance. The purpose of convening Congress is the legal duty to determine punishment for the crime of treason. The crime of treason has been established by lawful process in a “Common Law Court of Record” of “We the people of the United States of America”.
Evidence of the following will be presented:
Bills of Attainder
Judgments of TreasonIn accordance with Article III Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America.
The “Tribunal” denny ray hardin will act as “private prosecutor” as an “injured party” of this “treason” and present the Common Law Court of Record. All evidence is available to all on the website https://Americansrepublicparty.org
Equipment necessary:
roving mic.
Screen that can be seen by all.
Computer with internet access.The desk of denny is the evidence gathered, it should be read from the beginning to current end.
The Constitution requires two testifying to the same overt act to establish treason. The second witness to be called is donald john trump to testify to the treason of his witch hunt.
This shows I am ready now but allowed the customary 30 days for Congress to prepare. The clock is ticking.
In God we trust.
Why I fight. I fight because I have been a victim of lawfare, labled a convicted felon without due process of law, without an injured party, by corrupt government officials engaged in treason. This treason is conducted in every court of our nation that conducts a mock trial without a complaint signed by an injured party. Attorneys acting as judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys are engaged in treason in every case where there is no signed complaint establishing cause. 95% of the people in prison have no complaint signed against them. These are hostages held without due process of law by corrupt judges acting without authority. Every hostage is entitled to a “Writ of Habeas Corpus” requiring the court to show lawful authority to hold them. I have “standing” to lead this fight for justice as one of those who was denied habeas corpus seven times by the Supreme Court of the United States. I fight to free all hostages held by our government without authority of law. In God we trust.
I, denny ray hardin, pledge alligence to my Lord Jesus Christ and will do my best to live by your 10 Commandments and follow the precepts of God’s law to live a honorable life, cause injury to no one and give every man his just due. So help me God.
I, denny ray hardin, pledge alligence to the flag of United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
I, denny ray hardin, do solemnly sware that I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies both foreign and domestic and I will bare true faith and alligence to the same. So help me God.
These oaths I give freely in good faith without purpose of evasion to stand as a sovereign to enforce God’s Law, the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America against all those within government who violate these principles of our Constitutional Republic. So help me God.
In God we trust truth and honor.
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IV. Kathy Hochul
Order: Remove Letitia James and Alvin Bragg from Public Office and Jail Arthur Egnoron and Juan Merchan until they Dismiss their cases against Donald John Trump.
V. Brian Kemp
Order: Remove Fani Willis from Public Office and jail Scott McAfee until he dismisses his case against Donald John Trump.
VI. Michael Lynn Parson
Order: Remove all members of Missouri Supreme Court.
VII. Chief Judge James E. Boasberg
Order: Release all January 6ers awaiting trial and adjudicated.
The paper work that supports these orders are available in the “Common Law Court of Record” for examination and challenge @ https://Americansrepublicparty.orgThese proceedings can only be canceled by the “Private Prosecutor” when all “Lawful Orders” have been executed. You are your brother’s keeper if one fails you all stand trial.
Punishment to some dread to all.This Common Law Court of Record is now adjourned on this 16th day of July in the year of our Lord 2024.
In God we trust.
As a ‘Private Prosecutor” I have required a full session of Congress be conviened under Article III to determine the punishment for treason the death penalty will be sought. This to be conviened within 30 days unless canceled. The outlaws to appear are as follows unless they comply with the lawful orders of this “Common Law Court of Record”:
I. Supreme Court of the United States (all members)
Order; Restore justice to We the people by restoring Article III Constitutional Courts and “District Courts of the United States”.
II. Charles Ellis Schumer
Order: 1. Remove Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. from the public office of President.
2. Hold a public vote of the legal question posed. (Is the United States of America a “Constitutional Republic” where “We the people” retain “sovereign power” over our government? Yes or No
III. Joseph Robinette Biden,
Order: Remove kathy Hochul, Brian Kemp and Michael Parson from their public office of governor.
This concludes the Feds. -
Injustice is elevating in our nation. Those desperate to retain power are willing to kill to stop their demise. God’s law is being violated and the people are being denied their God given rights. God saved Trump to end this injustice, but if he will not act that is between him and God. He has been shown God’s Law and man’s law that eatablish treason and many other crimes by the current administration. All he has to do is make it public to shine the light of truth on all the lies. Of course attorneys will rightly suffer loss of honor and standing among the people, when their organized crime is exposed. It is coming to the point of us and them, wonder who trump will stand with?
Obamacare is being used to give thousands to those who sign up for the denial of heathcare. The $6,400 stimulus is supposed to be for everyone, but veterans are denied. There needs to be an investigation into all these not-for-profit corporations who receive public money to provide a service to the community. They are failing miserably.
The purpose of a President is the leader of our nation. He is the commander in chief of our military. He is the chief law enforcement officer required to make sure the law is faithfully executed in the United States of America. He is responsible to support our Constitution and hold those in government accountable for their violations. He is the leader of the elites and must guard the everyday people who have no power to fight for themselves. Our president surrounds themselves with attorneys and advisors who have a hidden agenda for their personal power. My philosophy of government is the president is at the lowest point of a pyramid the buck stops with him. Our pledge of alligence says liberty and justice for all, but we know that does not include the average we have no power and therefore get no consideration. We are only considered on election day then forgotten until the next election. If Trump really wants to unite America the little man should have a voice in the room. God’s will.
The demolishment of our Republic began in 1865 when our 13th Amendment was removed and we were all made citizens by the 14th Amendment. This allowed the mob of attorneys power to violate our God given rights secured by our Constitution. They have used hate, fear and violence to maintain their mob rule. Our history shows us this hate is promoted by democrats who were slave owners, members of the KKK and are responsible for the rise of LGBTQ community against God. Fear was created among black voters when they were first given the right to vote, by lynching those who voted against democracy. The violence against the people, burning our businesses, attacking us for our beliefs that climaxed with the assassination attempt of Trump. Democracy is a tool of evil God’s law says you cannot do evil and have good come of it. Biden and our media promote this violence by lieing about its character. Calling it peaceful protest. God gives us each a choice we are creatures of free choice. God’s will be
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