461 responses to “Denny’s Desk”
R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only)
There are many Republicans who share the values of Democrats and work against individual rights by supporting mob rule of Democracy. The vast majority of these are attorneys who talk a good talk to gain position, then sabotage the administration at every opportunity. Like “Signalgate” has blown up the media, we are left with the question how did the reporter get on the conversation. It could only be a RINO, funny the Senators of Missouri, Eric Schmitt and Josh Hawley, are both in prime time news fighting the problem. My question is did they create the problem to get publicity? I have personal dealings with these two and have no faith in their character, I presented them both with Constitutional Rights Violations by the fraudulent UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS done in treason, they did nothing to investigate the problem. God’s Law is clear, “He who does not condemn, condones.” These Senators, along with Schumer the majority leader at that time, were told of treason and asked to convene Congress to determine the punishment under Article III of the Constitution. They all refused by their silence, establishing lack of support for “Constitutional Mandates” for which they all have “oaths of office” to support. RINOs are not just those who hate Trump, they are those who allow treason to We the people by allowing violations of the Constitution and laws of our Constitutional Republic. Democrats are notorious for violating our Constitution, the courts are well known for their violations of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Either you support our Nation or you don’t. Our government is full of liars, that their words cannot be trusted, because they are not held accountable we must accept the lies are condoned by all.
The problem with lies is we do not know what to believe. We are constantly bombarded with conflicting viewpoints. Republicans believe Democrats lie, Democrats believe Republicans lie, I believe there are liars on both sides and patriots in both parties. A lie can only stand until it is publically challenged by the media or in the courts of justice. Because these public institutions are corrupted to maintain the conditions of mob rule, their bias has led to the loss of public trust of their version of events and created the void of trustworthy information. This is by design, by keeping the public ignorant of Facts We the people are ignorant of government conduct. There are many issues of conflicting views, but you would have to know this by being well informed like me, by watching all news outlets; FOX, CNN, MSNBC and NEWSMAX you can analyze the issues and and establish the basic truth of an issue. But my question is who challenges the lies and why is there no consequences? Doesn’t the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) have power to prosecute liars who misinform We the people? Perhaps there needs to be a crack down on news media lieing to the public. This is easy all sources must be named. Truth.
Why I fight our government.
I fight because I have studied law enough to see all the wrong of our government. I have found the lack of lawful authority of our courts who operate a system of organized crime for the profit of attorneys. Everyday sovereigns are stripped of their rights and railroaded to prison. I fight as our forefathers fought for our posterity. I fear if the corruption is not stopped in this lifetime, our children and grandchildren will live under the communists, they were close in 2024. Our Nation was built on the principle of “In God we trust” but those who hate God and our country believe they should dictate how we live, what we believe and who we support in our public offices. I believe it is my duty to fight for our rights, privileges and immunities for all future generations to come. Too bad our government is run by people who allow violations of our Constitution and are of corrupt moral character. They refuse to follow God’s Law and our Constitution, but prefer to make up law that fits their agenda.
I am 66 years old and have challenged our corrupt government at every opportunity for its violations of our law. I have had great support along the way from friends and many dishonorable adversaries who have engaged in Treason to protect the corruption. Our Nation under God is a “Constitutional Republic”, not a Democracy. Individual rights of a Republic stand in conflict with the democrat mob rule because democrats want to make you believe they are right. To accomplish this democrats will lie, cheat, steal, attack, burn, pillage and kill to obtain power. Democrats are the problem because they have no place in our Constitutional Republic according to our founding documents, as long as we allow democrats to function in our society there will be conflict. It is time we unite as “One Nation under God” as a Constitutional Republic mandated by Article IV, Section 4. I have fought for 30 years and I need to retire, but feel guilty for retiring without securing the rights of all sovereigns of the United States of America.
I need to retire for my wife who has stood beside me in this fight. She deserves the place in the country we were working for when I was imprisoned by lawfare under Obama. We could of bought our land, built our house and been happy with our lives, but government without lawful authority stole that from us. My wife wants to travel and see the country, I want to take her to all those places, but that takes money our government robbed by kidnapping me and holding me hostage for 13 years. My crime was helping people pay off their debts, the FBI said no so I was thrown in prison. My story is proof of the corruption of our government, but courts ignore truth banking on I will die and their corruption will be forgotten. All I can do is the best I can each and everyday, and hope God will provide a way for me to make my wife’s dreams to come true. I would have succeeded without our government’s treason.
In God we Trust.
The challenge of truth.
I have fought in every court of this land and not once has the proof been denied. Everything presented on the website of the “Common Law Court of Record of We the people of the United States of America” @Americansrepublicparty.org
is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It proves the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS are fraudulent courts engaged in treason by all attorneys of Record who have acted as magistrate, judge, prosecutor or defense attorney. All are principals of treason who have acted with malicious intent to cause harm to a sovereign of the United States of America. Every document of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS is an act of treason, every Order, Warrant, Hearing, Judgment, are all “Bills of Attainder” prohibited to be issued by any government entity, federal and state, by the “Constitution of the United States of America”. These things I have proved beyond reasonable doubt, but the courts refuse to follow the law and allow corruption to proceed. This organized crime of attorneys controls every public office and has corrupted every function of government. As long as the “Bill of Attainder” against me stands without lawful authority I will oppose all government as a corrupt organized crime syndicate engaged in treason to our Constitution. No government official can have knowledge of Constitutional Rights Violations, do nothing and claim to support our Constitution. Liars one and all who present fraud to We the people to gain public support.Truth is We the people are treated as slaves of government who can violate us at will, because We the people allow it. All We the people in the United States of America claim to support our Constitution but will not raise their voice against the corruption. The 2024 Election established the majority of We the people chose a Constitutional Republic over the mob rule of Democray. But Democrats have refused to accept the results and continue to conduct lawfare in the courts, promote Democracy in our news media and attack our President with every vile thing they can think of in the name of Democracy. No where does Democracy appear in our founding documents and our Republic stands on Truth not the lies of the mob.
To the mob of Democrats, the RINOs of the Republican Party, I issue the following challenge:
“Present the Law that gives UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS jurisdiction.”
To We the people of the United States of America I say if you cannot raise your voice in support of our Constitution then you have no right to claim authority under it. You cannot support our Constitution and remain silent when it is violated. As long as We the people allow violations of our Constitution those violations will continue.
Many have asked how can they help. Today I ask you to call for the “Law of Jurisdiction” by sending this to all you know and by doing so make this an issue that can no longer be ignored. Democracy must end to restore our Constitutional Republic.
The lies of law and order.
The lies of law and order are we are protected by law, we are equal under the law, the law is for us all and no one is above the law. These are the cons of law and order that have destoried the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. Today none of us have any authority to hold those accountable for their crimes against us. Government can violate us all they want and they do without any fear of being held criminally accountable for their conduct. Oh they all talk a big talk about they are for the people, but in truth they don’t give a damn about any of us except on election day. On that day they all represent us and the day after we are all forgotten. We cannot trust any word of any of our government officials they are all out for themselves and all of them will lie, cheat and steal to get what they want, which is power. I can only hope there is a God to dispense punishment on these corrupt government officials. We the people lost this fight long ago.
We the people suffer day in and day out trying as best as we can to get justice, but relief never comes. We are forced to live the shame of defamation done to protect the corruption of government and allow their theft to continue to steal us blind. We pay into their system all our working lives only to be kicked to the curb when we can not work anymore. The politicians get rich by stealing millions but isn’t it funny no criminal charges are ever filed against them. We spit on the sidewalk and face 30 years in prison for our crime. The days of a lawful government who serves and protects the people are gone, today the rich are all powerful and the poor are shit on their shoes. Their power is coming to an end because everyday more and more people are waking up to their fraud, theft, lies, deception, manipulation and treason. Soon there will be no one left who believes in their Codes, Rules, Regulation, Statutes and Ordinances then all civility will vanish the strong will survive and the weak will die. Every empire was lost by crimes of its government that caused its people to retaliate against the violations of the rights of the people. No matter how strong a government may appear, they are only as strong as the people who respect their authority. Without the people, government has no one to govern, they believe they don’t need us anymore until the people decide we don’t need them anymore and turn our backs on them. Ask the British how that worked out for them.
I have went above and beyond the necessary steps for “Dispensation” of my grievances. I have proved all UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS corrupt, but I am not allowed to win in court and protect We the people from further violations of our God given rights. God’s Law, has been refused by God’s Judges who have sworn an oath to our Constitution, but in truth they are all liars, working for their own interests. I can no longer appeal to dishonest men for justice as the law requires, it is clear insanity. In God we trust, God’s will be done.
The American “sovereign”.
“We the people” all share the power of our “birthright” born in a state of the United States of America, to a parent born in a state of the United States of America. All who share this “birthright” are “sovereigns” that share the power of “sovereignty” over our Constitutional Republic.
Right to Petition:
As sovereigns we the people share the power to petition government for the redress of grievances within the 1st Amendment of our constitution. To exercise this power we share the right to issue the following legal documents:
STEP One: “Remonstrance”
Is used to make a formal protest of the conduct of a government official. It states the facts, authorities relied upon (constitution federal or state) and a specific time limit to answer.
Mailed by “Registered Mail” of the United States Postal Service to the government official. This gives your document a “Tracking Number”, it activates the document in commerce as a “Commercial Instrument”, and is established as evidence of the crime of the public official, failure to answer by the time limit by registered mail establishes “default”, under “Common Law” We all share as sovereigns. God’s Law, “He who does not deny, admits.”
STEP Two: “Bill of Attainder”
This is to remove the government official from public office. It states the facts, the Constitutional authority violated, declares the government official an “outlaw” and the named official is no longer eligible for any public office. A deadline is given for removal.This is sent by Registered Mail to the Superior of the government official. Under “Common Law” this is done through the “Magistrate” for the federal government the “President”, for the several States the “Governor”. Who share the lawful duty to enforce the Constitution in every public office of their jurisdiction.
STEP Three: “Judgment of treason”.
Should the “Magistrate of a State” refuse to remove a public official a “Judgment of treason” can be filed with the President as the “Magistrate of all States” to remove the governor for treason within a time limit.
Note: many examples given on the website.
Where we are today, Is what happens if the President refuses to enforce our Constitution by refusal of removal of the governor? “Judgment of Treason” was lawfully served on Congress who refused to convene to hear evidence of treason by Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. as “President” who refused to remove “Governors” engaged in treason. Schumer and Missouri Senators were lawfully served and refused to convene Congress to hear evidence of treason. This cause of action is still pending before Congress, but the new “Chief Magistrate” is responsible to remove the corrupt Governors for their treason. The “Common Law Court of Record” on the website https://Americansrepublicparty.org
is now presented for dispensation within the lawful authority of the “Common Law Magistrate of the United States of America” President Donald John Trump.God’s will be done. In God we Trust
Hidden Law.
Law is the rules we live by and agree is supported by the majority. But there are many who manipulate the rules to their advantage. For most of the history of man, Law was hidden from us and we were forced to accept government’s version of what the law is. The turning point was the 1600s when the Bible was translated to English and could be understood by all who could read. In those days, law was written in Latin, could only be understood by the educated/clergy and the people were forced to depend upon their leaders of church and state to tell them what law is. The church and state researched the “legal maxims” which were written law and determined what the law is and informed the people. The problem is the law was used to allow abuses of the people, by the church and state, who worked in unison to keep the people ignorant of law while they claimed the law supported their abuses of what the people believed to be right. Taxes and tidings were collected to support the corruption.
For centuries the people lived under the “Magna Carta” (1215) [Latin “great charter”] the English Charter generally regarded as one of the great common-law documents as the foundation of Constitutional liberties. The Magna Carta gave liberties to the barons, but in the 1600s the other three great charters of English liberties were created, these were “Petition of Right” (3 Car. (1628)), the “Habeas Corpus Act” (31 Car. (1679)), and the “Bill of Rights” (1 Will. & M. (1689)). These gave rights to the people.
[Black’s Law Dictionary, Eighth Edition, Page 971.].These were the laws our forefathers lived under as a “Colony” of England. In that time the vast majority could not read or write, it was a crime to teach a slave to read or write, the Chronicle Law required all to worship God at the “Church of England” no other religion was allowed, to practice any other religion was a hanging offense. These rules gave power to enforcement to Church and State that were enforced by the “Red Coats” the military of the “British Empire”, the largest army of the world at that time. Then there were taxes, a little from everyone to support the Empire, then more and more were demanded and finally taken by corrupt courts, operated by corrupt Barrators who repeatedly violated the Charters of Liberty and persecuted the people.
I respect the hell out of our Forefathers who were “We the people” of that time who had the courage to stand up against the biggest army of the world and said “Go to hell” by producing our document known as the “Declaration of Independence”. This document united “We the people” in resolve to end the tyranny being conducted against us by England. Many fought and died to gain the right to life, liberty, freedom and happiness for “We the people”. After defeating England, “We the people” of the 13 Colonies asked ourselves who are we? After much argument “We the people” created a “Constitutional Republic”, where the people are sovereign over their government. Democracy was rejected because it allowed the rights of an individual to be determined by the majority, thus allowing the individual to have no rights at all, majority rule of Democracy was over-ruled and a “Limited Democracy of a Constitutional Republic” was adopted by We the people. The limitation placed on democracy were our other two documents; the “Constitution of the United States of America”(1787) and our “Bill of Rights”(1791) the last of these being the 13th Amendment ratified and made Law in (1819), that prohibited foreign agents (Barrator/Attorney) of a foreign state (BAR = British Accredited Registry) to hold public office. The 13th Amendment stood as part of the “Supreme Law of the Land” until December 6, 1865 when it was replaced with today’s fraudulent 13th Amendment.
Barrators within government plotted to fill our government with British loyalists, who believed in democracy of mob rule over a republic of individual rights. With the North’s win of our “Civil War” Barrators, in those times termed “Carpet Badgers” of government, were sent into the South to get all the Southerners under control. It took 46 years, from the passing/ratifying of the 13th Amendment, to its unlawful removal where it could not be objected to by its opposition in the South who did not vote to ratify the new 13th Amendment. Barrators then made us all slaves with the 14th Amendment ratified July 9, 1868.
Barrators scheme to seize the United States of America was exercised and their treason was well hidden in our pages of history. The Constitutional Republic had been overthrown by Democracy. This treason lives in our government today.
Today we live the results of the crimes of our past that allowed violations of our documents of laws to go unpunished. Today the treason of democracy is in the forefront telling “We the People” they will fight us in the streets. Their problem is all of us are standing together against them and their small minority of trans, LGBTQ, BLM, Antifa, etc… fraudulently believeing they are all powerful against “We the people” and can dictate what We think and who We support is a grave mistake on their part.
These snapshots of our history shows us the challenges our Nation has overcome in our very short history. “We the People” did not come this far to allow our Constitutional Republic to be destoried by mob rule of Democracy. “We the People” are from all walks of life, all religions, of all colors, of all social classes, from all levels of society, etc.. to be a part of We the people we put our faith in God, love for our Country and hope for our families as priority. We live by these principles and will die to maintain them. All are welcome who share our priorities.
In God we trust. God’s will be done.
To: Donald John Trump
President of our Republic.
Magistrate of our Nation.Subject: Treason of Judges.
As Magistrate you have authority under Article III to terminate all Judges questioning your authority to exercise the powers of Article II to conduct foreign policy. This is bad behavior and grounds for removal. They are not subject to impeachment because that is judicial immunity for Article III Constitutional Judges. These are Article IV legislative court administrators that can be fired for bad behavior.
Terminate the judges, stop all compensation and allow them to fight their ways through the courts to get their jobs back. Make them justify the orders they issued without jurisdiction. Make them prove they are Article III Constitutional Judges entitled to judicial immunity.
denny hardin
In God we trust.
The corruption of our Courts.
The corruption of our Courts is by the Supreme Court of the United States of America that has allowed Article IV legislative courts with no judicial power to operate under 18 U.S.C. 3231. The justices and judges of our Judicial Branch do not operate Article III Constitutional Courts, they are administrators engaged in treason by acting without jurisdiction to conduct judicial process. The Supreme Court has failed our Nation many times by failing to enforce our Constitution and hold fraudulent corrupt judges accountable for their crimes in public office. The Supreme Court under the Chief Justice John G. Robert’s, Jr. has become so corrupt that it refused habeas corpus 7 times in my personal case and has allowed fraudulent courts, operated by fraudulent judges to exercise judicial powers reserved to Article III Constitutional Courts. BAR Association members have created a corrupt organized crime syndicate that allows the persecution of We the people without due process of law.
The treason conducted under the color of law, by the Supreme Court and the fraudulent UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS have no authority of law in our nation, it is all Fraud. The Supreme Court should be impeached and every judge of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS should be fired. Only Article III Constitutional Judges have judicial immunity all our judges today lack this lawful protection. The justices only have immunity when acting within their Constitutional authority, allowing fraudulent Article IV courts to exercise judicial power is fraud and treason to our Constitution, ignorance of law is no excuse for Supreme Court Justices. To put our nation back on track we must restore our Constitutional Courts and due process of law must be required in every court of our Nation. Common Sense tells us no society is just who cannot receive justice in their courts.
Trump is now faced with the corruption to stop his agenda of America First. These Article IV legislative courts have no authority to issue any orders or any kind. Everything these Article IV courts do is a “Bill of Attainder” prohibitted by Article I, Section 9 to the United States and Article I, Section 10 to the several States. No order, judgment, warrant or injunction have any legal validity and are only allowed by “Conspiracy against rights” 18 U.S.C. 241, “Deprivation of rights under color of law” 18 U.S.C. 242, “Treason” 18 U.S.C. 2381, etc.. by the Supreme Court who has failed to maintain the standards of Justice required by our Constitution.
Trump should require Chief Justice Roberts to provide the law that gives UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS jurisdiction to conduct judicial process.
When he fails to produce, every judge of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS should be fired by the Chief Magistrate Trump for the crime of treason. The entire Supreme Court should be impeached for their treason and war upon our laws of a Constitutional Republic.
God’s will be done. In God we trust.
Ignorance of law.
Democrats have appointed incompetent attorneys who are ignorant of law to be federal court judges. This is by design because Democracy has no place in our Constitutional Republic, therefore, mob rule must have the ignorant leading the fight for democracy. God’s law is clear, “Ignorance of fact is excusable, ignorance of law is not.” All are deemed competent in law otherwise there would be no limit to the claims of ignorance. For a judge to act against the law without jurisdiction is an act of treason. Since all are deemed competent in law to maintain good behavior one must follow the law, acting in bad behavior is grounds for removal of a judge under Article III. The charge of Treason has been documented against all UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS judges in Congress where the law has been ignored. Every judge of these fraudulent federal courts are acting in bad behavior by acting without jurisdiction. They are Article IV courts and cannot be given Article III judicial powers.
Our nation has been seized by foreign agents of the foreign state of BAR Associations who are engaged in organized crime of “Conspiracy against rights” 18 U.S.C. 241, “Deprivation of rights under color of law” 18 U.S.C. 242. “Treason” 18 U.S.C. 2381. etc… by depriving the President of the United States of America to conduct “foreign policy” within his Article II authority, the federal judge is acting without jurisdiction or authority of law, in clear bad behavior and should be removed from public office and all compensation stopped immediately. Democrats are not limiting their treason to the courts, Congress is engaged in treason as well.
Democrats refuse to accept Trump’s authority under Article II to conduct foreign policy. Democrats of Congress have been traveling abroad claiming authority to receive kickbacks from foreign states. It has been made public that Democrats met with Zelenskyy of Ukraine, prior to the oval office meeting with our President. This can only be treason because citizens of Congress has no authority to represent the United States of America in foreign policy this is clearly a violation of the Logan Act.
The United States of America will not be secure until the Democrat Party is abolished within the United States of America. Our Nation is a “Constitutional Republic” a nation of laws, but Democrats refuse these laws and promote mob rule in opposition of our laws. Every act against our laws is a crime against We the people who deserve a safe society where the laws are enforceable equally on all of We the people. Today Democrats are engaged in treason under color of law claiming authority to act without accountability for their violations of our Constitution and laws. They have been given every opportunity to correct their behavior and continue their treasonous acts. Trump has the authority to remove any judge for bad behavior who violates his authority as “Magistrate” of our Republic.
God’s will be done. In God we trust.
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